Program List

Cast : Noriko Eguchi (江口のりこ)
12 Titles


Rude to Love


Having or not having a spouse, children, or a job. Women today have the “freedom to choose the lives they want”; and yet, they are divided by various social factors. The main character is Momoko, who quits her job upon marriage but a misfortune leaves her childless. Then her husband (Mamoru) has an affair with a younger woman (Nao) and demands a divorce. Learning that she now has no place in her home nor the society, Momoko feels lost and starts showing abnormal behaviors. While Mamoru and his mother (Teruko) are bewildered by Momoko acting strange, there are also fair and unbiased eyes watching her from an unexpected place. Feeling stressed because no one around her sees her worth; and the fear of losing her place grows when her family and the society reject her. The story follows Momoko’s journey through despair and hope.

2021.10 -2021.12


Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and leading a successful start-up company, our well-bred protagonist seems to be living the Super Rich lifestyle everyone dreams of. However, in reality, the one-bed apartment they live in is cluttered with work documents, clothes and delivery boxes, as they simply don’t have the time to keep things tidy. She believes that her current success is due to prioritizing her wo rk above all else, and that gender, upbringing or education have nothing to do with putting in the effort to succeed.
The one day, she falls in love with a younger “puppy-dog” like boy who joins the company as an intern, and the two get married. Whilst his wife is on maternity leave, her husband, the poor intern turned employee, takes over running the company. The husband who gives his all to help his wife end s up stealing her job, and the wife who will do anything to get her career back. This couple who seemed to fall happily in love, now become each other ’s biggest rivals.

  • School Drama
2021.4 -2021.6
  • School Drama

Dragon Sakura S2


Our favorite gung-ho teacher is back! A few years ago, a group of struggling students at a low-ranked high school made it into Japan’s top college, Tokyo University – thanks to Kenji Sakuragi, a down-on-his-luck lawyer-turned-teacher. But soon afterward, he left the school and disappeared. Now another school has tracked him down and hired him, in hopes he can turn things around. So, Sakuragi makes his comeback, this time with the motto: “Times are tough! So get a move on!” Students are overwhelmed with choices and desperate for something to hold onto. With his profound belief in their ability, Kenji offers a ray of hope. But it won’t be easy! This gripping series depicts the anxieties of today’s youth and the problems faced by parents, and provides insights on how to get ahead professionally. You’ll understand why Kenji Sakuragi is still repeating his famous line, “Suck it up! Just get into Tokyo University!”

  • Comedy
  • Family
2021.1 -2021.3
  • Comedy
  • Family

Story of My Family!!!


Now sidelined due to injury and age, former pro-wrestling star Juichi Miyama was once groomed by his father, Jusaburo, an acclaimed Noh actor and “Living National Treasure,” to be his successor. But the young Juichi rebelled, left home, and cut off ties with his family. Now he’s just learned that his father, having miraculously survived a critical illness, intends to marry his young caregiver and leave all his money to her. So Juichi decides to return home to help with his father’s care, setting the stage for a showdown between Juichi’s family on one side and his father’s mysterious caregiver on the other.

미야마 쥬이치는 예전에는 인기 레슬러였지만 나이와 부상으로 지금은 간신히 시합에 나가고 있다.
쥬이치의 아버지는 일본 전통예능「노가쿠」에서 무형문화재인 소위「인간 국보」로 인정받은 미야마 쥬사부로. 가업을 이을 것으로 기대를 받던 쥬이치였지만 아버지의 지도에 반발하여 집을 나가 소식을 끊고 지낸다.
어느 날 아버지가 위독하다는 연락이 전해지고 기적적으로 목숨을 건진 쥬사부로는 자신의 간병인 여성과 약혼하여 모든 유산을 그 여성에게 물려준다고 선언한다.
쥬이치는 집으로 돌아가 아버지의 간호를 돕지만 가족과 수수께끼의 간병인 여성을 끌어들이며 간병과 유산상속을 둘러싼 격렬한 배틀 라운드의 공이 울린다!!


  • Family
2021.1 -

  • Family



Life begins to shine after the 40-year-old office worker who gave up her dreams, work and marriage starts working at a super elderly mature woman bar!

Arata Usui is a 40-year old office worker with no lover, no money, and no guarantee of relief after retirement. She wanted to get married but wasn’t blessed with a partner, and as she’s not young anymore, she felt small at work. One night as she was wandering the nightlife districts she finds a retro bar “OLD JACK & ROSE”. On the poster on the door were the words "Recruiting hostesses! None under 40".
“I want to change my life!” Arata takes the plunge and jumps in, to find powerful gorgeous old ladies in her fifties to eighties, at the other side of the door! She gets inspired by the ladies who survived the turbulent times of Japan so brightly and positively after the end of the war, and starts working as the “youngest” hostess at the bar “OLD JACK & ROSE”


