Program List

Cast : Nobuyuki Suzuki (鈴木伸之)
6 Titles

  • NEW
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Science


  • NEW
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Science

Diary of a Surgical Resident: Madoka


First-year medical resident Madoka struggles with adapting to new workplace reforms in the changing medical field. Luckily, her mentor is a cool and composed Dr. Sugano who holds life in high regard, and helps the other residents meet the constant trials of a two-year residency. Madoka finds comfort in her peers as she confronts the harsh tests of veteran doctors, the challenges of being a female doctor, and life decisions in this richly profound story of personal growth.

의사1년차, 연수의 마도카는 주위의 부추김에 의학부로 입학하여 연수의로 첫걸음을 내디뎠지만 근로 방식 개혁으로 변해가는 의료현장의 뜻밖의 역경에 당혹감을 감추지 못한다.
자기관리에 철저하고 쿨한 성격으로 연수의들의 존경을 받는 외과의 칸노의 지도로 연수가 시작된다.
“생명을 진심으로 대하는” 의사의 첫 시작, 연수의. 끊임없는 고민의 2년이라는 세월 속에서 “도망치지만은 않으리라!” 다짐한 마도카였다.
베테랑 의사들의 시련에 맞서고 동기들과 서로 격려하면서 의사로서, 여자로서 인생과 맞서는 진지한 성장스토리.


  • Sports
2024.10 -2024.12

  • Sports

The Hidden Heroes


Fourteen years after his incredible debut, Hiroto Yanagisawa remains a slugger for the Dragons. However, between injuries and slumps, he has spent much of his time out of the limelight. This year, during the off-season, he received notice that his contract would not be renewed. Still wanting to play baseball, Hiroto decided to participate in a tryout with his junior colleague. Just then, Hiroto received a surprising call—from Seiichiro Sakurada, the CEO of Inning Nine Group—inviting him to help employees who are struggling at the company, like a batter bunting to help the runners advance to the next base. Will Hiroto be able to shine in his new role as a “buntman”?

  • Romance
2023.1 -2023.3

  • Romance

Marriage is Difficult for a Ninja


Hotaru Kusakari is a pharmacist who usually works at just an ordinary pharmacy. However contrary to her everyday appearance, she’s a descendant of the Koga Ninja clan, taking on the long tradition that has continued since the ancient times. She acts in a calm and reserved manner, but this is only her outward mannerisms of meekness and stealth to prevent her identity from being discovered. In fact, she is feistier than others, a perfectionist who hates failure and defeat, and sometimes her real intentions burst out in ways of a sharp tongue. She also trains her physical prowess through stoic jogging sessions and training every morning and spends her days behaving secretly in a ninja-like manner. At the age of 28, she married Goro Kusakari an ordinary guy (or so she thinks). She is proud to be a member of the ‘Koga clan’ but after she met him, her longing for a normal household begins to come out…

