Program List

Cast : Kotaro Yoshida (吉田鋼太郎)
6 Titles

  • Mystery
  • Mystery

Going Home –Cops for the Lost–

GO HOME~警視庁身元不明人相談室~

Inspired by an existing police unit in Tokyo.

“Who are you? I’ll make sure you return home...”

There are over 20,000 dead bodies that have been found all over the country but remain unidentified. Every year, that number increases. Why did they have to die as someone without even a name?

In the Metropolitan Police Department, there’s a unit tasked with identifying nameless bodies and returning them to their families and partners. Among the investigators are two female buddy cops who scramble to unveil the truths behind the deaths. Sakura, who volunteered to be assigned to this not-so-popular unit, teams up with Makoto, her serious and earnest classmate from the academy. Despite the 10-year age difference and completely opposite personalities and interests, they share the same motivation to return as many unidentified persons as possible. Each carrying personal burdens from the past, their struggles take an unexpected turn in this procedural series, forcing them to finally face the unsolved mysteries involving themselves.

  • Comedy
  • Family
2022.1 -2022.3

  • Comedy
  • Family

Hey Handsome!!


A slapstick that could happen in any family...with a deep, abiding love at its heart!

Stubborn Gentaro Ito lives with his wife, Chizuru, in an old home in the earthy heart of Tokyo. The two have three daughters. The second oldest, Rika, lives in Osaka, married to Daisuke, a banker. The youngest daughter, Mika, has a clerical job in a food company. She lived on her own in an apartment, spending most nights together with Yuji, an aspiring manga artist. However, with Yuji showing no prospects of ever achieving success, Mika decides to break things off, ridding her life of clutter. Yuka, the oldest daughter, has an important position in an advertising agency. She has no idea that the man she is dating is already married. When Gentaro finds out about the situation, he explodes. He forbids her to live on her own, so Yuka moves back to her family home to live with her parents. Then Rika and her husband have a fight, so Rika comes back to the family home as well.
One day, Gentaro meets an attractive but overweight man, Omori, and the two immediately hit it off. He dreams about how much better things would be if his daughters were married to someone like Omori. He brings Omori home with him and introduces Omori to his daughters. However, as it turns out, Omori is Yuka's ex, who she broke up with saying, "I just can't date someone who's ugly. Looks are important, too!"



2021.10 -2021.12

JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope


Tokyo 2023. Japan’s prime minister announces a plan to store contaminated material in deep-sea strata while entrusting a team of young technocrats to protect Japan’s future. Meanwhile, the public is alarmed by sensational magazine articles predicting the sinking of the Kanto plain owing to the disappearance of an island off the Izu coast. With demonstrators in the streets, a young government official Amami tries to restore order just as a corruption scandal linking the government to a profitable eco-business firm erupts. When Amami and a government colleague escape for a scuba diving trip, they encounter an earth-shattering event.

2023년 도쿄. 히가시야마 총리는 세계 환경 회의에서 오염 물질을 액화해 해저 지층 틈에 저장하는 컴스의 추가 추진을 발표한다.
그 무렵 어느 주간지에 관동 침몰의 경종을 울리는 다도코로의 기사가 실린다.
이 기사로 일부 단체가 시위를 일으키고 아마미는 사태 수습을 위해 다도코로를 만난다. 하지만 그는 아마미의 말을 외면한 채「조만간 이즈 바다의 섬이 침몰된다. 이것은 내가 두려워하던 관동 침몰의 전조」라는 이상한 예언을 한다.
마침 기자 시이나는 환경 기업과 환경성의 놀라운 유착 의혹을 아마미에게 제시한다.
일말의 불안을 안고 스쿠버다이빙을 간 아마미는 그곳에서 충격적인 사건을 마주하게 되는데….


2020.1 -


He is coming back...

It's the year 2020, and just as the entire nation of Japan finishes playing host to the Tokyo Olympic games, the economy suddenly spirals downward at breakneck speed. Inflation soars, public safety crumbles, and the federal government finds itself on the verge of insolvency, rapidly transforming the national economy into one big underground labor camp.
Kaiji is the epitome of a life turned ring. Treated like dirt, he makes do with a salary handed to him in a thin envelope. Struggling to decide whether he should spend his money on a beer, now rising to 1,000 yen per can, he is gradually filling with rage.

Then he discovers that his former underground labor camp boss, Otsuki, who made a name for himself through an illegal gambling ring, has now risen to President of the powerful Teiai conglomerate. Otsuki induces Kaiji to take part in the "Tower of Babel," a game of luck invented as a diversion for cash-flush old tycoons, who give hope to the weak and destitute with a chance to get rich overnight.

The wheels of fortune start to turn again for a born gambler like Kaiji. But is the future that awaits him to become a paradise or another form of hell? Tune in to the gambling show of the century as it returns to mesmerize a nation.

  • History

  • History

Awaiting Kirin


The Beast of Peace shall reign

In the 16th century, Japan was still fragmented and at war, with famed warlords wrestling for land and power. Akechi Mitsuhide is born into this world as heir to a minor lord. But as he is groomed to become a military commander, Mitsuhide yearns for nothing but peace. One day during his travels to Kyoto, the words of a young girl move him deeply: when is the Kirin coming? Kirin was the divine creature from Chinese mythology that brings peace on earth. As he strives for a world upon which the Kirin would descend, young Mitsuhide grows to become a hero in his own right.

  • Comedy
  • School Drama
2018 -2018
  • Comedy
  • School Drama

From Today, It's My Turn!!


The first-ever spoiled, unjust, and overly cunning unconventional hero in drama history just might have been borne!

Heroic main character Mitsuhashi, who sports a perm and blond hair, goes by the credo, "I will win no matter what it takes!" Yet for a main character, he is rather unjust, conniving, and calculating! Perhaps these descriptions make him seem like a despicable person, but it is actually quite satisfying and refreshing to see this sharp-thinking fellow beat the heck out of every single bad guy that appears.

By his own principle of "protecting friends and allies," he justifies his ways. In this sense, he is as pure as they come and it is almost impossible to hate him. In fact, you will want to root for him!

Always there for this unjust main character is spiky-haired buddy Ito, a champion of justice who abhors anything wicked. They have polar opposite personalities yet they form a solid bond and become an unbeatable combo only because they both believe in protecting their friends and allies, even if it means taking a physical blow.

Together they manage to do what we all have wanted to at some point, but in reality cannot. No doubt they will blast away all the stress from your daily life.