Program List

Cast : Ryo Ryusei (竜星涼)
11 Titles

Sibling Intrusion

潜入兄妹 特殊詐欺特命捜査官

“Start infiltrating. Don’t get caught, no matter what.”
Genju is Japan’s largest fraud ring.

A man and his younger sister vow to go against it to seek revenge against their father’s murderer.

They hide their identity and infiltrate the crime organization in a bid to destroy it from within.

If they get caught, it’s instantly The End for them.

Brace yourselves for this brand-new suspense drama.


ACMA:GAME アクマゲーム

Status, wealth, honor, and life…

A devil’s game that allows you to take everything away from your opponent.
The death game for humans consumed by desire is about to begin!
It is said that if one manages to obtain 99 of the devil’s keys, one can have the world and everything in it.

The devil’s key holds mysterious powers. Insert it…

The “game” conducted by the devil game master begins. Players have no choice but to join, and losers cannot refuse any demand.
Protagonist Teruasa Oda, together with the humans whose desires have been stimulated and are at the mercy of the devil’s key, risk their lives to play ACMA:GAME. They seek to unravel the mystery behind the devil’s key.
Follow them along the intense tests of their skills as they take on the ultimate mind battle and extreme psychological warfare.

Brace yourselves—the devil’s game that uses humans is about to begin.



Taiyo Mihoshi is a self-proclaimed “human investor” who believes “People are assets. No investor should ever give it up!” As the CEO of the investment company “Sunshine Fund,” he encourages people not doing well in their corporate organizations or are having a hard time to “start up a business!” and uncover their potentials. The story meets people who have failed or experienced setbacks in their careers, given up on their dreams, as well as ones who carry the burden of various circumstances to regain hope for the future.

A Girl of 35


A daughter returns 25 years later, but as a 10-year-old girl.

Set in 1995 and 2020, this story makes us ponder how we have changed over the last 25 years.

A freak accident suddenly puts the main character in a vegetative state as a 10-year-old girl. Everyone in her family, which broke apart from the resulting regret and guilt, and her now fully-grown first love, all currently live a lonesome existence. Only her mother continued to keep a watchful eye on her, hopeful that she would miraculously regain consciousness.

After 25 long years, the "girl" with a 35-year-old body but a 10-year-old mind wakes up! Trying to fill every void, she rushes to accumulate over two decades' worth of experiences and matures as she goes through pains and heartbreaks. The 10-year-old at heart goes to middle school, high school, and eventually blossoms into a woman--one that appears to embody what we all have witnessed over the last 25 years.

When her mind catches up to her real age, just how will she see the world she lives in? During these 25 years, what did we gain and what did we lose?

In this story of awakening and soul cleansing, a girl arrives from the past and moves us, who seemingly have spent the last 25 years sleeping, to ponder just how we really should be moving forward.

  • Mystery
  • Mystery

The ship of Theseus


A serial murder by fatal poisoning ushers in the first year of the new Japanese Reiwa era. Arrested as the prime suspect is a police officer. His son, Kokoro Tamura, along with his mother, elder sister and brother are forced into a life of social ostracism and prejudice as the alleged family of a killer. Kokoro’s devoted wife, Yuki, tells him to have faith in his father. Kokoro pays a visit the village and crime scene, he suddenly gets caught in a time warp that sends him back to 1989, the first year of the Heisei era. There, he encounters his father, who is adored by family and villagers alike. Under this new light, Kokoro begins to believe in his father’s innocence and vows to clear his name and restore happiness to the family. But can the bonds of a father and son spark a miracle across time and space? Shocking truths reveal themselves over the 31-year span in a meticulous, hard-boiled mystery delivered on a spectacular, tear-inducing scale.

元年に起こった連続毒殺事件。 主人公・田村心は、その殺人犯として逮捕された警察官の息子。 心は母と姉兄と共に加害者家族として暗闇の中を生きてきた。 しかし最愛の妻・由紀から、自分の父親を信じてみてと言われ、遂に心は父に向き合う決意をする。 そんな時、事件現場となった村を訪れた心は、突然、事件直前の平成元年にタイムスリップしてしまう。 そこで心が出会ったのは家族からも村人からも愛される父平成の姿。その人柄に初めて触れた心は父の無実を信じて家族の笑顔を取り戻すために立ち上がる! はたして時代を超えた“父と子の絆”は奇跡を起こせるのか——!? 31年の時を超えて明かされる、驚愕の真相。 この作品は綿密かつ壮大な、泣ける本格ミステリー大作である。

1989년에 일어난 연쇄 독살 사건. 주인공 다무라 신은 그 살인범으로 체포된 경찰관의 아들이다. 신은 어머니, 형제와 함께 가해자 가족으로 몸을 숨기며 살아왔다. 하지만, 사랑하는 아내 유키로부터 자신의 아버지를 믿어보라는 말을 듣고 이윽고 신은 아버지를 만나려고 결심한다. 그때 사건 현장이었던 마을을 찾은 신은 갑자기 사건 직전의 1989년으로 타임 슬립을 하게 된다. 그곳에서 신이 만난 것은 가족과 마을 사람들에게 사랑받는 아버지의 모습이었다. 아버지의 인품을 처음으로 느끼게 된 신은 아버지의 무죄를 믿고 가족의 미소를 되찾기 위해 일어선다! 과연 시대를 초월한 “아버지와 아들의 정”은 기적을 일으킬 수 있을까!? 31년의 시간이 지나고 밝혀지는 놀라운 진실. 치밀하면서도 웅대한 감동의 본격 미스터리 대작.