結婚はしたかったが相手に恵まれず、若くないゆえに職場で肩身もせまくなってきた。そんな時、夜の街をさまよい目に飛び込んできたのは一軒のレトロなバー「OLD JACK&ROSE」。扉の張り紙には「ホステス募集! 40歳未満お断り」の文字が!
「これまでの人生を変えたい!」…新は思い切って中に飛び込むと、扉の向こうにいたのは50代~80代のパワフルでゴージャズな老婦人たち!終戦直後から、日本の激動の時代を明るくポジティブに生き抜いてきた彼女たちに刺激を受け、新は「OLD JACK & ROSE」の“最年少”ホステスとして働き始める。

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2020.10 -
  • Comedy
  • Romance


#リモラブ ~普通の恋は邪道~

Mimi Ohzakura’s romance has only just begun.
Driven by her motto "Live healthy, employees," occupational physician Mimi Ohzakura keeps busy every day making sure everyone is well. Occupational physicians provide healthcare to laborers in companies. If an employer regularly has over 1,000 workers, an occupational physician needs to be hired exclusively.

Our story dates back six months ago to the "corona panic." Mimi's new reality was all about stepping up to countless challenges day in and day out, but her efforts paid off and she takes pride in somehow managing to protect the company and its employees.

Little did she imagine that in the midst of the firestorm, this strange desire to fall in love would start to nag her. Next thing Mimi knew, she had fallen for someone online and her social media love life was heating up. It seems that they work at the same place though!

  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
2020.9 -
  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation

K2: Dodgy Badge Brothers

キワドい2人ーK2ー 池袋署刑事課神崎・黒木

Ryuichi Kanzaki is a serious, career detective with a touch of humanism who is mortified when he is assigned a new partner in Kenji Kuroki, an ultra hard-nosed, rough-and-tumble cop. With their diametrically-opposed personalities and views on life, they form an odd pair battling crime in highly-satisfying police drama style. Kanzaki is seeking to follow in the path of his policeman father whom he greatly admires. Kuroki boasts the highest arrest rate on the force through his strong gut feelings and perceptive mind. But the two men share one secret that mustn’t get out: they are half-brothers. They may think and act very differently, but therein lies their biggest crime-fighting weapons.


인정파에 고지식한 커리어 형사 간자키 류이치와 전대미문의 능력을 가진 형사 구로키 켄지가 한조가 되어 흉악사건에 도전하는 통쾌한 형사드라마.
두 사람은 성격, 가치관, 수사 방침도 전혀 다른 한 팀인데…
경찰관이었던 아버지를 동경하여 형사가 된 간자키와 직관력과 통찰력이 남다른 검거율 1위의 구로키에게는 누구에게도 알려져서는 안 될「이복형제」라는 비밀이 있다. 두 사람은 정반대의 성격이라는 착안점과 행동력을 무기로 사건을 해결로 이끌어간다!


2020.7 -



Naoki Hanzawa is a banker at the Tokyo Central Bank. Despite his having exposed many injustices inside the bank, the story begins with his being sent off to a subsidiary company, Tokyo Central Securities. Hanzawa commands a band of workers who are part of the so-called “lost generation.” Together, they confront and overcome numerous workplace challenges. Can they secure “double returns” for clients and their outlandish demands? Convention-busting banker hero, Naoki Hanzawa, underwrites a new legendary chapter in the financial world.

東京中央銀行のバンカー・半沢直樹。 銀行内で行われていた数々の不正を明らかにするも、まさかの出向を命じられ、東京セントラル証券に出向赴任するところから物語が始まる。 半沢はロスジェネ世代の部下達と立ち上がり、汚い手を使う卑劣な親会社に仕事を通じて逆襲する。果たして半沢直樹は、出向先で次々に発生するトラブルを乗り越え、理不尽な要求を突き付ける相手に「倍返し」出来るのか!? 型破りのバンカー、半沢直樹の新たな伝説が歴史に刻まれる!!

도쿄 중앙은행 뱅커 한자와 나오키.
은행 내에서 일어난 수많은 부정을 밝혀내지만 결국 좌천을 명령받고 도쿄 센트럴 증권으로 부임하면서 이야기가 시작된다.
한자와는 로스트 제너레이션 세대 부하들과 함께 교활한 방법을 사용하는 비열한 모회사에 업무를 통해 역습을 가한다. 과연 한자와 나오키는 전임지에서 차례로 발생하는 문제를 극복하고 불합리한 요구를 내세우는 상대에게「두배로 갚는다」를 실현할 수 있을까!?
파격적인 뱅커, 한자와 나오키의 새로운 전설이 역사에 새겨진다!!


  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
2019.10 -
  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery

Time Limit Investigator 2019


- “Ex” criminal whose crime has reached the statute of limitation vs. Kiriyama, who regards investigation as his hobby- The legendary comedy-mystery “Time Limit Investigator” returns for the first time in twelve years!

“You are the one who’s done that, aren’t you? The statute of limitations on serious crimes is abolished now, but your case had expired before that. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

Many unsolved crime cases have reached the statute of limitations, and many “ex” criminals managed to escape from accusations. In Japan, the statute of limitations for murder was abolished in 2010, but there are still piles of unsolved cases that had expired before that.

