Program List
Black Forceps Season2 -The Devil Surgeon-
ブラックペアン シーズン2
Master surgeon Seijiro Tokai returns to Tojo University Hospital after six years. But is it him? Top-class surgeon Yukihiko Amagi looks just like him, but this “Doctor Diablo” is many times greedier than Tokai ever was. With his only assistant, Sera, he demolishes all obstacles put in his way. Meanwhile, director Saeki has his eyes on the presidency of the All-Japan Medical Association. This is a blockbuster medical drama at its most intense - pitting medical revolution against greed and ambition.
Riku Kariyama, the director of the civil engineering design department of Teiwa Construction, a major general contractor, has been dedicating for several years to complete the "Ryujin Bridge", which carries the dreams of many people. However, one day, an accident involving a large number of people occurs at the construction site of the Ryujin Bridge!
Detective Kuroki of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division begins a tremendous and obsessive investigation in pursuit of the truth behind the mysterious accident. Furthermore, Kariyama and his wife Reiko, who have grown distant from each other, find themselves confronted with an unimaginably cruel fate.
Kariyama is swallowed up in a whirlpool of upheaval as something unidentifiable begins to wriggle in various places. What is the path to hope and rebirth that he finds in the midst of it all, and ultimately, where will it lead him?
Male / 20~
Female / 20~
This is the story of Arata Miyabe, who has been driven to despair by the son and heir of the food industry giant Nagaya Holdings. He vows revenge to both father and son and relentlessly pursues his goal by sticking to his own belief.
Can Arata make the chairman of Japan's largest food service industry get down on his knees and pay for his sins?
This series is based on the same webtoon as the big Korean drama hit "Itaewon Class". It's a story about how a young man challenges existing power with his friends and allies at his side, while growing as a person. It is also a powerful love story.
One day, they were robbed of everything.
Car mechanic Hibiki Mamiya (26 years old) lives with his high school sweetheart Kurumi Ogasawara (26 years old). Life together feels so natural and filled with the warmth of each other's love. It was a happiness they expected would last a lifetime.
Hibiki is secretly preparing his proposal to Kurumi when misfortune strikes. A tunnel collapses, trapping him for four days. Barely making it out alive, he discovers a world completely changed. There is absolutely no one around, communication signals are dead, the transportation network is a wreck, and the only information available is the emergency evacuation order being repeated on the radio. Everywhere Hibiki goes, he sees bloodstains.
Just what happened to this town?!
Hibiki is all alone in this state of calamity. He frantically searches for his girlfriend but to no avail. Soon, he realizes the town was shut down after being designated as a hazardous zone. Eventually finding a few survivors, he wonders if they will be able to help each other get through this hopelessness. Or perhaps...
"If wishes do come true, I'd like to see you again one more time."
A desperate situation bombarded by unimaginable threats. What really happened to the town during the four days he was trapped? Pushed beyond his limits by what feels like the end of the world, will Hibiki find his beloved Kurumi?
A serial murder by fatal poisoning ushers in the first year of the new Japanese Reiwa era. Arrested as the prime suspect is a police officer. His son, Kokoro Tamura, along with his mother, elder sister and brother are forced into a life of social ostracism and prejudice as the alleged family of a killer. Kokoro’s devoted wife, Yuki, tells him to have faith in his father. Kokoro pays a visit the village and crime scene, he suddenly gets caught in a time warp that sends him back to 1989, the first year of the Heisei era. There, he encounters his father, who is adored by family and villagers alike. Under this new light, Kokoro begins to believe in his father’s innocence and vows to clear his name and restore happiness to the family. But can the bonds of a father and son spark a miracle across time and space? Shocking truths reveal themselves over the 31-year span in a meticulous, hard-boiled mystery delivered on a spectacular, tear-inducing scale.
