Program List

Cast : Sayaka Yamaguchi
4 Titles

2019.2 -

Justice Monster


Is anything permissible so long as it is in the name of justice? In this psychotic, suspense-filled horror show, the main character attempts to dish out her own brand of mad, evil justice upon her four friends.

Noriko always does the right thing 100% of the time. Because of an incident in her past, she refuses to allow any mistakes or offences which goes against the law.
One day, Noriko meets up with four old friends from high school.
Yumiko has been trying to juggle a part-time job whilst raising her child ever since her husband got laid off due to his company’s downsizing.
Riho runs an international school along with her non-Japanese husband and the two of them are trying for a baby.
Reika, a former child-star, has now graduated to a full-blown actor, and has been having an affair with a married man despite her being single herself.
And finally, Kazuki just recently left her job at a major publishing firm with an itching desire to become a non-fiction writer herself.
But as soon as these girls reunite with their old classmate Noriko, their lives start coming apart at the seams, plunging them deeper and deeper desperately towards a complete meltdown. What is the reason behind Noriko’s twisted take on justice…? And what will her friends do in response…?

そんな時代のゆがみが生み出した、かつてない正義のヒロインは、救いの天使か・・・ すべてを壊す悪魔なのか・・




  • Mystery
  • Romance
2018 -2018

  • Mystery
  • Romance

Black Scandal


Revenge has just begun…by an ex-actress who was promising but cancelled with a fake scandal. In the glitz and glamor of the showbiz world, no-one could imagine the dirty dealings that occur behind the scenes. Sara Fujisaki was a rising star expected to be the next top actress and fiancé of her agency’s future CEO. She was living the celebrity dream, until she became victim to a fake affair scandal involving her and actor Kenjiro Tanashiro . The fake scandal didn’t just take away her own public reputation and stardom, but it took her mother’s life as well. The story begins with Sara completing her plastic surgery to create a new identity, “Arisa Yagami.” As Arisa, she re-enters the showbiz world as a manager for her former agency, where she plots to reveal the truth behind her scandal and take her revenge. But little does she know that what lies beyond her revenge is an unimaginable truth.

  • Comedy
  • Family
2017 -2017
  • Comedy
  • Family



Kanna Suzuki is a powerhouse woman with single-minded devotion once she puts her mind to something. Working for a fashion designer, her dream is to someday design clothes that will make women everywhere amazingly attractive.” But her world begins to spin out of control when she discovers that her “loving” hunk of a husband, Rei, is having an affair! Meanwhile, her unreasonable boss dumps loads of work, her husband is a mama’s boy and her mother-in-law drops in unannounced to dote on her son and grandson, and all while Kanna is trying to raise a needy 4-year-old son, Reon. Pushed to a breaking point and battling the world alone, Kanna, however, isn’t one to run, bend or break. Instead, she girds herself for battle, stokes her inner fire and confronts adversity head on, chasing her dream in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment for herself and her son.

파워풀하면서 호쾌하고 한번 마음먹으면 열정을 다하는 여자, 스즈키 칸나. 패션회사 디자이너인 그녀는「언젠가 자신이 디자인한 옷으로 세상의 여성들을 멋지게 만들어 보이겠다」는 꿈이 있다.
잘생긴 남편 레이와 외아들 레온과 함께 매일 즐겁게 살아가지만 어느날 사랑한다고 믿었던 남편의 불륜이 발각된다!!
불합리한 회사상사가 떠넘기는 대량의 일, 마마보이 아들을 과보호하는 시어머니, 울보에 어리광인 네살아들의 육아… 이밖에도 여러문제들이 외톨이가 된 칸나에게 덮쳐온다!
이윽고 이 모든것에서 벗어나고 싶은 순간도 있지만, 그러나! 칸나는 도망가지 않는다! 타협하지 않는다! 좌절하지 않는다! 사랑하는 아들을 위해 그리고 자신의 꿈을 위해 역경을 딛고 행복하게 살아가는 칸나의 뜨거운 분투기!!

栞納不由得有時候心會變得有些消沉…可是、她不逃避、不放棄、不灰心! 為了最愛的兒子、更為了自己的夢想~這是戰勝逆境並快樂生活的栞納的勇敢拼搏記!!


MINOWA-Love and Law-

『ビンタ! ~弁護士事務員ミノワが愛で解決します~』

Bunta Minowa, 30, used to be the leader of a motorcycle gang and has never held a steady job. He always puts others’ feelings before his own and has a fiery and passionate temperament! Cutting ties with his debauchery-obsessed father after his mother’s death, he returns to his hometown years later once the old man passes. He is shocked to learn he has a stepsister, Kana, but decides to make his one and only little sister happy. Kicking his itinerant lifestyle to the curb, he sets out with all his might to hold down a steady job! Shockingly, he becomes an office worker at a law firm! Can he make it?