Time Limit Investigator 2019 is a drama about “a criminal who managed to escape” versus “an investigator who conducts investigations as his hobby. “ Now that there is no statute of limitations for murder anymore, his only ambition is to prove that his reasoning is correct. Surreal and pop, with laid-back characters, this is a mystery drama that makes one feel relaxed and at peace.

  • Comedy
2019.4 -
  • Comedy

I will Not Work Overtime, Period!


A satisfyingly heart-warming comedy in support of all people struggling to make their way in an age of revolutionary changes to the workplace. First tackling the issue of overtime work, the drama spotlights not only systemic reforms taking place, but the change in mindset occurring among working people as they re-envision the shape of future society and the balance between life and work.

Currently, Japanese society encompasses widening views on overtime including those who regard it as a necessary evil and others who still see it as a virtue. The protagonist in this story, however, does not. As is a new-age working girl with the personal motto: “Go home at the appointed time,” her working life is a constant battle with High-maintenance r colleagues and ethically-questionable superiors. And yet she still manages to discover small miracles every day, imparting pithy yet inspirational messages about Why we work, the importance of self-love and the value of friendship.

일하는 방식 개혁”의 시대를 살아가는 모든 이들을 응원하는 통쾌한 마음이 따뜻해지는 코미디.
「잔업 문제」를 전면으로 내세워 단순한 제도 개혁이 아닌 일 하는 사람들의 의식개혁=사회인이 지녀야 할“라이프 워크 밸런스”에 대하여 다룬 작품이다.
「이상과 현실은 다르다. 야근은 어쩔 수 없다」며 포기한 사람들, 「야근 하는 미학」을 가진 사람들 등 많은 의견들이 존재하는 지금의 일본 사회.
주인공은 현대의 일본에서“정시 퇴근”을 좌우명으로 살아가는 신세대 워킹걸이다.
특이한 갑질 상사와 동료들 사이에서 분투하면서 매일 작은 기적을 일으킨다.
그리고, 「무엇을 위해 일하는가?」「자신을 소중히」「동료를 소중히」등의 심플한 메시지를 전한다.

爲了加油活在“工作意識改革”時代的每個人的痛快温馨喜劇。該劇以很多公司的“加班問題” 作為切入點,不僅只是制度改革,而重新審視關于勞動人民的意識改革=社會應該擁有的“工作與生活的平衡”。
劇中女主角是一個在現代日本以“絕對準時下班” 模式生活的新一代工作女孩。

  • Romance
2017 -2017
  • Romance

My Loser Husband


My hubby… so sweet but so pathetic.

Good looks, good education, good income! No doubt the ideal husband! Or at least that's how it was supposed to be, until the day she discovers a secret about her husband. He turns out to be the weakest link at work and drags everyone down.

He's torn apart. His wife still believes he's a star in the office and he doesn't want her to know that he's actually excess baggage. But as the blunders, humiliation, and scornful glares from the younger colleagues pile up, he finally reaches a breaking point. Just when he decides, "I want to quit," he finds out his wife is pregnant!

As the breadwinner of the family, there's no way he can quit his job. He doesn't want his pregnant wife to feel any anxiety, so he sets out to become a competent employee.

He sends out a distress call to his better half, and she agrees to throw her full support behind him. Thus begins their "two heads are better than one" office survival challenge.

What does it mean to be a capable corporate employee? What is happiness anyway? Does your career determine the worth of your family or you as a person?

Much laughter and tears are in store as a corporate loser husband hangs on to his wife's hand while he navigates the corporate jungle. This drama offers a whole new perspective on how a man-and-wife relationship can be. You've never seen a career/home drama like this one!






  • Science
2017 -2017
  • Science



Dr.STOЯKS returns after its immensely popular first season ended in October, 2015. Treating new thematic questions of “What is birth?” “What is life?”. Two years have elapsed since the previous series with Dr. Sakura Konotori and the staffs around him having helped families bring a lot of newborn life into the world. Episode 1 sees Dr. Sakura, returning to the Persona General Medical Center from a remote Japanese island, diagnose an expectant mother named Mana who is deaf. Prior to her giving birth, however, she reveals a major concern that she has, and so resumes another round of miraculous medical, human drama.

2015년10월 호평으로 막을 내린「고우노도리」의 속편. 이번 시리즈의 테마는「탄생, 그리고 삶」이다. 전작으로부터 2년후의 고우노토리 사쿠라와 그를 둘러싼 동료들은 태어날 아기와 그 가족들과 함께 한다. 제1화에서는 근무하던 외딴 섬에서 페루소나종합의료센터로 돌아온 사쿠라가 귀가 들리지 않는 임산부 마나를 진찰한다. 마나는 출산을 앞두고 사쿠라에게 불안한 마음을 털어놓는다.“기적”의 휴먼드라마.
