Program List

Cast : Kimiko Yo (余貴美子)
2 Titles

  • Comedy

  • Comedy

Mr. Housekeeper, Mitazono


A tall husky voiced “super A-class” housekeeper Mitazono has amazing skills in cooking, laundry, cleaning and baby-sitting… plus an amazing secret as well… She is a He! Yes, he is the Mr. Housekeeper. He has a strange habit of peeping into a skeleton in the closet of the family for whom he works. Once the skeleton is “peeped” by him, the family has no other way but to fall apart! Mitazono cleans the house spick-and-span removing even “the deep-rooted stains” of the family. A top male pop singer Masahiro Matsuoka challenging this piquant“peeping” human drama dressed in woman’s clothing is a unique attraction to the drama and a big talk of the town in Japan. The first series was aired in the fall of 2016 attracting fans from all generation and genders. And here comes the long awaited Second Series! And, of course, the new series is even more exciting and mesmerizing with Mitazono peeping into darker and more controversial family stains.

  • Health&Wellbeing
  • Health&Wellbeing



Shoen Matsumoto is both a trained paramedic and Buddhist monk attached to a hospital. While providing emergency care straight from the mortuary while still in monk clothes unnerves some patients, Shoen nevertheless proves fully devoted to saving lives, and if that’s not possible, performing rites of spiritual passage for those that die. Dedicated to both roles, he finds himself often at odds with other doctors and colleagues over the best care for patients while bringing solace that only he can to bereaved families. As a doctor, his mission is to save lives. As a monk, it’s saving souls. Growing through this existential struggle, Shoen gives us a life-size drama in which to reflect on the true meaning of life and death.

救急救命医でありながら病院付きの“僧侶”である主人公・松本照円(しょうえん)。 緊急時には僧衣のまま急患のケアに当たり患者たちに迷惑がられたりもしながら、 日々運ばれてくる患者の命に懸命に向き合い、また亡くなった患者のために霊安室で お経をあげて弔うなど、2つの顔で全力で奮闘している。 救命医の仲間や他科の医師たちと患者の命のために本気でぶつかり、 また救うことのできなかった患者の遺族と真摯に向き合う。 「医師」として命をどう救うのか、「僧」として死をどう看取るのか。 悩みを抱えながらも人として成長していく姿を通じ、 「生きる」とは、「死ぬ」とは何なのかを、もう一度考えるきっかけを与えるヒューマンドラマ。

응급실 의사이면서 병원 소속의“승려”이기도 한 주인공 마쓰모토 쇼엔. 응급 시에는 승려복을 입은 채 위급환자를 간호하여 환자들을 난처하게 만들기도 하지만 매일 응급실을 찾는 환자들의 생명에 필사적으로 노력하고, 또 사망한 환자들을 위해 영안실에서 경을 올리며 애도하는 등 두 얼굴의 모습으로 전력 분투한다. 응급실 동료나 타과 의사들과 환자의 생명을 위해 진지하게 맞서고, 또 구하지 못한 환자의 유족에게 진심을 다한다.「의사」로서 생명을 어떻게 구할 것인가?「승려」로서 죽음을 어떻게 지켜볼 것인가? 고민하면서도 인간으로 성장해가는 모습을 통해 「삶」과 「죽음」이란 무엇인가를 다시 한번 생각해보는 계기를 전하는 휴먼 드라마.
