Program List

Cast : Meru Nukumi (生見愛瑠)
2 Titles

  • Romance
  • Romance

Kururi 〜Who’s in Love with me〜


Makoto is a 24-year-old company employee who lives her life avoiding attention so as not to be disliked. But her life changes one night when an accident erases her memory! The only clue is a ring in her handbag she clearly meant for a man. When three men appear, one claiming to be her ex-lover, another her only male friend, and the third her soulmate, the mystery begins. Who is the ring for? And who is she? Makoto goes in search of true self and true love in this fun, romantic-comedy mystery.

마코토는 사생활에서도 회사에서도 남에게 미움받지 않기 위해 눈에 띄지 않게 살아온 24세 여성.
어느 날 밤, 사고로 기억을 잃으면서 인생이 뒤바뀐다!
가방 안에는 누군가에게 선물하려던 알 수 없는 남성용 반지가 들어있었다.
그런 마코토 앞에 자칭 옛 연인, 자칭 유일한 남사친, 자칭 운명의 상대라는 세 명의 남성이 나타나고 사랑의 사각관계가 막을 연다!
반지를 선물하려고 했던 상대는 이들 중에 있을까!?
그리고 자신은 도대체 누구인가!??
“사랑의 상대”와 “진정한 자신”을 찾는 반지를 둘러싼 러브 코미디 미스터리.


  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Sexy Tanaka-san


Plain-looking Tanaka-san from the accounting department is around 40 years old.
She has no friends and no love life, but she does have a secret side... a super sexy belly dancer!
Akari, a temporary employee, appears to be a lovable lady at first glance.

Truth be told, she is increasingly anxious about marriage as she believes her “market value” depends on her youth and cuteness.

Life is starting to become a struggle for Akari, who feels empty despite the slew of matchmaking parties she attends.

One day, Akari learns of her colleague Tanaka-san’s true identity, which inspires her to live life in her own way.

They are polar opposites, but their chemistry empowers them to blow off those who judge them. In the process, they discover their new selves.

Don’t miss this romcom that is guaranteed to leave you in stitches constantly, with an occasional dash of tears.