Program List

Cast : Moka Kamishiraishi (上白石萌歌)
9 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues FINAL(2024)

義母と娘のブルース FINAL~2024年謹賀新年SP~

Stepmom Akiko grows concerned when daughter Miyuki, who is about to graduate from college, seems content to work part-time at Bakery Mugita without looking for a “real” job. After Akiko lectures Miyuki about her tardiness to job-hunting, they begin researching companies together. But no sooner do they start when Miyuki drops a bombshell. “I want to get married!” sending Akiko and everyone including bakery owner Mugita into a frenzy.

어느 날, 아키코는「베이커리 무기타」에서 아르바이트를 하면서 대학을 다니는 딸 미유키가 졸업을 목전에 두고도 취업활동을 하지 않는 것을 눈치챈다.
「이대로 무기타의 아르바이트로 살지 그러니?」라고 내뱉고 완전히 뒤처져버린 것에 반성하지 않는 미유키에게 아키코는 단기간의 맹훈련과 이인삼각의 취업 준비를 개시한다.
외동딸의 독립시키고자 분투하는 아키코의 모습에 미유키도 자신의 장래를 진지하게 생각하기 시작한다.
취업활동을 개시한 미유키였지만, 갑자기「결혼하고 싶어!」라는 충격적인 한마디를 내뱉는다.
미유키의 결혼 선언으로 무기타 점장도 연류시키는 큰 소동이 일어나는데!


  • Adventure
2023.4 -2023.6
  • Adventure

Pending Train

ペンディングトレイン―8時23分、明日 君と

It begins as any other day with commuters and passengers catching the 8:23 train. That is, until one train car suddenly warps into a wormhole and lands in a devastated future world. Without smartphones or social media, the passengers must confront extraordinary and extreme conditions. Mere strangers yesterday, they must face their worst fears and instincts for survival, deception, and love as they fight to get back home in this exploration of how people deal with unprecedented events.

8시 23분, 평소와 다름없는 아침.
어제와 같은 오늘을 맞이할 거라고 모두가 그렇게 생각했었다.
하지만, 돌연 도심으로 향하는 전차 한 칸이 미래의 황폐한 세계로 순간 이동해버린다.
스마트폰 자체가 전혀 도움이 되지 않는 세계로 갑자기 내던져진 승객들.
극한의 상태 속에서 각자가 안고 있는 과거와 삶의 이유, 그리고 서로의 본심을 알게 되고 변화해가는 서로의 관계성.
같은 전철에 우연히 함께 탄 승객들이 황폐한 토지에서 연락수단도 끊긴 상황 속에서 어떻게 살아갈 것인가….
힘든 상황 속에서 필사적으로 살아가는 사람들의 모습을 그린 예측불능의 휴먼 엔터테인먼트.


  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance
2022.3 -

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance



July 1999. The world is in turmoil. Nostradamus prophecies are on everybody’s lips. Chaos, violence and fear rule the day. In crazy times, a band of special men prepare to rise to the challenge and rescue mankind from the coming Armageddon.
Flash forward to 2022. Well, the end of the world did not come. And there are no signs that it will. With no opportunity to test their highly lethal fists, the downtrodden band of specially-trained men break off their ascetic training as their master gathers them to forlornly announce: “You are dismissed.”
A slightly different kind of coming-of-age tale unfolds about would-be world saviors rendered irrelevant by the times.

  • Comedy
  • Family
2022.1 -
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues SPECIAL(2022)

義母と娘のブルース 2022年謹賀新年スペシャル

Company worker Akiko finds that a business she helped to revive has been taken over by a vulture capitalist, Ryoji, who looks identical to her deceased husband. When Ryoji’s next acquisition turns out to be a beloved bakery, Akiko suspects an ulterior motive and vows to resist. Caught between hatred of vulture capitalists and budding feelings toward her new boss, Akiko finds support from her stepdaughter, Miyuki, who is dedicated to looking out for her stepmom in this heartwarming drama.

의붓 엄마 아키코의 수완에 의해 재건을 보이고 있던 기업 골딕이 기업사냥으로 인수를당한다.
그곳에 나타난 새로운 오너, 외국계 펀드의 보스 료지는 세상을 떠난 남편 료이치를너무나도 닮았다!
료지가 다음 매수의 표적으로 삼고 있는 것은 바로 베이커리 무기타.
영업부장인 아키코는 뭔가 내막이 있는듯한 료지의 제안을 거절하지만 남편을 쏙 빼닮은그를 보며 복잡한 감정과 함께 기업 인수를 당한 복수의 마음으로 흔들린다….
그런 의붓 엄마를 딸 미유키는 성장한 어른의 시선으로 지켜본다.
의붓 엄마와 딸, 두 사람을 지켜주는 사람들의 사랑이 담긴 이야기!