  • Crime & Investigation
2022 -

  • Crime & Investigation

Kei x Yaku - Dangerous Buddy

ケイ × ヤクーあぶない相棒ー

Three years ago, a video of a female public security investigator being kidnapped and assaulted was uploaded to the internet. Her name was Rion Nakaba, and the video caused a huge uproar- but it was instantly deleted. This incident was called the “Joker Case” within the Public Safety Bureau, and for some reason, the investigation was quickly terminated and Rion was deemed to have been killed in the line of duty.
Ichiro Kunishita, a junior public safety investigator who looked up to Rion, was not satisfied with this decision, and continues to advocate for the “Joker Case” to be reinvestigated. However, his boss Chief Taguchi orders him to take on a completely different case. Ichiro is requested to conduct a private investigation on Shiro Hanabusa, the young leader of the Minegami Clan crime syndicate. It seems that Shiro had quickly risen through the ranks of the Minegami Clan and has become the lover of several politicians. For the investigation, Ichiro approaches Shiro at a hotel bar. Shiro is wary of Ichiro's presence and the situation is touch-and-go, but it seems Shiro thinks of Rion as a sister. In order to find Rion, Shiro says he became the leader of an organized crime syndicate, and confirms that he has been prostituting himself to politicians in order to obtain information.
Ichiro proposes they team up for Rion’s sake. They pretend to obey Chief Taguchi's orders and begin living together, posing as lovers. Using the diary left behind by Rion as a clue, they discover that before she disappeared, Rion was investigating the terrorist bombing incident that occurred 20 years prior, which also took the lives of Ichiro's parents. They discover that Taguchi was also involved in that investigation. Is Taguchi an ally, or a foe? When Ichiro questions Taguchi if he is hiding information about Rion's disappearance, Taguchi invites him to his apartment. What awaits him there is a reunion with Rion. They pretend to obey Chief Taguchi's orders and begin living together, posing as lovers.
Rion's life had been threatened throughout the investigation, and it was Chief Taguchi's ploy to claim that she had been killed in action, when in reality she had been in hiding. Though Ichiro was elated with their reunion, it was short-lived. As suspected, Rion was further investigating the terrorist incident, and she said that her life was under threat because she had uncovered the truth behind the bombing. Ichiro and Shiro join up with Rion and Taguchi to investigate the bombing. Ichiro is strongly motivated to avenge his parents. As Shiro finds out more about Ichiro's loneliness, he begins to develop a strong emotional bond with him. However, it is confirmed that that the perpetrator of the bombing is also Shiro's benefactor, and this causes him to become intensely conflicted.
To keep the incident a secret, the people suspected of being involved in it are being erased one by one. It turns out that the prime minister and other big-shot politicians are heavily involved behind the scenes, and Ichiro and Shiro find themselves in grave danger in the thick of a massive conspiracy.

  • Romance
  • Music
2019.10 -
  • Romance
  • Music

You, Me and Bach


Yaeko Kogure’s marriage engagement is broken off by her fiancé just as she resigns from her job amid congratulations. Standing stunned in a shopping mall, she hears Bach’s “Air on the G String” playing nearby, and it moves her to overcome her setback by taking up the violin. She joins a class with a college student, Rihito Kase, and a homemaker, Yukie Kitagawa, and things are looking up again. But neither the violin nor human relations come smoothly. And she must get her priorities straight. Will it be romance? Love? Friendship? Discover with Yaeko how the trivial events of daily existence, when woven together, can produce a miraculous symphony of life.

고구레 야에코는 결혼을 앞두고 퇴사 직전에 약혼자로부터 파혼을 당한다.
멍한 상태로 들른 쇼핑몰에서「G선상의 아리아」의 라이브 연주를 듣게 된 것을 계기로 성인 바이올린 교실을 다니기 시작한다. 같은 클래스에서 만난 요즈음의 대학생 가세 리히토, 주부 기타가와 유키에, 인간관계도 바이올린도 그리 만만치 않은데…. 사랑일까, 애정일까, 아니면 우정일까? 일상에서 일어나는 아주 사소한 일들이 만들어내는 기적의 하모니.


小暮也映子は寿退社間近に婚約者から婚約破棄を告げられる。 放心状態で立ち寄ったショッピングモールで「G線上のアリア」の生演奏を耳にしたのをきっかけに、大人のバイオリン教室に通い始める。 教室で同じクラスになったのはイマドキの大学生・加瀬理人と主婦の北河幸恵。 人間関係もバイオリンも一筋縄ではいかない…。 恋か、愛か、はたまた友情か。 日常に起きるほんの些細な出来事が織りなす、奇跡のハーモニー。

  • Comedy
  • School Drama
2018 -2018
  • Comedy
  • School Drama

From Today, It's My Turn!!


The first-ever spoiled, unjust, and overly cunning unconventional hero in drama history just might have been borne!

Heroic main character Mitsuhashi, who sports a perm and blond hair, goes by the credo, "I will win no matter what it takes!" Yet for a main character, he is rather unjust, conniving, and calculating! Perhaps these descriptions make him seem like a despicable person, but it is actually quite satisfying and refreshing to see this sharp-thinking fellow beat the heck out of every single bad guy that appears.

By his own principle of "protecting friends and allies," he justifies his ways. In this sense, he is as pure as they come and it is almost impossible to hate him. In fact, you will want to root for him!

Always there for this unjust main character is spiky-haired buddy Ito, a champion of justice who abhors anything wicked. They have polar opposite personalities yet they form a solid bond and become an unbeatable combo only because they both believe in protecting their friends and allies, even if it means taking a physical blow.

Together they manage to do what we all have wanted to at some point, but in reality cannot. No doubt they will blast away all the stress from your daily life.