元年に起こった連続毒殺事件。 主人公・田村心は、その殺人犯として逮捕された警察官の息子。 心は母と姉兄と共に加害者家族として暗闇の中を生きてきた。 しかし最愛の妻・由紀から、自分の父親を信じてみてと言われ、遂に心は父に向き合う決意をする。 そんな時、事件現場となった村を訪れた心は、突然、事件直前の平成元年にタイムスリップしてしまう。 そこで心が出会ったのは家族からも村人からも愛される父平成の姿。その人柄に初めて触れた心は父の無実を信じて家族の笑顔を取り戻すために立ち上がる! はたして時代を超えた“父と子の絆”は奇跡を起こせるのか——!? 31年の時を超えて明かされる、驚愕の真相。 この作品は綿密かつ壮大な、泣ける本格ミステリー大作である。
1989년에 일어난 연쇄 독살 사건. 주인공 다무라 신은 그 살인범으로 체포된 경찰관의 아들이다. 신은 어머니, 형제와 함께 가해자 가족으로 몸을 숨기며 살아왔다. 하지만, 사랑하는 아내 유키로부터 자신의 아버지를 믿어보라는 말을 듣고 이윽고 신은 아버지를 만나려고 결심한다. 그때 사건 현장이었던 마을을 찾은 신은 갑자기 사건 직전의 1989년으로 타임 슬립을 하게 된다. 그곳에서 신이 만난 것은 가족과 마을 사람들에게 사랑받는 아버지의 모습이었다. 아버지의 인품을 처음으로 느끼게 된 신은 아버지의 무죄를 믿고 가족의 미소를 되찾기 위해 일어선다! 과연 시대를 초월한 “아버지와 아들의 정”은 기적을 일으킬 수 있을까!? 31년의 시간이 지나고 밝혀지는 놀라운 진실. 치밀하면서도 웅대한 감동의 본격 미스터리 대작.
Following its smash hit debut in 2015, Downtown Rocket returns for a second season in 2018 furthering the struggles and challenges of Kohei Tsukuda, a former rocket scientist and leader of the Tsukuda Manufacturig Co., a cozy factory in the old part of Tokyo. Having lost his father, Kohei had taken over the firm’s development of a purely domestically-made rocket for a major industrial concern, Teikoku Heavy Industries and their Stardust Project. But when news arrives of a sudden replacement of the Teikoku president, the Stardust Project appears in jeopardy, further compounded by Tsukuda’s loss of a major client, a farm machinery maker, who decides to cancel engine orders. Having just shifted from rocket engines to farm equipment, Kohei and his factory must once again face a series of make-or-break challenges in order to survive.
2015년 대히트한 TV 드라마의 속편.
전 우주과학 개발 기구의 연구원으로 현재는 아버지가 남긴 변두리의 공장「쓰쿠다 제작소」에서 경영자로서의 삶을 살아가는 쓰쿠다 고헤이. 일본을 대표하는 대기업 데이코쿠 중공의 순국산 로켓 개발계획「스타더스트 계획」에 참가하고 있었다. 어느 날, 데이코쿠 중공의 사장 교체로 스타더스트 계획이 다음으로 끝날지도 모른다는 소식을 듣고 고헤이는 충격을 받는다. 동시에 큰 거래처인 농기구 회사로부터 소형엔진의 거래 삭감을 통고받고 고헤이는 강한 위기감을 품게 된다. 로켓 개발에서 농경기 개발로 방향을 전환한 고헤이와「쓰쿠다 제작소」의 새로운 도전을 그렸다.
A medical thriller based on Takeru Kaido's novel, Black Forceps 1988, protagonist Seishiro Tokai is a surgical genius whose perfect operational success rate has earned him the monikier, “The Demon of O.R.” at the Tojo University Hospital, a name that also points to his overbearing and solitary personality. He is countered by a rookie physician, Gonta Takashina, who comes to the hospital from a different medical university advocating hard for cutting edge medical technology that promises to render individual differences in surgical skill obsolete and level the playing field among surgeons. Naturally, a battle brews Takashina and Tokai who is adverse to the idea of machines taking over surgical procedures, particularly with regard to cardiac surgery. Tokai also confronts a powerful university hospital system that is rife with jealousies and political intrigue, and seeks to expose a hidden past and new technology corruption scandal in this highly entertaining medical drama.
