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はれのひ シンデレラ~ウェディングドレスを日本へ!ある女性の挑戦~
60 years ago, people usually wore kimono at their wedding. Only three percent of brides wore a wedding dress. Who started a bridal business in an age like that and brought great change to accepted wedding culture? Bridal Fashion Designer Yumi Katsura. In those days, it was rare for a woman to wear a wedding dress and rarer still for a woman to work. Yumi Katsura will celebrate her 60th year as a designer in 2024. What has kept her at the forefront of the industry as a game-changing businesswoman? Now, the life of this remarkable woman whose great achievements are recognized by all has been adapted into a docudrama.
Having or not having a spouse, children, or a job. Women today have the “freedom to choose the lives they want”; and yet, they are divided by various social factors. The main character is Momoko, who quits her job upon marriage but a misfortune leaves her childless. Then her husband (Mamoru) has an affair with a younger woman (Nao) and demands a divorce. Learning that she now has no place in her home nor the society, Momoko feels lost and starts showing abnormal behaviors. While Mamoru and his mother (Teruko) are bewildered by Momoko acting strange, there are also fair and unbiased eyes watching her from an unexpected place. Feeling stressed because no one around her sees her worth; and the fear of losing her place grows when her family and the society reject her. The story follows Momoko’s journey through despair and hope.
Taiyo Mihoshi is a self-proclaimed “human investor” who believes “People are assets. No investor should ever give it up!” As the CEO of the investment company “Sunshine Fund,” he encourages people not doing well in their corporate organizations or are having a hard time to “start up a business!” and uncover their potentials. The story meets people who have failed or experienced setbacks in their careers, given up on their dreams, as well as ones who carry the burden of various circumstances to regain hope for the future.
Ann Ishiwatari had a carefree and comfortable existence until the sudden disappearance of her husband turned her life upside down. Now she must make her way as a single mother with a son who has just entered an elite high school. In this new social environment, she meets Yuko Hayashi, a successful businesswoman and the glamorous Ms. Kanbara who is plagued by her husband’s extramarital affairs. Though outwardly happy, their lives hide troubling secrets that can’t be known. But fighting through pain, these three never-say-die moms parlay their struggles into unexpected new life directions, and perhaps even re-experience the magic of romance in this life-size love story.
이시와타리 안은 무엇 하나 부족함 없는 생활을 보내지만 어느 날 갑자기 남편의 실종으로 생활이 바뀌며 싱글맘이 된다.
유명 고등학교로 아들의 입학을 계기로 가족을 부양하는 커리어 우먼 하야시 유코와 완벽한 생활로 보이지만 남편의 외도로 고민 중인 간바라 마리와 만난다.
잠깐의 망설임이 생각지도 못한 방향으로 인생이 전개되는 세 명의 엄마들.
겉으로는 행복한 생활을 하는 것처럼 보이지만 누구에게도 말할 수 없는 비밀과 고민을 안고 있었다. 상처를 받으면서도 강하고 씩씩하게 열심히 살아가는 엄마들의 모습. 그리고 또다시 여성으로서 사랑에 빠지는 순간을 그린 리얼한 러브스토리.
Back after 13 years!
Undefeatable go-it-alone temp Haruko Ohmae is back after 13 years!
The dream of graduating from college and securing a stable future by becoming a permanent employee at a company ended as the Heisei era came to a close. Lifetime stability as a salaried corporate employee is now just an illusion. With the Work Style Reform Law, ageing population, side jobs, outsourcings, AI, deaths from overwork and what have you, the way Japanese people view work is changing.
In the current Reiwa era that is marked by chaos, how will the almighty temp Haruko Ohmae handle the workplace?
This is a drama that sheds light on what it takes to work with pride and dignity in the new era.
A medical thriller based on Takeru Kaido's novel, Black Forceps 1988, protagonist Seishiro Tokai is a surgical genius whose perfect operational success rate has earned him the monikier, “The Demon of O.R.” at the Tojo University Hospital, a name that also points to his overbearing and solitary personality. He is countered by a rookie physician, Gonta Takashina, who comes to the hospital from a different medical university advocating hard for cutting edge medical technology that promises to render individual differences in surgical skill obsolete and level the playing field among surgeons. Naturally, a battle brews Takashina and Tokai who is adverse to the idea of machines taking over surgical procedures, particularly with regard to cardiac surgery. Tokai also confronts a powerful university hospital system that is rife with jealousies and political intrigue, and seeks to expose a hidden past and new technology corruption scandal in this highly entertaining medical drama.
원작은 가이도 타케루의 소설「블랙 페앙 1988」
수술성공률 100%를 자랑하고“수술실의 악마”라 불리우는 고고한 천재외과의 도카이 세이시로는 도죠대학병원에 근무하는 안하무인 외과의사다.
한편, 타대학출신의 신참의사 다카시나 곤타는「외과의사의 기술을 전혀 필요로 하지 않는」최신의료기구의 사용을 추진하려고 한다. 기량에 좌우되지 않고 누구라도 사용할 수 있는 심장수술용 의료기구에 외과의로서 수술공정의 일부를 기계에 맡기는 것에 반대하는 도카이의 싸움이 시작된다. 도카이는 질투가 소용돌이치는 대학병원이라는 거대한 조직과 맞서며 신기술 도입을 둘러싼 갖가지 부정과 은폐된 과거를 폭로해간다. 통쾌한 의료엔터테인먼트 드라마.
WOWOW brings acclaimed author Toyoko Yamasaki's 1999 literary tour de force to life on the small screen for the very first time. Audiences have already received television adaptations of Yamasaki's other works – The Ivory Tower (白い巨塔), The Grand Family (華麗なる一族), The Waste Land (不毛地帯), A Son of the Good Earth (大地の子), and My Destiny (運命の人) – and can now add The Unbroken (沈まぬ太陽) to that list with this long-awaited production.
Features a star-studded cast and additional filming on location in Africa and the Middle East.
Otasukeya -Jinpachi the Helping Hero-
Girls deceived into paying money to bad guys…
Elderly involved in a banking fraud…
Kids being bullied…
The little injustices that we can all relate to…
Because of injustice, the dreams of people looking for happiness are shattered.
Of course, we want to help people out, but to lend out a helping hand you need to be
bold and there are some risks. We don’t have time to meddle in other’s misfortunes.
Unforunately, that’s what we all assume.
But as reckless as it is, what if there was someone who was willing to stand up
to such injustice…without having any weapons, never giving up even if things
don’t work out. Even if they aren’t cool, always trying their best,
the most clumsy but beloved hero…