Program List

Cast : Kenshi Okada (岡田健史)
4 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2021.1 -
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Date My Daughter!


At just around 40 years old, she has already been dubbed the queen of romance novels. Her great dilemma, ironically, is her daughter's inability to get a boyfriend. The reason is obvious though... the daughter is an otaku, and a hardcore one at that.

Mother worries, "What if she's so absorbed in her 2D world that she never leaves home?" But it turns out the 20-year-old actually has the desire to find Mr. Right. The thing is, her manga continuously get published and it's time to make a cosplay costume for the upcoming Comiket. She is one busy otaku, to say the least. Besides, the opportunity for romance never presented itself. If you ask her though, it's her mother she needs to worry about! At her age, she's still so innocent, impulsive, and naive about the world that she can't be left alone.

Suddenly, the two decide it's high time they find love! It will be a first for the daughter and the first time in a long while for the mother. A child-like innocent mother and her dependable otaku daughter are more like friends. Follow them in this exciting love story!

2020.6 -

Caution, Hazardous Wife: The Movie


The mighty wife returns!

Haruka Ayase plays a newlywed wife who hides her past as a secret agent and beats up one bad guy after another like an action star. The identity of her husband (an agent of the Public Security Bureau) played by Hidetoshi Nishijima is gradually disclosed through a thrilling plot development. This story about a husband and wife who lie to each other but love each other nonetheless garnered attention.
At the end of the series, it is revealed that the husband works for the Public Security Bureau, and their marriage is a cover to keep her under surveillance. In spite of his mission, he falls in love with Nami and tries to convince her not to get involved in other people's affairs. She is being monitored as a state-level security risk, and the bureau is unwilling to tolerate any more trouble from her. However, to save a friend, Nami runs out of the house and risks everything she has to confront the enemy.
When she comes home, she finds her husband pointing a gun at her!
A gunshot echoes through the quiet, upscale neighborhood...
The movie picks up where the controversial ending of the drama series left off!!

"Who am I?" The wife loses her memory?!
After an incident during her escape, Nami wakes up with no memory of her past. She is told that her name is Kumi and finds herself as a newlywed living in a regional city with her husband, Yuji. Somewhere in his mind, Yuji (Yuhki) thinks that if her memory doesn't return, they could carry on their happy life together as they are, but he continues to monitor Kumi (Nami) as a part of his job with the Public Security Bureau. If her memory does return, she must cooperate with the Public Security Bureau or die.
However, Yuji (Yuhki) knows that Kumi (Nami) will never choose a life subjugated by the government. He realizes that once her memory returns, their life together will have to end.
In the regional city invigorated by the discovery of a new energy source, their life is simple, peaceful, and happy. But the city is divided over the construction of a research lab, and the hostility between the opposition mainly made up of citizens and the advocates including the mayor heats up day by day. There is a big evil scheme by the advocates and a state-level secret behind the new energy source. The members of the opposition who discover the truth die in suspicious circumstances. One of them is Kumi's (Nami) friend...
When her best friend is harmed, the wife's instincts awaken!!
Kumi (Nami) gets her memory back but tries not to let her husband catch on. Then one day, Yuji's (Yuhki) life is endangered right in front of her eyes. She can save him if she exercises her fighting abilities. But if she does, their life together is over.
Faced with the ultimate decision, what does the wife set out to do?

  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
2020.4 -2020.6

  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation



The No. 4 Mobile Investigation Unit was quickly pieced together as part of reform efforts to overhaul the police organization. There, a wild maverick of a cop, Ibuki, gets paired with a serenely composed partner, Shima. Their role is to be on call 24 hours to fill in gaps in police shifts by investigative Units 1 to 3, to be the first investigators on crime scene and to risk their lives for a perfect criminal apprehension rate. In an increasingly morally relativistic world, questions such as “What is real justice” are posed in thrillingly fast-paced and comical whodunit fare with each episode a complete story.

警察組織の働き方改革の一環で作られた臨時部隊「第4機動捜査隊」。 破天荒な野生児・伊吹と、冷静沈着な志摩はバディを組むことになる。 現存する第1~第3機捜のシフトの穴埋めをするのが彼らの役割で 24時間という勤務の中、どんな事件も現場に急行、初動捜査に当たる、犯人検挙に全てを賭けるプロフェッショナルである。 この多様化した時代に「正義とは何か」を改めて問う、スピーディーにスリリングに そして時にコミカルに展開する1話完結形式の「機捜エンターテインメント」。

경찰 조직의 업무개혁 일환으로 만들어진 임시 부대「제4기동 수사대」
전대미문의 야생아 이부키와 침착하고 냉정한 시마는 한조를 이루게 된다.
현존하는 3개의 기동수사대의 교대 근무 인원 보충을 하는 것이 그들의 역할로 24시간이라는 근무환경 속에서 그 어떤 사건도 현장으로 달려가 초동수사에 임하고 범인 검거에 모든 것을 거는 전문가이다.
다양화한 시대에「정의란 무엇인가?」를 다시 한번 묻는다. 스피디하고 스릴감 있게 때로는 코믹하게 전개하는 1회 완결 형식의「기동수사 엔터테인먼트」


  • Romance
  • School Drama
2018 -2018
  • Romance
  • School Drama

Meet Me After School


Fulfilling a long-cherished dream, school teacher Hijiri Matsunaga is hired at a far-flung countryside middle school where she encounters, Akira Kuroiwa, a 9th grader with mysterious powers. Though 10 years younger than his teacher, Akira falls instantly in love with her and single-mindedly pursues her affections. But Hijiri has a devoted finance, Shotaro, with whom she keeps up a long-distance relationship. Aware that she should not reciprocate her student’s feelings for her, Hijiri eventually finds her heart swayed by Akira’s unremitting love and becomes attracted to him. Deeply conflicted between the affections of a pubescent youth and an elite company man, Hijiri’s “forbidden” love triangle engulfs those around her in this “forbidden yet pure” love story between student and pupil.

오랜 꿈을 이루고 중학교 교사가 된 스에나가 히지리는 부임지인 벽촌의 중학교에서 신기한 매력을 가진 10살 연하의 중학교 3학년 쿠로이와 아키라를 만난다. 아키라는 첫눈에 히지리에게 사랑에 빠지고 솔직하게 자신의 사랑을 표현해간다. 하지만, 히지리에게는 자신을 소중히 여기는 장거리 연애 중인 약혼자가 있었다.
결코 좋아해서는 안된다고 머릿속으로는 알면서도 어느새 히지리의 마음은 크게 흔들리고 이윽고 아키라에게로 향해간다. 사춘기 소년인 아키라와 대기업에 근무하는 약혼자 쇼타로와의 사이에서 흔들리는 히지리. 이 세 사람의 금단의 삼각관계가 주변 사람들과 얽혀간다. 교사와 학생의 “금단의 순애”를 그린 러브스토리.
