Program List
The No. 4 Mobile Investigation Unit was quickly pieced together as part of reform efforts to overhaul the police organization. There, a wild maverick of a cop, Ibuki, gets paired with a serenely composed partner, Shima. Their role is to be on call 24 hours to fill in gaps in police shifts by investigative Units 1 to 3, to be the first investigators on crime scene and to risk their lives for a perfect criminal apprehension rate. In an increasingly morally relativistic world, questions such as “What is real justice” are posed in thrillingly fast-paced and comical whodunit fare with each episode a complete story.
警察組織の働き方改革の一環で作られた臨時部隊「第4機動捜査隊」。 破天荒な野生児・伊吹と、冷静沈着な志摩はバディを組むことになる。 現存する第1~第3機捜のシフトの穴埋めをするのが彼らの役割で 24時間という勤務の中、どんな事件も現場に急行、初動捜査に当たる、犯人検挙に全てを賭けるプロフェッショナルである。 この多様化した時代に「正義とは何か」を改めて問う、スピーディーにスリリングに そして時にコミカルに展開する1話完結形式の「機捜エンターテインメント」。
경찰 조직의 업무개혁 일환으로 만들어진 임시 부대「제4기동 수사대」
전대미문의 야생아 이부키와 침착하고 냉정한 시마는 한조를 이루게 된다.
현존하는 3개의 기동수사대의 교대 근무 인원 보충을 하는 것이 그들의 역할로 24시간이라는 근무환경 속에서 그 어떤 사건도 현장으로 달려가 초동수사에 임하고 범인 검거에 모든 것을 거는 전문가이다.
다양화한 시대에「정의란 무엇인가?」를 다시 한번 묻는다. 스피디하고 스릴감 있게 때로는 코믹하게 전개하는 1회 완결 형식의「기동수사 엔터테인먼트」
- “Ex” criminal whose crime has reached the statute of limitation vs. Kiriyama, who regards investigation as his hobby- The legendary comedy-mystery “Time Limit Investigator” returns for the first time in twelve years!
“You are the one who’s done that, aren’t you? The statute of limitations on serious crimes is abolished now, but your case had expired before that. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
Many unsolved crime cases have reached the statute of limitations, and many “ex” criminals managed to escape from accusations. In Japan, the statute of limitations for murder was abolished in 2010, but there are still piles of unsolved cases that had expired before that.
Time Limit Investigator 2019 is a drama about “a criminal who managed to escape” versus “an investigator who conducts investigations as his hobby. “ Now that there is no statute of limitations for murder anymore, his only ambition is to prove that his reasoning is correct. Surreal and pop, with laid-back characters, this is a mystery drama that makes one feel relaxed and at peace.
The long-awaited new film by Director Mamoru Hosoda! Journeys through time from a small yard – a story about family and life that connects the past and the future.
A small house with a small tree in a small yard in the corner of a city somewhere.
Kun, a spoiled little boy, has a new baby sister. Ever since her arrival, he misses his parents' affection and is baffled by things he has never experienced before. Then one day in the yard, he encounters a mysterious girl called Mirai who calls him "brother."
Guided by Mirai, Kun travels through time into stories about his family. It is the beginning of the little big brother's big adventure.
Magical worlds that await him. A mystery man who claims he was once a prince. A fantastical experience with his mother as a child. An encounter with a young man who bears a resemblance to his father.
And his discovery of "family love."
Through his adventures, Kun learns life lessons that help him grow in baby steps. Where does he finally end up? And what is the real reason for Mirai's visit?
Staff : Director, Screenplay, Original Story by Mamoru Hosoda
Animation Directors : Hiroyuki Aoyama, Ayako Hata
Art Directors : Takashi Omori, Yohei Takamatsu
Music Composer : Masakatsu Takagi
Opening and Main Theme Song by Tatsuro Yamashita
Freelance programmer Sakagami is paralyzed in the lower half of his body and confined to a wheelchair. He sets up a company called dele.LIFE in partnership with a law firm established by his late father. At the request of clients, Sakagami works together with a freelance jack-of-all-trades Mashiba to delete all unfavorable digital records of their clients left in their computers and smartphones after they die. They are not supposed to see inside the files but when they feel something strange in the client’s death, they cannot help getting involved.