Program List

Cast : Ken NAKAMOTO (中本賢)
2 Titles

  • Family
2018.10 -2018.12
  • Family

Downtown Rocket


Following its smash hit debut in 2015, Downtown Rocket returns for a second season in 2018 furthering the struggles and challenges of Kohei Tsukuda, a former rocket scientist and leader of the Tsukuda Manufacturig Co., a cozy factory in the old part of Tokyo. Having lost his father, Kohei had taken over the firm’s development of a purely domestically-made rocket for a major industrial concern, Teikoku Heavy Industries and their Stardust Project. But when news arrives of a sudden replacement of the Teikoku president, the Stardust Project appears in jeopardy, further compounded by Tsukuda’s loss of a major client, a farm machinery maker, who decides to cancel engine orders. Having just shifted from rocket engines to farm equipment, Kohei and his factory must once again face a series of make-or-break challenges in order to survive.

2015년 대히트한 TV 드라마의 속편.
전 우주과학 개발 기구의 연구원으로 현재는 아버지가 남긴 변두리의 공장「쓰쿠다 제작소」에서 경영자로서의 삶을 살아가는 쓰쿠다 고헤이. 일본을 대표하는 대기업 데이코쿠 중공의 순국산 로켓 개발계획「스타더스트 계획」에 참가하고 있었다. 어느 날, 데이코쿠 중공의 사장 교체로 스타더스트 계획이 다음으로 끝날지도 모른다는 소식을 듣고 고헤이는 충격을 받는다. 동시에 큰 거래처인 농기구 회사로부터 소형엔진의 거래 삭감을 통고받고 고헤이는 강한 위기감을 품게 된다. 로켓 개발에서 농경기 개발로 방향을 전환한 고헤이와「쓰쿠다 제작소」의 새로운 도전을 그렸다.


  • Family
  • Romance
2015.3 -

  • Family
  • Romance

The Platinum Age


Standing at the crossroads of life, the three women encounter a variety of events, subtly linked and gradually unfolding, in this tale focusing on the dreams and adventures of a group of 60-year-olds.
Kaori and Chieko have been friends for 20 years. They can talk about absolutely anything. Being the same age, Kazuko, who has recently moved to Shonan, also finds it easy to share her innermost thoughts with them.
Kari lives a life of ease. She likes nothing better than to think about how she’s going to renovate the kitchen.
Chieko runs an imported furniture shop. Having no children enables the couple to enjoy a carefree life.
Kazuko has never had any complaints, but after becoming curiously sick of her life, she immerses herself in a young man working at a host club.
