Program List

ScenarioWriter : Ryoko Kimura (木村涼子)
2 Titles

  • Romance

  • Romance

18/40: Unbreakable Bond of Dreams

18/40 ~ふたりなら夢も恋も~

18-year-old Arisu dreams of becoming a museum curator overseas.
But just as she earns a recommendation to study art at a university, she finds out she is pregnant. Enter co-protagonist Toko, a business-savvy contemporary art dealer on the cusp of 40 who has shelved the idea of romance for the past decade. A passion for art and their bad luck or indifference to romance help the two women forge a bond despite their age difference. But then they both find themselves falling for “troubled” men in this empowering girl-bonding tale.

주인공 아리스는 어머니의 영향을 받아 미술관 학예사가 되어 해외에서 활약하는 큐레이터를 꿈꾸는 18세 소녀.
추천입학으로 예술학과로의 진학도 결정되어 있던 중 예기치 못한 임신이 발각된다.
또 다른 한 명의 주인공 도우코는 현대아트를 다루는 회사의 아트 스페셜리스트로 10년간 연애도 하지 않고 곧 마흔이 되는 일에 열심인 회사원.
그런 18세 임산부와 이제 곧 40세이지만 사랑은 뒷전인 비즈니스 우먼과의 나이를 초월한 여성의 우정, 각각의 사연 있는 남자와 사랑에 빠지는 러브스토리!


  • Romance
2022.4 -
  • Romance

Ideal Boyfriend


Yumeko is a hot-shot business woman recently headhunted by a venture capital firm.
Outwardly, she is brash, confident and self-possessed, but at home, she’s a total slob. Emotionally wounded from a recent 18-month romance in which she was dumped, Yumeko still pines after her first high school crush as her ideal partner. When she encounters a mysterious man who looks identical to him, it sends her life spinning out of control in this reverse Cinderella tale for all women with big dreams.