원작은 가이도 타케루의 소설「블랙 페앙 1988」
수술성공률 100%를 자랑하고“수술실의 악마”라 불리우는 고고한 천재외과의 도카이 세이시로는 도죠대학병원에 근무하는 안하무인 외과의사다.
한편, 타대학출신의 신참의사 다카시나 곤타는「외과의사의 기술을 전혀 필요로 하지 않는」최신의료기구의 사용을 추진하려고 한다. 기량에 좌우되지 않고 누구라도 사용할 수 있는 심장수술용 의료기구에 외과의로서 수술공정의 일부를 기계에 맡기는 것에 반대하는 도카이의 싸움이 시작된다. 도카이는 질투가 소용돌이치는 대학병원이라는 거대한 조직과 맞서며 신기술 도입을 둘러싼 갖가지 부정과 은폐된 과거를 폭로해간다. 통쾌한 의료엔터테인먼트 드라마.
Is too much love really love?
College student Kahoko is the quintessential overprotected child borne out of today's Japanese society. Shielded by her parents, Kahoko grew up completely pampered and became somewhat of a miraculously naïve "test tube human." She is 21 years old and about to start working for a company, but she has never slept away from home, had a part time job, chosen her own clothes, or even ridden a train alone. Kahoko has had her picture taken, but she has never taken a picture herself.
Now, Kahoko is about to step out of her germ-free isolation pod and into the germ-infested world. It won't be long until she realizes, "I'm different from everybody else!"
She has been her mother's best friend all her life and her father can't live without her. As they become emotionally unstable from the changes that Kahoko goes through, their family begins to fall apart. That's when Kahoko herself and the people around her begin to see the strength that hides deep within.
"Overprotected Kahoko" is not a simple drama that chronicles the growth and transformation of an overly protected child. Similar to Princess Ann in "Roman Holiday," this drama depicts the various experiences and struggles of a young woman who finally ascends to the throne and becomes the queen of her small kingdom called "family."
Dramatization based on the novel “RIKUOH” by Jun Ikeido. Koichi Miyazawa is the CEO of the longstanding company which manufacture tabi(traditional Japanese socks). Due to a decrease of demand for tabi thesedays, the Company, Kohazeya, has fallen upon hard times. For the company's survival, Miyazawa strikes upon the idea of creating a new type of running shoe that utilizes “tabi” making techniques to make the user feel as if running in bare feet. But the road ahead for a cash-strapped local company with a small staff is steep, and Miyazawa runs into continuous roadblocks only to be saved time and time again by those around him. Will he succeed in launching his running shoe and saving his company? Follow Miyazawa in this uplifting tale of economic revitalization.
이케이도 준 원작의『육왕』의 드라마화. 전통 타비(일본 버선)업체「고하제야」의 4대째 사장 미야자와 코이치는 해마다 줄어드는 타비의 수요로 자금난에 고민하며 하루하루를 보낸다. 신규사업없이는 앞으로 회사의 존속자체가 위태로울것이라는 위기감에 신규사업참가를 검토하기 시작한다. 그 사업은 타비제조로 지금까지 쌓아온 기술을 살려“맨발감각”을 추구한 런닝슈즈의 개발이었다.
하지만, 종업원 수도 적은 지방영세기업에 있어 그것은 고난의 길이었다. 몇번이나 좌절하는 미야자와였지만 그때마다 주변의 도움을 받는다. 과연 런닝슈즈의 개발은 성공할 것인가? 거기에「고바세야」의 미래가 있을까!? 감동의 기업회생스토리.