Program List

Cast : Rena Takeda (武田玲奈)
5 Titles

  • Family
  • Romance
2022.4 -2022.6
  • Family
  • Romance

Is Love Sustainable?


Kyoka is perfectly happy being single as is her father, Rintaro, a forlorn widower who lost his beloved wife, Yoko, to cancer. One day as the two clean house, they stumble upon a divorce form signed by Yoko. Shocked and reflecting on this revelation, Rintaro at age 63 decides it’s time to start over and find himself a life partner. And he challenges Kyoka to do the same. The race to wedding bells is on! in this love story about modern family growth and renewal.

“혼자라도 행복하게 살면 돼”라며 결혼 생각이 없는 요가 강사 쿄카.
쿄카의 아버지 린타로는 오랜 결혼생활을 함께 한 아내 요코의 갑작스러운 사망으로 완전히 의기소침한 상태였다.
두 사람은 어느 날 유품정리를 하다 사망한 엄마 요코의 이름이 적힌 이혼서류를 발견한다.
죽은 아내로부터의“이혼서류”라는 인생 최대의 충격을 받은 린타로는 63세에 제2의 인생 파트너 찾기를 도전하기로 결심한다!
「현대 가족의 성장과 재도전」을 그린 러브스토리!


  • Comedy
  • Family
2022.1 -2022.3

  • Comedy
  • Family

Hey Handsome!!


A slapstick that could happen in any family...with a deep, abiding love at its heart!

Stubborn Gentaro Ito lives with his wife, Chizuru, in an old home in the earthy heart of Tokyo. The two have three daughters. The second oldest, Rika, lives in Osaka, married to Daisuke, a banker. The youngest daughter, Mika, has a clerical job in a food company. She lived on her own in an apartment, spending most nights together with Yuji, an aspiring manga artist. However, with Yuji showing no prospects of ever achieving success, Mika decides to break things off, ridding her life of clutter. Yuka, the oldest daughter, has an important position in an advertising agency. She has no idea that the man she is dating is already married. When Gentaro finds out about the situation, he explodes. He forbids her to live on her own, so Yuka moves back to her family home to live with her parents. Then Rika and her husband have a fight, so Rika comes back to the family home as well.
One day, Gentaro meets an attractive but overweight man, Omori, and the two immediately hit it off. He dreams about how much better things would be if his daughters were married to someone like Omori. He brings Omori home with him and introduces Omori to his daughters. However, as it turns out, Omori is Yuka's ex, who she broke up with saying, "I just can't date someone who's ugly. Looks are important, too!"



  • Comedy
2019 -2019
  • Comedy

The New King


A new type of comedy-adventure about two industrial kings, one new and one old, both diametrically opposed to each other in their values, lifestyle and pursuit of money.

The story centers on two “kings”, Akiba and Etchu.

King Akiba once known for eye-opening acquisitions has since liberated himself from materialistic concerns and the power of money in favor of freely pursuing new value by creativity. King Etchu, on the other hand, serves as CEO of a major investment fund and is driven by an insatiable lust for women and money.
Living according to opposite values and harboring completely different motives, both kings find themselves looking to acquire a key television station in Tokyo, Chuo TV. Their bid to win this prized property brings about a fatefully colossal clash between two evenly-matched tycoons.







  • Comedy
  • Education
  • Travel
2017 -2018

  • Comedy
  • Education
  • Travel

Oh, Boy! We Really Are Sailing!


The original series was a youthful comedy, “Oh, Boy! We Really Are Sailing!” which featured two female college students who aspired to become sea navigators. In this 2nd Season, the girls have completed their sea training and graduated from college, and the focus is on their journey as they take their first steps as sailors.
In addition, this production weaves stories of real crew members into the storyline such as their “astounding experiences” on the high seas as well as back on land; stories that beckon you to the thrilling world of “mariners” (ship navigators/engineers) whose existence is crucial to life in Japan.


  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Education
  • School Drama

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Education
  • School Drama

Prison School


The drama “Prison School” is set in a draconian boarding-style girl’s academy- turned- coed. It centers around five boys including Kiyoshi the main character who, for the infraction of trying to peek into the girls’ bath, are caught by the “Secret Student Council” headed by three girls, and are locked up in a prison on the school grounds. With their youth at stake, the boys set out to free themselves. This drama is often silly with the boyish appeal of adolescence and is sure to have you in stitches, but it will also touch your heart.
