Program List

Cast : Ryo KIMURA (木村了)
4 Titles

  • Romance

  • Romance

Subscription Adultery


Protagonist Michiru Toriyama has been married to her husband, Aoi, for three years. Michiru had been working hard at her career, but she quit her job when she married Aoi. She was happy in her marriage at first, but now Aoi does not see her as a woman, and she feels distance between her and her husband.
One day, a single envelope is delivered to Michiru.
It was a brochure from Buffet, an adultery subscription service that facilitated adultery safely for married people. She also learns that her best friends from high school, Yuki and Eriko, are already committing adultery through the subscription service. Buffet The service also guarantees secrecy. Yuki, who has experience using the adultery service, says “I do subscription adultery so that I can continue being pretty for my husband's sake.”
Michiru feels disdain for the unethical adultery service Buffet. However, her husband will not allow Michiru to return to work and all simply complains all the time, while Yuki who is actually committing subscription adultery is enjoying herself. This leads Michiru on the path to adultery.
Yuki gives her a push, as if she were simply going into a new hobby, and Michiru decides to give it a go. Before long, she's engulfed in this all-you-can-meet adultery subscription service, where she can meet a wide range of men, including CEOs, doctors, chefs, hot younger men, etc. and she goes on numerous secret dates while spending more and more money…
With the promise of “safe adultery,” her hidden desires rush forth--

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Saitama Host Club


Yurika is a top consultant who has restructured countless restaurants, but finds herself on new ground when hired by a local Saitama prefecture host club to prevent its hostile takeover by a large Tokyo outfit called Love 2000. Appalled by the club’s mediocre “hosts” and poor customer relations, Yukari embarks on a new tactic of scouting a rank amateur and country farm boy, Kiseki, to serve as lead host, which rankles feathers but challenges everyone to learn and grow.

유리카는 수많은 음식점 경영을 재건시켜 업계에서는 이름이 알려진 우수한 컨설턴트.
어느 날 사이타마의 호스트 클럽「에이이치」로부터 가부키초 톱 호스트클럽 「러브 2000」과의 매수 이야기가 있으니 저지하고 싶다는 의뢰를 받는다.
처음으로 호스트 클럽으로부터 의뢰를 받은 것에 당황해하며 가보니 그곳에는 외모도 접객 수준도 목표도 어중간한 녀석들뿐인데….
재건을 위해 식물 이외는 말을 섞지 않는 엄청나게 소심한 농가의 아들, 기세키를 스카우트한다.
어딘가 어중간하고 창피한 호스트들이지만 현실에 직면하면서 성장하고 전략을 세워 가며 「에이이치」의 재건을 위해 맞선다!

某天,她接到了希望能阻止埼玉的公關店「E-ICHI」被歌舞伎町頂尖公關店「LOVE 2000」併購的案件。



It was just a sudden impulse to break away from the past… It gradually ruins men’s lives.

It’s been 10 years for the 4 men to have a reunion since their high school graduation. They follow a sudden impulse to get their small revenge on a hateful teacher who had often punished them physically. It was supposed to be just a prank, however, the teacher is found dead the following day…

Did anyone of them murder him? All of them deny any wrong doing. They gradually doubt gnaws at each other. This eventually makes them find out shocking secrets from their high school days. And the murder case gets another victim…

The original work is written by Shusuke Shizukui/雫井修介 who also wrote “Hinoko –火の粉,” “Hannin-ni-Tsugu –犯人に告ぐ” and “Kensatsugawa-no-Zainin –検察側の罪人” which was theatrically released was a great success in 2018.




  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery

Maison de Police


Hiyori Makino is a rookie detective whose dream comes true when she is assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. One day, the precinct police see an anonymously-posted clip on the Internet that shows a person being burned to death. The police treat it as a possible copycat crime of a burning homicide that occurred five years ago. Hoping to consult Soichiro Natsume, the retried detective who headed the original investigation, Hiyori arrives at an antiquated, western style house in an upscale residential district where she finds Natsume sharing the house with four other elderly ex-cops, all quite eccentric like himself. Hiyori commences the meeting and quickly realizes that despite their aging vision, back pain and high blood pressure, these gentlemen still possess razor sharp sleuthing skills. Together, they set about cracking tough cases each week in this new detective drama.

신입 형사 마키노 히요리는 그토록 바라던 형사과에 배속되었다. 어느 날 관할내에 사람이 불타는 동영상이 투고사이트에 올라오는 사건이 발생한다. 수사본부는 5년 전에 일어난 소살사건의 모방범으로 보고 수사를 개시한다. 히요리는 사건의 단서를 찾기 위해 5년 전 사건을 담당했던 전직 형사 나쓰메 소이치로의 이야기를 들으러 고급주택가의 낡은 양옥집을 찾아간다.
그곳에는 전직 경찰관 할아버지 5명이 공동생활을 하는 쉐어하우스였다. 히요리와 개성 넘치는 할아버지들의 수상한 수사 회의가 시작된다. 노안, 요통, 고혈압이지만 수사 실력만큼은 초일류의 범상치 않은 할아버지들과 함께 히요리는 사건을 추격해 간다. 1회 완결형 형사 드라마.
