Program List

Cast : Narushi Ikeda
4 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2020.9 -2020.10
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Love begins when the money ends


Owing to a certain incident in her past, Reiko Kuki knows the value of money better than anyone. Thrifty with her spending, this poor, “around-thirty company woman meets Keita Saruwatari, the moronic president’s son and profligate spendthrift with no memory at all of how he spends his dough. When these two polar opposites spend a summer learning about money management with a bunch of other financially-quirky people, personalities and values clash to produce some unexpected comedy and romance.


구키 레이코는 어떤 과거의 원인으로 누구보다도 돈의 가치를 감사히 여기고 소중히 사용하는 서른즈음의“청빈녀”이다. 그녀가 근무하는 회사의 멍청한 사장 아들 사루와타리 케이타는 돈을 쓰는 것에 아무런 망설임이 없고 자신이 얼마나 지출하고 있는지도 파악하지 않는“낭비남”이다. 금전 감각이 전혀 다른 두 사람이 만나 한 여름 동안의 금전 수행을 펼친다. 돈을 쓰는 것에 버릇?이 있는 다양한 남녀가 가치관이 다른 상대와 예측불능의 사랑 이야기를 펼치는 러브 코미디!


2020.7 -



Naoki Hanzawa is a banker at the Tokyo Central Bank. Despite his having exposed many injustices inside the bank, the story begins with his being sent off to a subsidiary company, Tokyo Central Securities. Hanzawa commands a band of workers who are part of the so-called “lost generation.” Together, they confront and overcome numerous workplace challenges. Can they secure “double returns” for clients and their outlandish demands? Convention-busting banker hero, Naoki Hanzawa, underwrites a new legendary chapter in the financial world.

東京中央銀行のバンカー・半沢直樹。 銀行内で行われていた数々の不正を明らかにするも、まさかの出向を命じられ、東京セントラル証券に出向赴任するところから物語が始まる。 半沢はロスジェネ世代の部下達と立ち上がり、汚い手を使う卑劣な親会社に仕事を通じて逆襲する。果たして半沢直樹は、出向先で次々に発生するトラブルを乗り越え、理不尽な要求を突き付ける相手に「倍返し」出来るのか!? 型破りのバンカー、半沢直樹の新たな伝説が歴史に刻まれる!!

도쿄 중앙은행 뱅커 한자와 나오키.
은행 내에서 일어난 수많은 부정을 밝혀내지만 결국 좌천을 명령받고 도쿄 센트럴 증권으로 부임하면서 이야기가 시작된다.
한자와는 로스트 제너레이션 세대 부하들과 함께 교활한 방법을 사용하는 비열한 모회사에 업무를 통해 역습을 가한다. 과연 한자와 나오키는 전임지에서 차례로 발생하는 문제를 극복하고 불합리한 요구를 내세우는 상대에게「두배로 갚는다」를 실현할 수 있을까!?
파격적인 뱅커, 한자와 나오키의 새로운 전설이 역사에 새겨진다!!


  • Comedy
2017 -2017
  • Comedy

Prison Princesses


Attempted murder, fraud and embezzlement, illicit drugs, tax evasion and even murder? Five women convinced of various crimes and a crime-loathing female warden put aside their differences to hatch a grand plot of revenge against a handsome but crooked company CEO. But the revenge plan keeps hitting snags. Written by Kankuro Kudo, all of these mature women with interesting back stories meet in a female penitentiary and band together to clear each other of unjust sentences in this blockbuster female crime story rich in laughter and tears, brilliantly merging the comedy and cheerfulness of Kankuro Kudo storytelling with serious deeper questions of why we’re all here and what constitutes true happiness.

살인미수, 사기횡령, 마약사범, 탈세, 살인!? 죄를 범한 다섯명 여자들과 죄를 증오하는 한명의 여형무관. 결코 어울릴 수 없는 이들이 함께 꽃미남사장에 복수를 계획한다. 하지만, 그 복수계획은 해프닝의… 연속이다.
구도 간쿠로 극본. 여자형무소에서 만난“사연있는 여자들”이 동료의 억울한 죄를 풀 어주기 위해 펼치는 아슬아슬하고 두근거리는 웃음과 눈물의“아줌마범죄 엔터테인먼 트”.「사람은 왜 사는가?」,「행복이란 무엇인가?」라는 진지한 테마를 밝고 명쾌하게 그리고 심도있게 그렸다.


  • Comedy

  • Comedy

Haruko’s Japanese Language Class


Based on the comic series “Nihonjin No Shiranai Nihongo”, this drama series analyzes and focuses on the so-called standard Japanese language/custom applied among native speaker’s daily life. Haruko, who dreams to become a high school literature teacher, was offered her dream but with on one condition: teaching Japanese for 3 months at a Japanese language school to foreign students who they come from all over the world. “What a piece of cake!” in Haruko’s mind until….

・Why do you call a ‘green colored traffic light’ a ‘blue light’?
・What is the name of the square plate with partitions where you normally pour soy sauce?
・Why do you mark a circle on the correct answers instead of a check mark on the exam?

Haruko faces all these simple questions raised by her students but extremely difficult for her to answer because the question have never been raised in her life before and she have never realized these points until now even though being a native Japanese speaker, which this topic applies to many Japanese people nowadays. During the series, Haruko also realizes and learns the cultural difference between Japan and other countries. The class is made of diversity of students from France, Italy, Sweden, US, UK, Russia and China. Some students uses misguided phrases learned from anime and movies as well as doubly-polite phrases learned from his or her Japanese co-worker. This means that daily Japanese language is often used improperly even among native speakers. “Japanese that Japanese people don’t know…teaching Japanese ain’t easy after all!!” Haruko’s challenge continues….can she complete her task teaching the course in order to become a high school teacher, her long-cherished dream?