Program List

Cast : Mizuki Yamamoto (山本美月)
5 Titles

  • NEW
  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance
  • Travel


  • NEW
  • Comedy
  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance
  • Travel

Dinner on the Slopes


26-year-old Yano Shohei (Shirahama Alan) is an AP (assistant producer) working at a TV station. He's not so good at his job, but his snowboarding skills are outstanding. He falls in love at first sight with a mysterious beauty, Hirose Yuki (Yamamoto Mizuki), whom he meets at the bar "Romance". However, he is shy and cannot confess his feelings. With the help of Aitaro (Kukki!), Shohei gets through to the owner, Furui Kami (Hirose Kohmi), also known as the "God of Romance", on the phone. Following her advice, Shohei asks Yuki out on a date. The two decide to go to a ski slope that Yuki had in her guidebook, but what awaits them there is not a romantic romance, but a dizzying romance over food...!!

  • Comedy
  • Family
2021.7 -2021.9
  • Comedy
  • Family



Shunpei is a single father struggling to care for his five-year-old son. One day, he runs into childhood buddy Sosuke, who decides to help his old friend out. Sosuke’s plan involves renting out the apartment above his rundown okonomiyaki restaurant as a share house and using the money to rebuild. When Sosuke puts out a call on social media for single parents like Shunpei, his hashtag #bemyfamily attracts the attention of Rei, a straightlaced schoolteacher, and Meiku, an ambitious singer-songwriter, each with a child of her own. But can this motley assortment of two men, two women, and three children really become a “family” just by living under the same roof?

아카기 슌페이는 어떤 사정으로 3개월 전 싱글 파더가 되었다.
5살 아들의 육아에 고전하던 중 우연히 재회한 소꿉친구 오사나이 소스케가 오지랖으로 SNS에 올린「#가족 모집합니다」라는 엉뚱한 모집에 휘말린다. 소스케는 자신이 일하는 낡은 오코노미야키 가게 공사를 위해 가게 2층에서 공동생활을 하여 월세를 얻으려고 한다. 아무도 오지 않을 거라며 어이없어하는 슌페이지만SNS를 계기로 조금 고지식한 초등학교 교사인 싱글맘 모모타 레이, 꿈을 좇는 애 딸린 싱어송라이터 오코세 메이쿠를 만나 어른 4명 + 아이 3명이 한 지붕 아래에서 살게 된다.
성격도 가치관도 서로 다른 7명은 어떻게 가족이 되어갈까?


  • Romance
2020.3 -

  • Romance

The Last Three Times We'll Meet


“All of a sudden it would appear - the number 3 In the middle of their back. Whether they were lovers, friends, family or even strangers, I knew what it meant when I saw it - It meant I would only meet that person three more times in my life.”
In an era where life is often rushed, this pair of dramas explores the preciousness of the time we spend with those we love. Kaede works for a small production company and has grown tired of men who vanish after a few dates. Mysterious and handsome, Seishiro has never settled and works part time at a restaurant. When Kaede goes there to film an interview, her encounter with Seishiro sparks a heartwarming romance between the pair.

  • Comedy
  • Mystery
  • Romance
2020.1 -2020.3
  • Comedy
  • Mystery
  • Romance

The Lunchtime Detective


A delicious lunchtime combo filled with“things that women love”: Group dating, gourmet food, and mysteries! A mystery drama that brings together, these three female favorites! Women in today’s world are extremely busy! They want to meet guys efficiently and seize opportunities that will change their lives!
Introducing a new drama series that’s guaranteed to offer triple the pleasures found during a regular lunch break: the enjoyment of a tasty lunch while looking for that significant other, along with a “mystery to solve” that might serve as an opportunity to start a new life! Guaranteed to give you more than a case of heartburn!

  • Comedy
  • Action
2019.6 -
  • Comedy
  • Action



Your slightly offbeat neighbor might actually be an assassin on vacation.

As his nickname implies, the Fable is an enigmatic assassin who terrorizes the underworld.
The overworked assassin gets an order from his boss.
"Live the life of a normal man for one year. Kill anyone during your vacation and I kill you." In incognito, the Fable is given the name, "Akira Sato" and his partner is "Yoko." They start their new lives as a regular brother and sister with a pet parakeet and part-time work, etc.
The assassin begins to enjoy a normal life with no body counts but troubles come looking for him. Other assassins are after him and others need his help.
The Fable must survive a life-or-death situation without killing anyone. Can he ever get his peaceful life back...?


Based on the original comic “THE FABLE” by Katsuhisa Minami (Kodansha Ltd., Young Magazine)
Screen Size:1:2.35
Japanese Theatrical Release:June 21st, 2019