  • Mystery
2021.10 -
  • Mystery



On the morning of Christmas, Ryoko found a dead body of her classmate Takuya in the snowy high school yard. While the police and the teachers conclude the death was a suicide, Ryoko receives an anonymous letter informing that it was a murder by Shunji and others. Whether the death was a suicide or murder becomes the object of a great deal of media and social network attention.
While the school principal Masao tries to resolve the situation, another accident occurs. Being unconvinced by adult’s handling of mysterious incidents which occur one after another, Ryoko rises with an idea, “Why don’t we hold a trial by ourselves?”. An unprecedented in-school trial by the students begins…

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues SPECIAL


Akiko's back! This special picks up a year after the series ended . When we l as t saw Akiko, an ambitious career woman, she 'd just started work ing again after a long hiatus , but out of the blue she’s been fired f rom her high-powered job. Her stepdaughter Miyuki is now a university student living in Tokyo. Akiko hasn't seen Miyuki for a while, and she's in for a big surprise! When Akiko arrives, Miyuki’s boss is there wearing only a towel, holding a baby! Have these two had a baby together?! It wasn't easy for Akiko as a working person to be a stepmom, but she gave it her all, and Miyuki loved her back.
Don’t miss the new adventures of this loveable family.

  • School Drama
2019.1 -2019.3

  • School Drama

Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom


The main character is an unassuming art teacher who came to the school two years ago. It is ten days before graduation and the students' high school days are about to come to an end uneventfully--or so it seemed.
The teacher gathers his 29 students and says,
"From this moment, you are my hostages."
A blast rips through the campus and the kids are flustered. In an instant, the teacher-student relationship turns into a criminal-hostage relationship. This is the beginning of their "final class," which is about the truth behind the suicide of their classmate a few months ago. With no suicide note or last words, the school's star student suddenly left this world. One teacher holds 29 students hostage and makes them face the truth about something they all put a lid and turned their backs on. Why did their classmate suddenly commit suicide? Why did the teacher decide to take such a sensational approach to conducting his final class?

A teacher's final class becomes the stage for a chain reaction between the mysterious details surrounding the incident. Depicted within ten days, this time-limited drama series highlights people who are dying to live. A shocking school mystery beyond anyone's expectations! Until the truth is unveiled, nobody can graduate.




  • Comedy
  • Family
2018.7 -2018.9
  • Comedy
  • Family

Stepmom and Daughter Blues


Miyuki Miyamoto is an 8-year-old girl who lost her mother few years ago and now lives with her father, Ryoichi. When one day a hard-working career woman, Akiko Iwamoto, appears and becomes Miyuki’s new stepmom, Miyuki resists, particularly seeing Akiko presents herself with a business card. But Akiko, determined to win over Miyuki’s heart, uses all of her business experience and acumen to the task. And yet, none of her efforts succeed. Ryoichi, too, tries desperately to persuade Miyuki to accept her new stepmom, but he is simply no match for his daughter’s intransigence. Nevertheless, Miyuki finds herself gradually thinking hard about whether to ultimately accept Akiko.
The show paints a vivid picture of the ordinary joys and tears of everyday life, punctuated by the occasional small miracles.

수년전 엄마를 잃고 아버지 료이치와 둘이서 사는 소녀・미야모토 미유키 앞에 새엄마 가 되겠다며 나타난 열정적인 캐리어우먼 이와키 아키코. 명함을 건내고 수상스런 봉투 를 두고 돌아간 아키코를 새엄마로 받아들이지 못하는 미유키는「나, 이 사람 싫어」라 며 단호하다.
아키코는 백전노장의 비지니스 경험을 살려 미유키의 마음을 사로잡고자 다양한 작전 을 짜보지만 실패의 연속이다. 료이치도 미유키를 필사적으로 설득해보지만 오히려 말 싸움에 지고 만다.
큰사건도 해프닝도 없지만 아키코를 의붓엄마로 받아들여야할지 진지하게 생각하는 딸, 그 딸을 최선을 다해 지키려는 아버지의 평범한 일상에는 보통의 행복과 슬픔, 그리고 기적이 넘친다.


  • Family
2018 -2018
  • Family



The long-awaited new film by Director Mamoru Hosoda! Journeys through time from a small yard – a story about family and life that connects the past and the future.
A small house with a small tree in a small yard in the corner of a city somewhere.
Kun, a spoiled little boy, has a new baby sister. Ever since her arrival, he misses his parents' affection and is baffled by things he has never experienced before. Then one day in the yard, he encounters a mysterious girl called Mirai who calls him "brother."

Guided by Mirai, Kun travels through time into stories about his family. It is the beginning of the little big brother's big adventure.

Magical worlds that await him. A mystery man who claims he was once a prince. A fantastical experience with his mother as a child. An encounter with a young man who bears a resemblance to his father.

And his discovery of "family love."

Through his adventures, Kun learns life lessons that help him grow in baby steps. Where does he finally end up? And what is the real reason for Mirai's visit?

Staff : Director, Screenplay, Original Story by Mamoru Hosoda
Animation Directors : Hiroyuki Aoyama, Ayako Hata
Art Directors : Takashi Omori, Yohei Takamatsu
Music Composer : Masakatsu Takagi
Opening and Main Theme Song by Tatsuro Yamashita