Our Dearest Sakura


It's the spring of 2009, and Hanamura Construction, the largest general construction firm in Japan, is holding its annual welcome ceremony for its new grads. Sakura stands out from the rest of the talented bunch for clearly being a country bumpkin. Hailing from a small remote island up north, she came to Tokyo alone and has no qualms about sharing her dream of building a bridge to her home town.

During the training program for new employees that eventually determines which department they'll be assigned to, Sakura sees how out of line the company president is. "Obedience without questions" does not come naturally to her, and her true colors land her in an unthinkable situation. Sakura's corporate career track begins to crack.

Those who joined the company at the same time as Sakura are grateful she showed them the importance of standing your own ground in order to achieve your dreams, no matter what. So when a shattered dream and a lost loved one plunge her into the depths of despair, they stand up for her!

Follow Sakura and the colleagues who support her as she relentlessly pursues her dream and stays true to herself despite the adversities in this drama that chronicles their 10 years together.

  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Comedy
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery

Maison de Police


Hiyori Makino is a rookie detective whose dream comes true when she is assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. One day, the precinct police see an anonymously-posted clip on the Internet that shows a person being burned to death. The police treat it as a possible copycat crime of a burning homicide that occurred five years ago. Hoping to consult Soichiro Natsume, the retried detective who headed the original investigation, Hiyori arrives at an antiquated, western style house in an upscale residential district where she finds Natsume sharing the house with four other elderly ex-cops, all quite eccentric like himself. Hiyori commences the meeting and quickly realizes that despite their aging vision, back pain and high blood pressure, these gentlemen still possess razor sharp sleuthing skills. Together, they set about cracking tough cases each week in this new detective drama.

신입 형사 마키노 히요리는 그토록 바라던 형사과에 배속되었다. 어느 날 관할내에 사람이 불타는 동영상이 투고사이트에 올라오는 사건이 발생한다. 수사본부는 5년 전에 일어난 소살사건의 모방범으로 보고 수사를 개시한다. 히요리는 사건의 단서를 찾기 위해 5년 전 사건을 담당했던 전직 형사 나쓰메 소이치로의 이야기를 들으러 고급주택가의 낡은 양옥집을 찾아간다.
그곳에는 전직 경찰관 할아버지 5명이 공동생활을 하는 쉐어하우스였다. 히요리와 개성 넘치는 할아버지들의 수상한 수사 회의가 시작된다. 노안, 요통, 고혈압이지만 수사 실력만큼은 초일류의 범상치 않은 할아버지들과 함께 히요리는 사건을 추격해 간다. 1회 완결형 형사 드라마.


  • Comedy
  • Education
  • School Drama

  • Comedy
  • Education
  • School Drama

School for Nighttime Entertainment


The first of its kind in Japan let alone the world, a public high school specializing in nighttime entertainment, “Toritsu Mizushogyo High School,” (Nighttime Entertainment Public High School) is now open for business!Become a hostess, work in the sex industry, become a manager, a host or work at a gay bar...
All types of classes are offered ensuring that the future of nighttime entertainment will be alive and well.The popular novel and manga “Toritsu Mizusho!” While maintaining the concept of the original story, fresh stories and characters have been added to create a new type of school-life drama!


Memoirs of a Murderer

A serial murder cold case
Then a man speaks out...

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the murderer."

5 lives were gruesomely taken in a shocking serial murder case in 1995.
The statute of limitations expired without the killer being apprehended.
22 years later he resurfaces sensationally at a press conference where he announces the launch of a memoir about the murders he committed.
Cameras flash as the killer holds up his book with a daring, charismatic smile.
Soon his words and his image are everywhere in the media.
His confession entrances, provokes and tricks the whole of Japan
but no one can imagine his real intention.
And no one knows that his confession is just the beginning of his unfathomable master plan!

Tatsuya Fujiwara plays the charismatic murderer and Hideaki Ito plays the investigator who's been preoccupied with the case for 22 years.
Out of their confrontation comes an unimaginable drama. This is a suspenseful crime thriller with a new twist!

2017 -- One man tricks the whole of Japan.

  • Romance
  • School Drama
  • Romance
  • School Drama

My Teacher


Hibiki is an awkward, 17-year-old high school sophomore who hasn't known romance.
But she's about to fall in love for the very first time. With whom?
A man who isn't great with words, but compassionate about his students.
It's her history teacher, Mr. Ito.
"Is it okay if I fall for you?" Hibiki asks.
"I'm afraid I can't return those feelings," is Ito's reply.
Hibiki's first love crashes before takeoff. But it doesn't matter.
"Still I want to cherish my crush anyway."
A teacher's heart begins to turn by a student's pure love.

고교2학년 히비키는 조금은 서투르고 아직 사랑을 모르는 17살.
그런 히비키가 태어나 처음으로 진짜 사랑을 한다.
그 상대는 말주변이 없지만 학생들을 소중히 생각하는 세계사 선생님 이토였다.
「좋아해도 돼요?」
「너의 그 마음에는 답할 수 없어」
첫사랑은 간단하게 막을 내렸다. 하지만….
「지금은 가장 좋아하는 사람을 좋아하고 싶어!」
히비키의 순수한 마음은 조금씩 이토의 마음을 움직이게 한다.


  • Romance
  • Romance

Love of Sage


Starring by Miho Nakayama! Amy Yamada's high impact love-hate drama is now draw a curtain. A woman has trained her ex-best friend's son to be her sexual slave for 20 years. Because her best friend stole her first love. What was meant to be revenge. Ending will come with great impact.
This is the drama vividly portrays the axis of terror and psychological warfare caused by the main character, with “love” and “animosity” from over 20years. The main character's only aim in life is “revenge” for her best friend and her family who stole her first love.
