Program List

Cast : Maryjun Takahashi (高橋メアリージュン)
8 Titles

  • Mystery
  • Mystery

Sky Castle


The protagonist, Sae Asami, is blessed with a career and appearance that everyone envies. Kyoko Nikaido, who is talented, beautiful, and modest, and Misaki Natsume, who is passionate and charming—these women, living in the upscale residential area "Sky Castle," are all extremely wealthy and seemingly happy celebrity wives with husbands who are doctors at the prestigious "Teito Hospital."
However, among these winners, there is an inevitable battle they must fight to achieve even greater happiness...!! Along with their husbands' career challenges, they are also fiercely competing with entrance exams, as mothers whose children are in the same grade, striving to reach the top.

Then, a new resident with an uncharacteristically simple nature, pure sense of justice, and an excellent husband and son, Izumi Minamisawa, appears, along with a mysterious entrance exam coordinator, Ayaka Kujo, who ensures that all her students get into their desired schools. The women's battle enters a new phase.

Moreover, each of the five women, including Sae, who hides a past that could be a fatal blow to her celebrity life, harbor unexpected secrets, darkness, and struggles…!

Amidst this, a series of mysterious accidents in Sky Castle trigger a chain of events far beyond imagination, swallowing them all into a storm of turmoil.

TIMESLOT : Prime Time

  • Family
2022.4 -2022.6
  • Family

My Family


Haruto is a young businessman whose game company struck it rich, giving him a fancy suburban home, a beautiful wife, Michiru, and a grade school daughter. But when the daughter is taken in a serial kidnapping, Haruto reassesses his priorities. Confronted with a series of challenges and revelations about people, he and Michiru fight to get their daughter back the only way they can: by themselves, in this non-stop thriller about family bonds under the most trying of circumstances.

창업한 회사가 크게 성공하여 부와 명예를 손에 넣은 게임회사 사장 하루토.
가마쿠라에 집을 짓고 아내 미치루, 초등학생 딸과 사생활도 행복하다.
그런 어느 날, 딸이 연속 유과 사건에 휘말리게 된다.
소중한 것을 잃으면서 직면하는 수많은 시련, 그리고 밝혀지는 다양한 인간 군상들.
사랑하는 딸을 되찾기 위한 유일한 방법은 경찰을 배제하고 아내와 힘을 모아 유괴범과 싸워가는 것. 인생 최악의 사태에 휩쓸린 가족의 사랑이 시험에 놓이는 논스톱 패밀리 엔터테인먼트!


  • Action

  • Action



An underground group of special investigators, Avalanche tracks down criminals who conspire with government officials to break the law. After collecting evidence using tactics that border on the illegal, Avalanche kidnaps wrongdoers and forces them to confess in a court of their own making: social media livestreams, guaranteeing worldwide exposure over the internet.
The goal: social obliteration of the guilty.
Is Avalanche a group of terrorists, or heroes?
Has justice been served? You decide.
The leader of Avalanche is Yamamori. She knows well the tyranny of power, having been forced into a do-nothing job at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police department, relegated from her former role of investigator at the Cabinet Intelligence and Investigation Office for knowing too much.
On Yamamori’s Avalanche team are a former public security agent, an ex-detective well-versed in machinery and explosives, a legendary hacker, and a military veteran highly skilled in shooting and martial arts.
Each of these outcasts has reasons to resent the authorities in power. Each leverages his or her specialty to crack the cases that official channels not only couldn’t solve, but also covered up.
Avalanche’s ultimate goal — Yamamori’s ultimate goal — is to expose the tyrannical corruption of a man named Oyama. Though officially the ruling government’s deputy chief cabinet secretary, in reality he’s the true power broker behind the scenes.
As Yamamori hones in on Oyama’s inner circle, Oyama tries desperately to crush Avalanche. The two sides creep closer and closer together, each trying to take the other out.
Though Avalanche begins in obscurity, each time they take someone down, their message spreads. In the end, who will the public support — the powerful authorities, or the powerless outlaws?
Who will win—Oyama, or Avalanche?
The hunt is on.

