Program List

Cast : Masaharu Fukuyama (福山雅治)
3 Titles

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
2023.4 -2023.6
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller

The Last Man: The Blind Profiler


Hiromi Minami is a US FBI agent on temporary loan to Japan. He’s blind but dubbed “the last man" for his ability to crack tough cases with keen analysis and honed senses. Shintaro Godo is a field cop with a top arrest record who shuns his pedigree as police commissioner’s son. The two make for a highly mismatched pair, but there’s more to their partnership than meets the eye. A police conspiracy? A link to a mysterious past? Strap in for a suspenseful adventure by this odd pair of detectives.

미국에서 교환학생으로 일본으로 오게 된 FBI 특별 수사관 미나미.
과거 한 사고로 인해 시력을 잃었지만 날카로운 분석력, 후각, 촉각으로 사건을 반드시 끝내버리는 최후의 히든카드라는 의미로 FBI에서는 “라스트 맨”으로 불리고 있다.
그런 미나미의 보좌를 맡게 된 것은 악을 절대로 용서할 수 없다는 “남다른 정의감”을 가진 경찰청 인재교류기획실 실장, 고도.
낙천적이고 타인을 신뢰하며 스스럼없이 주위에 도움을 청하는 미나미, 타인을 의심하며 오로지 자신만을 믿고 혼자서 살아온 고도라는 정반대의 불균형 콤비가 한 팀을 이루어 어려운 사건에 도전해간다.

雖因事故而導致雙眼失明,但敏銳的分析力、嗅覺、觸覺總是能讓事件邁向終點,在FBI被稱作「Last Man」,亦即「最後的王牌」。

2019.4 -

Everyone's Demoted!!


“If you don’t make your quotas, you’re all fired!”
Desperate bankers battle a colossal organization
In a fight song for the masses.

Hiroshi Kataoka is a banker who knows things aren’t right, but endures it anyway. “It’s for the good of the company,” he tells himself. And Hiroshi is true and proper Japanese “salaried man.” But he’s also a man of passion who can’t help but be moved by the hard work of his subordinates and colleagues. So right before his 50th birthday, when he gets news that he will be promoted to manager of the Kamata branch that has been earmarked for eventual closure, he is conflicted. “Don’t kill yourself working for a branch that’s closing,” his bosses advise him. “You’ll get good treatment when you return to headquarters afterwards.” But no one under Hiroshi has any knowledge that their jobs are doomed.

「책임량을 달성하지 못하면 모두 해고! 나도 해고다!」
궁지에 몰린 은행원들이 거대한 조직의 불합리에 맞서 싸우는
포기하지 않는 모든 이들에게 보내는 응원가

은행원 가타오카 히로시는 불합리한 일일지라도 참고 견디며「회사에서 살아남기 위해서」라고 생각하는 샐러리맨.
하지만, 부하와 동료들의 노력에 끌려다니는 뜨거운 정을 가진 남자이기도 하다.
50세를 눈앞에 두고 지점장으로 승진 인사명령을 받지만 부임처는 폐점이 결정되어있는 카마타지점이었다.「폐점이 결정되었으니 노력하지 않아도 된다. 폐점 후에는 본부로 복귀 우대된다」라는 말을 듣는다. 폐점이 될 것을 모르고 일하는 직원들 사이에서 가타오카는 갈등한다.



  • Family
2018 -2018
  • Family



The long-awaited new film by Director Mamoru Hosoda! Journeys through time from a small yard – a story about family and life that connects the past and the future.
A small house with a small tree in a small yard in the corner of a city somewhere.
Kun, a spoiled little boy, has a new baby sister. Ever since her arrival, he misses his parents' affection and is baffled by things he has never experienced before. Then one day in the yard, he encounters a mysterious girl called Mirai who calls him "brother."

Guided by Mirai, Kun travels through time into stories about his family. It is the beginning of the little big brother's big adventure.

Magical worlds that await him. A mystery man who claims he was once a prince. A fantastical experience with his mother as a child. An encounter with a young man who bears a resemblance to his father.

And his discovery of "family love."

Through his adventures, Kun learns life lessons that help him grow in baby steps. Where does he finally end up? And what is the real reason for Mirai's visit?

Staff : Director, Screenplay, Original Story by Mamoru Hosoda
Animation Directors : Hiroyuki Aoyama, Ayako Hata
Art Directors : Takashi Omori, Yohei Takamatsu
Music Composer : Masakatsu Takagi
Opening and Main Theme Song by Tatsuro Yamashita