Program List

Cast : Reina Triendl (トリンドル玲奈)
3 Titles

  • Romance
2023.3 -
  • Romance

Hide from the Rain


Sumire is a 26-year-old dress pattern maker who just got dumped by her boyfriend. She responds by joining a lingerie maker run by a female boss, Yuri. When Sumire is again smitten by a captivatingly young man, Soichi, he turns out to not only be a “himo,” a professional mooch, but the very guy who has been living off of Yuri! Enter Morio, a chef who also pines for Sumire, to complicate matters further in this modern love spectacle full of intrigue and tangled romance.

  • Comedy
  • Mystery
  • Romance
2020.1 -2020.3
  • Comedy
  • Mystery
  • Romance

The Lunchtime Detective


A delicious lunchtime combo filled with“things that women love”: Group dating, gourmet food, and mysteries! A mystery drama that brings together, these three female favorites! Women in today’s world are extremely busy! They want to meet guys efficiently and seize opportunities that will change their lives!
Introducing a new drama series that’s guaranteed to offer triple the pleasures found during a regular lunch break: the enjoyment of a tasty lunch while looking for that significant other, along with a “mystery to solve” that might serve as an opportunity to start a new life! Guaranteed to give you more than a case of heartburn!

  • Comedy
  • Family
2017 -2017
  • Comedy
  • Family



Kanna Suzuki is a powerhouse woman with single-minded devotion once she puts her mind to something. Working for a fashion designer, her dream is to someday design clothes that will make women everywhere amazingly attractive.” But her world begins to spin out of control when she discovers that her “loving” hunk of a husband, Rei, is having an affair! Meanwhile, her unreasonable boss dumps loads of work, her husband is a mama’s boy and her mother-in-law drops in unannounced to dote on her son and grandson, and all while Kanna is trying to raise a needy 4-year-old son, Reon. Pushed to a breaking point and battling the world alone, Kanna, however, isn’t one to run, bend or break. Instead, she girds herself for battle, stokes her inner fire and confronts adversity head on, chasing her dream in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment for herself and her son.

파워풀하면서 호쾌하고 한번 마음먹으면 열정을 다하는 여자, 스즈키 칸나. 패션회사 디자이너인 그녀는「언젠가 자신이 디자인한 옷으로 세상의 여성들을 멋지게 만들어 보이겠다」는 꿈이 있다.
잘생긴 남편 레이와 외아들 레온과 함께 매일 즐겁게 살아가지만 어느날 사랑한다고 믿었던 남편의 불륜이 발각된다!!
불합리한 회사상사가 떠넘기는 대량의 일, 마마보이 아들을 과보호하는 시어머니, 울보에 어리광인 네살아들의 육아… 이밖에도 여러문제들이 외톨이가 된 칸나에게 덮쳐온다!
이윽고 이 모든것에서 벗어나고 싶은 순간도 있지만, 그러나! 칸나는 도망가지 않는다! 타협하지 않는다! 좌절하지 않는다! 사랑하는 아들을 위해 그리고 자신의 꿈을 위해 역경을 딛고 행복하게 살아가는 칸나의 뜨거운 분투기!!

栞納不由得有時候心會變得有些消沉…可是、她不逃避、不放棄、不灰心! 為了最愛的兒子、更為了自己的夢想~這是戰勝逆境並快樂生活的栞納的勇敢拼搏記!!