  • Romance
2021.1 -
  • Romance

Oh My Boss! Love not included


Don’t miss this heartwarming, madcap romantic comedy!
Nami is an ordinary small-town girl with no special dreams or ambitions, someone who goes along to get along and wants nothing from life but a modicum of happiness. Then she moves to the big city to pursue her childhood crush. In Tokyo she by chance lands a job at a major fashion magazine where she meets the glamorous but intimidating Reiko, the youngest editor-in-chief in the magazine’s history, and Junnosuke, a dashing and loveable young photographer. Nami soon finds herself trying to satisfy the demands of her domineering, workaholic new boss while navigating the pitfalls of workplace romance. Along the way she discovers her values, her ambition, and a sense of purpose.

스즈키 나미는「일도 사랑도 적당히, 보통의 행복이 좋아.」라는 현시대의 안정지향주의자.
지방의 시골마을에서 태어나고 자란 나미는 꿈도 하고 싶은 것도 딱히 없는 평범한 여성이다.
도쿄에 사는 짝사랑 중인 고향 친구를 따라 대기업 출판사의 패션잡지 편집부로 취직을 하지만 그곳에서 만난 것은 최연소 편집장인 호우라이 레이코였다.
레이코는「초민완」「독설・냉철」한 귀신 상사였다! 무서운 여성 상사에 맞서고 또 꽃미남 재벌 후계자와 고난의 사랑을 이뤄가면서“내게 정말 소중한 것”을 찾아 꿈을 가지고 미래를 향해 살아가는 모습을 그린 우당탕 심쿵 러브 코미디!!


  • Comedy
  • Romance
2020.4 -2020.6

  • Comedy
  • Romance

My Housekeeper Nagisa-san


In an office, she can perform better than anyone, but when it comes household chores, she’s totally useless. She’s a single woman pushing 30 named Mei Aihara, and her room is a mess. Appearing one day at her doorstep is Nagisa Shigino, a much-in-demand “super domestic helper” who can do the cooking, cleaning and washing with masterful perfection. And Shigino is… a middle-aged man. For Mei, a woman who lives for her career, the encounter with Nagisa plants in her first-time thoughts of “marriage,” “family” and “future.” Gradually, something resembling feelings of “love” begin to germinate.

仕事は誰よりもできるのに、家のことは何にもできないアラサー独身女子・相原メイの汚い部屋にある日突然やってきたのは、予約の取れないスーパー家政夫・・・鴫野ナギサ! その正体は料理、洗濯、掃除まで何でも完璧にこなす「おじさん」だった… 私には仕事しかない!そんなバリバリキャリアウーマンのメイだったが、ナギサさんとの出会いにより初めて「結婚」「家族」「将来」という、人生について考えるようになる。 そしていつしかナギサさんに対して、「恋」に似た初めての気持ちが芽生える!?

업무능력은 누구보다 뛰어나지만 집안일은 아무것도 못하는 서른 즈음의 싱글 여성 아이하라 메이. 어느 날 그녀의 지저분한 집에 느닷없이 찾아온 것은 예약도 좀처럼 잡기 힘든 슈퍼가정부 시기노 나기사였다! 요리와 빨래, 청소까지 모든 것을 완벽하게 해내는「아저씨」인데…
나한테는 일밖에 없어! 유능한 커리어 우먼 메이지만 나기사와의 만남으로 인해 처음으로「결혼」「가족」「장래」라는 인생에 대해 생각하게 된다.
그리고 어느덧 나기사를 향한「사랑」을 닮은 마음이 싹트기 시작하는데!?


  • Comedy
2019 -2019
  • Comedy

The New King


A new type of comedy-adventure about two industrial kings, one new and one old, both diametrically opposed to each other in their values, lifestyle and pursuit of money.

