Program List

Cast : Matsuko Deluxe (マツコ・デラックス)
1 Titles

2016 -2016



The android travels to various places, sometimes to rural areas far from Tokyo, and talks with local people.
This is the world’s first entertainment TV show where one of the hosts is an android.

It features Japan’s most famous cross-dressing commentator Matsuko Deluxe and his life-size android named MATSUKO-ROID, made by cutting edge technology that was developed with the supervision of Professor Ishiguro of Osaka University.

The android travels to various places, sometimes to rural areas far from Tokyo, and talks with local people.

The real host in Tokyo is connected by internet and also shares his good advice with the locals. This program discusses what television and the world will be like when androids become mainstream.


日本知名的男扮女装艺人亦是评论家的Matsuko Deluxe(中译:贵妇松子)和大坂大学教授石黑教授的监修之下,以最先端的科技制作了大小不同本尊的机器人《MATSUKO-ROID(中译:松子机器人)》表现其演出的特徵。

机器人将在各种场所出没,有时远离东京到偏远的乡下与当地人交流。而本尊的Matsuko Deluxe(中译:贵妇松子)则待在东京通过MATSUKO-ROID给予当地人意见和建议。

