Program List

Cast : Naomasa Musaka (六平直政)
2 Titles

2020.6 -

Caution, Hazardous Wife: The Movie


The mighty wife returns!

Haruka Ayase plays a newlywed wife who hides her past as a secret agent and beats up one bad guy after another like an action star. The identity of her husband (an agent of the Public Security Bureau) played by Hidetoshi Nishijima is gradually disclosed through a thrilling plot development. This story about a husband and wife who lie to each other but love each other nonetheless garnered attention.
At the end of the series, it is revealed that the husband works for the Public Security Bureau, and their marriage is a cover to keep her under surveillance. In spite of his mission, he falls in love with Nami and tries to convince her not to get involved in other people's affairs. She is being monitored as a state-level security risk, and the bureau is unwilling to tolerate any more trouble from her. However, to save a friend, Nami runs out of the house and risks everything she has to confront the enemy.
When she comes home, she finds her husband pointing a gun at her!
A gunshot echoes through the quiet, upscale neighborhood...
The movie picks up where the controversial ending of the drama series left off!!

"Who am I?" The wife loses her memory?!
After an incident during her escape, Nami wakes up with no memory of her past. She is told that her name is Kumi and finds herself as a newlywed living in a regional city with her husband, Yuji. Somewhere in his mind, Yuji (Yuhki) thinks that if her memory doesn't return, they could carry on their happy life together as they are, but he continues to monitor Kumi (Nami) as a part of his job with the Public Security Bureau. If her memory does return, she must cooperate with the Public Security Bureau or die.
However, Yuji (Yuhki) knows that Kumi (Nami) will never choose a life subjugated by the government. He realizes that once her memory returns, their life together will have to end.
In the regional city invigorated by the discovery of a new energy source, their life is simple, peaceful, and happy. But the city is divided over the construction of a research lab, and the hostility between the opposition mainly made up of citizens and the advocates including the mayor heats up day by day. There is a big evil scheme by the advocates and a state-level secret behind the new energy source. The members of the opposition who discover the truth die in suspicious circumstances. One of them is Kumi's (Nami) friend...
When her best friend is harmed, the wife's instincts awaken!!
Kumi (Nami) gets her memory back but tries not to let her husband catch on. Then one day, Yuji's (Yuhki) life is endangered right in front of her eyes. She can save him if she exercises her fighting abilities. But if she does, their life together is over.
Faced with the ultimate decision, what does the wife set out to do?

  • Mystery
2020.1 -
  • Mystery

The ship of Theseus


A serial murder by fatal poisoning ushers in the first year of the new Japanese Reiwa era. Arrested as the prime suspect is a police officer. His son, Kokoro Tamura, along with his mother, elder sister and brother are forced into a life of social ostracism and prejudice as the alleged family of a killer. Kokoro’s devoted wife, Yuki, tells him to have faith in his father. Kokoro pays a visit the village and crime scene, he suddenly gets caught in a time warp that sends him back to 1989, the first year of the Heisei era. There, he encounters his father, who is adored by family and villagers alike. Under this new light, Kokoro begins to believe in his father’s innocence and vows to clear his name and restore happiness to the family. But can the bonds of a father and son spark a miracle across time and space? Shocking truths reveal themselves over the 31-year span in a meticulous, hard-boiled mystery delivered on a spectacular, tear-inducing scale.

元年に起こった連続毒殺事件。 主人公・田村心は、その殺人犯として逮捕された警察官の息子。 心は母と姉兄と共に加害者家族として暗闇の中を生きてきた。 しかし最愛の妻・由紀から、自分の父親を信じてみてと言われ、遂に心は父に向き合う決意をする。 そんな時、事件現場となった村を訪れた心は、突然、事件直前の平成元年にタイムスリップしてしまう。 そこで心が出会ったのは家族からも村人からも愛される父平成の姿。その人柄に初めて触れた心は父の無実を信じて家族の笑顔を取り戻すために立ち上がる! はたして時代を超えた“父と子の絆”は奇跡を起こせるのか——!? 31年の時を超えて明かされる、驚愕の真相。 この作品は綿密かつ壮大な、泣ける本格ミステリー大作である。

1989년에 일어난 연쇄 독살 사건. 주인공 다무라 신은 그 살인범으로 체포된 경찰관의 아들이다. 신은 어머니, 형제와 함께 가해자 가족으로 몸을 숨기며 살아왔다. 하지만, 사랑하는 아내 유키로부터 자신의 아버지를 믿어보라는 말을 듣고 이윽고 신은 아버지를 만나려고 결심한다. 그때 사건 현장이었던 마을을 찾은 신은 갑자기 사건 직전의 1989년으로 타임 슬립을 하게 된다. 그곳에서 신이 만난 것은 가족과 마을 사람들에게 사랑받는 아버지의 모습이었다. 아버지의 인품을 처음으로 느끼게 된 신은 아버지의 무죄를 믿고 가족의 미소를 되찾기 위해 일어선다! 과연 시대를 초월한 “아버지와 아들의 정”은 기적을 일으킬 수 있을까!? 31년의 시간이 지나고 밝혀지는 놀라운 진실. 치밀하면서도 웅대한 감동의 본격 미스터리 대작.
