Program List

Cast : Kyozo Nagatsuka (長塚京三)
1 Titles

  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation


CRISIS 公安機動捜査隊特捜班

Based on award-winning writer Kazuki Kaneshiro's story,"Crisis" focuses on Inami and Tamaru, two members of a secret team of specialists working directly under the jurisdiction of the Security Bureau of the National Police Agency.

In an age when the nation is under the threat of unimaginable crimes, everyone is their enemy: terrorists plotting to assassinate a politician, new religious movements, military spies, drug cartels, and sometimes even politicians who ought to be protecting the citizens. In the face of national crises where reckless evil and political ambitions intertwine, these extraordinary men rise up!

Every self-contained episode of incredible incidents is created with Kaneshiro's signature attention to detail and information bringing a whole new concept to police drama.