Program List

ScenarioWriter : Naoko Adachi (安達奈緒子)
3 Titles

  • Romance
2023.1 -2023.3
  • Romance

Why didn’t I tell you a million times?

100万回 言えばよかった

When childhood friends Yui and Naoki are by chance reunited as adults, they begin to feel they were destined for each other. However, just as Naoki prepares to propose to Yui, he becomes embroiled in a mysterious incident and dies.
Now Naoki's soul wanders the world unable to express his true feelings for Yui. Yuzuru, a detective and the only person who can see Naoki, goes in pursuit of the truth behind Naoki’s death. At Naoki tries to use Yuzuru to talk to Yui, but will he be able to convey his message of love?

소꿉친구였던 유이와 나오는 성인이 된 후 우연히 재회하여 새삼 서로를 운명의 상대라고 확신한다.
하지만, 유이에게 프러포즈를 하려고 마음을 정한 그때 나오키는 이해할 수 없는 사건에 휘말려 사망하고 만다.
유이에게 마음을 전하지 못한 나오키의 영혼은 성불되지 못한 채 현세를 헤매고 있었다…. 죽음의 진상을 쫓으면서 유일하게 나오키의 존재를 인식하고 있는 형사 유즈루는 나오키로부터 자신의 말을 유이에게 전해달라고 부탁받고 유이와의 접촉을 시도하게 되는데….
나오키는 말하지 못했던 “자신의 마음”을 유이에게 전할 수 있을까…!


  • Romance
  • Music
2019.10 -
  • Romance
  • Music

You, Me and Bach


Yaeko Kogure’s marriage engagement is broken off by her fiancé just as she resigns from her job amid congratulations. Standing stunned in a shopping mall, she hears Bach’s “Air on the G String” playing nearby, and it moves her to overcome her setback by taking up the violin. She joins a class with a college student, Rihito Kase, and a homemaker, Yukie Kitagawa, and things are looking up again. But neither the violin nor human relations come smoothly. And she must get her priorities straight. Will it be romance? Love? Friendship? Discover with Yaeko how the trivial events of daily existence, when woven together, can produce a miraculous symphony of life.

고구레 야에코는 결혼을 앞두고 퇴사 직전에 약혼자로부터 파혼을 당한다.
멍한 상태로 들른 쇼핑몰에서「G선상의 아리아」의 라이브 연주를 듣게 된 것을 계기로 성인 바이올린 교실을 다니기 시작한다. 같은 클래스에서 만난 요즈음의 대학생 가세 리히토, 주부 기타가와 유키에, 인간관계도 바이올린도 그리 만만치 않은데…. 사랑일까, 애정일까, 아니면 우정일까? 일상에서 일어나는 아주 사소한 일들이 만들어내는 기적의 하모니.


小暮也映子は寿退社間近に婚約者から婚約破棄を告げられる。 放心状態で立ち寄ったショッピングモールで「G線上のアリア」の生演奏を耳にしたのをきっかけに、大人のバイオリン教室に通い始める。 教室で同じクラスになったのはイマドキの大学生・加瀬理人と主婦の北河幸恵。 人間関係もバイオリンも一筋縄ではいかない…。 恋か、愛か、はたまた友情か。 日常に起きるほんの些細な出来事が織りなす、奇跡のハーモニー。

  • Romance
2012.7 -2012.9

  • Romance



At 29, Toru has already achieved fame and fortune as the star CEO of an IT company. Despite his many character flows, he has always enjoyed success with his business. Chihiro on the other hand, is a hardworking but clumsy student that just can't seem to land a job. But one day, Chihiro catches Toru's attention as she shares the same name as his mother, who abandoned the billionaire when he was just a boy.