Program List

Cast : Kunio MURAI (村井国夫)
1 Titles

  • Romance
2011.1 -

  • Romance

Under The Cherry Blossoms - Dear Sakura


This is a passionate love story about a man and a woman, who fatefully crossed paths under a cherry tree.
In 1975, a fateful encounter between Sakurako and Hiroto takes place under a thousand year-old cherry tree. Sakurako was the only daughter of a sake brewery, "Isami Brewery ". Hiroto, on the other hand, was an employee at the brewery. Although the couple nurtures their love, Sakurako's father forces her into marrying another man.
The couple’s last day was closing in, but they had no idea that Sakurako had already conceived Hiroto’s baby.
This drama starring Fueki Yuko (Yumin), who has been active in Japan and Korea , is a controversial work that defies conventional values of “love.”

昭和50年、春――飛騨高山の造り酒屋「いさみ酒造」の一人娘として育った宗形桜子(笛木優子)と、「いさみ酒造」へ蔵人としてやって来た高梨比呂人 (徳山秀典)。二人は、樹齢千年とも言われる桜の木の下で運命的に出会い、ただ一度愛の契りを交わす―。それが桜子にとって、全ての運命の始まりだった…。
愛を育む二人だったが、郁造が残した莫大な借金のカタとして、飛騨地方一の高利貸しを営む櫛山唯幸 (神保悟志)の長男・櫛山雄一(大熊啓誉)との縁談が桜子に持ち上がる。それが、経営が傾いた「いさみ酒造」を救う唯一の手段だった。