Program List

Cast : Kosuke Toyohara (豊原功補)
2 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery

Time Limit Investigator 2019


- “Ex” criminal whose crime has reached the statute of limitation vs. Kiriyama, who regards investigation as his hobby- The legendary comedy-mystery “Time Limit Investigator” returns for the first time in twelve years!

“You are the one who’s done that, aren’t you? The statute of limitations on serious crimes is abolished now, but your case had expired before that. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

Many unsolved crime cases have reached the statute of limitations, and many “ex” criminals managed to escape from accusations. In Japan, the statute of limitations for murder was abolished in 2010, but there are still piles of unsolved cases that had expired before that.

Time Limit Investigator 2019 is a drama about “a criminal who managed to escape” versus “an investigator who conducts investigations as his hobby. “ Now that there is no statute of limitations for murder anymore, his only ambition is to prove that his reasoning is correct. Surreal and pop, with laid-back characters, this is a mystery drama that makes one feel relaxed and at peace.

  • Horror
  • Horror

Damned File


Horror series based on real-life supernatural hot spots and scary stories of Nagoya and the Tokai region.

已名古屋為中心有關東海地區的心靈場所,以及以恐怖的故事,爲主的恐怖系列特別篇。是接受坎城国國際電影界・導演双周特邀的作品。 故事講述以怪異現象而全国知燒的愛知縣足助町之“伊勢神隧道”,有關在此出現幽靈的恐怖,及失去幼儿家族的苦悩。