The story centers on two “kings”, Akiba and Etchu.

King Akiba once known for eye-opening acquisitions has since liberated himself from materialistic concerns and the power of money in favor of freely pursuing new value by creativity. King Etchu, on the other hand, serves as CEO of a major investment fund and is driven by an insatiable lust for women and money.
Living according to opposite values and harboring completely different motives, both kings find themselves looking to acquire a key television station in Tokyo, Chuo TV. Their bid to win this prized property brings about a fatefully colossal clash between two evenly-matched tycoons.







  • Family
  • Romance
2018 -2018
  • Family
  • Romance

You’ve Got Someone to Come Home To


A realistic portrayal of the daily struggles, pent-up frustrations and miscommunication of marital life that people everywhere can relate to, centered around the marriage of two couples. Mayumi Sato and her husband Hideaki are into their 13th year of marriage and have a teenage daughter. With childrearing nearly finished and family finances tight, Mayumi decides to return to work after more than a decade away to help with their daughter’s tuition at a private middle school. But she finds Hideaki to be uncooperative and fumes at her husband’s backward attitude. Meanwhile, the Nasuda family of Taro, wife Ayako, son Shingo and Taro’s parents forms the picture of a traditional Japanese household. Taro is uncontested master of the house, and Ayako dutifully attends to her husband’s every need without question. Then one day, the couple visit a model home showroom where Hideaki works. Hideaki is smitten by Ayako, who seems the polar opposite of his own wife, and a forbidden affair ensues.


어느 두부부를 중심으로 일상에 숨겨진 불만과 엇갈림등 누구나가 공감할 수 있는 고민과 갈등을 리얼하게 그린 성인드라마.
결혼13년차 주부・사토 마유미는 남편・히데아키, 딸과 함께 살고 있다. 사립중학교에 입학한 딸의 학비로 생활이 빠듯해지자 마유미는 십몇년만에 직장에 나가게 된다. 하지만, 히데아키는 그런 아내에게 비협조적이고 마유미는 남편의 태도에 불만을 느낀다.
한편, 나스다 타로와 아내 아야코는 외아들 신고, 타로의 부모님과 함께 살고 있다. 타로는 믿을 수 없을 만큼 가부장적인 남편이지만 아야코는 항상 조용히 남편에게 순종한다. 그런 어느날, 히데아키가 근무하는 주택회사 모델하우스에 타로와 아야코가 고객으로 찾아온다. 히데아키는 마유미와는 대조적인 타입의 아야코에게 마음이 끌리고 이윽고 해서는 안될 사랑에 빠지게 된다.


  • Comedy
  • Romance
2018 -2018
  • Comedy
  • Romance



“If I don't get married in half a year, I’ll get fired?!”

Sayaka Kuroki, 29 years of age, works for a publishing company. On the joyous night of her resignation day, just three months before her marriage, she finds out that her fiancé had been cheating on her. To add insult to injury, he lashes out at her despite being in the wrong, shattering their engagement. Her marriage is gone in an instant, and she had already quit her job...

Shortly thereafter, a charismatic editor-in-chief of a popular magazine decides to give the unemployed Sayaka another chance. This person, it turns out, is an acid-tongued narcissistic weirdo! "Do you know why the guy dumped you? It's because your overall value in the market is low," he says bitingly.

The difficult editor-in-chief hires her under this preposterous condition: "If you don't get married within half a year, you are fired!!
1. Work towards marriage the way I tell you to, and tie the knot within half a year
2. Until you get hitched, write for the magazine about your search for a husband

If she does not accept the offer, she will be jobless... This kicks off her extreme and non-negotiable search for her "Survival Wedding"!! "The market value of a woman can be changed by the way she puts herself out there." She begins to apply marketing strategies of famous overseas brands in the search for her husband!

Sayaka's market value is abysmal and she is hanging on to her last chance. Just how will the boot camp coaching of her cruel boss transform her?