Program List

Cast : Shinichi Tsutsumi
4 Titles

2022.10 -

The First Penguin


Penguins are naturally fearful animals who are quite reluctant to dive into the ocean, where many of their predators lurk.

But when that one courageous penguin takes the plunge, all the others follow suit into the rough waters!

First Penguin is the term for that valiant one.

This drama follows a single mother who, like a First Penguin, dives into the fishing industry despite not having any experience or knowledge about it.

Together with the fishermen, she rows through stormy seas to bring about reforms.

Get ready for this exhilarating true-to-life success story modeled around the miraculous accomplishments of an amazing woman!

  • Family
2022.1 -2022.3
  • Family

If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student.


Since losing his beloved wife 10 years ago, Keisuke vows to never remarry. He wants happiness for his only daughter, Mai, but struggles to make a good living and their communication suffers. That is until the appearance before them of a mysterious young girl carrying a schoolbag who claims to be Keisuke’s wife. Reincarnation? An offbeat family life ensues comprised of devoted husband Keisuke, his former wife (now a grade schooler) and a daughter who won’t grow up.

케이스케는 10년 전 사랑하는 아내 타카에를 잃은 후 아내가 없는 남은 인생을 “여생” 이라 생각하며 살아가는 애처가.
외동딸 마이의 행복을 누구보다 바라고 있지만 생활비를 버는 것 이외에 아무것도 해줄 수 없는 것에 괴로워 제대로 마음을 표현하지 못한다.
그런 부녀 앞에 어느 날 책가방을 맨 낯선 여자아이가 찾아온다.
「나는 10년 전에 죽은 당신의 아내에요.」
사랑하는 아내가 초등학생 모습으로 나타났다!?
애처가 남편과 아내 (외모는 초등학생), 그리고 어른이 되지 못하는 딸, 조금은 색다른 가족 재생 스토리가 시작된다!


  • Fantasy
2017 -2017
  • Fantasy

DESTINY: The Tale of Kamakura

DESTINY 鎌倉ものがたり

What does “destiny” really mean?

When young Akiko marries mystery author Masakazu Isshiki and moves in with him in Kamakura, her way of life becomes a constant source of amazement.
A simple stroll through the streets brings her into contact with supernatural creatures such as spirits, goblins, ghosts, and not-grim-at-all reapers.
As Akiko learns very quickly, Kamakura is a place where humans and non-humans live side-by-side in harmony.

The Isshiki residence is also home to a parade of other distinctive denizens, such as Kin, a maid who may actually be 130 years old; Masakazu's incorrigible editor, Honda; and even a poverty-attracting entity.
Although Akiko's newlywed lifestyle isn't quite as she'd imagined, it still turns out to be a lot of hectic fun.

One morning, Masakazu awakes to find that Akiko has disappeared.
The only trace of her is a loving letter to her husband...
It seems that Akiko has met an unfortunate accident, died, and departed for the netherworld.
Upon losing his wife, Masakazu realizes for the first time how much he loves her. To bring Akiko back to life, he decides to journey to the netherworld himself.
What awaits Masakazu there are the supernatural creatures who took away his wife, and someone else he recognizes...
At last, the destiny of the desperate Isshikis will reveal itself.

2012 -2012

Yasu - A Single Father's Story

When a man raises a son on his own, it naturally produces a strong relationship between them. This heartwarming story speaks to the unbreakable bond between fathers and sons, even when separated by time, distance-or a lie.

Yasu is a Hiroshima truck driver, living a happy life with his family in the midst of rapid economic growth in the 1960s. But tragedy strikes when he suddenly loses his wife in a freak accident caused by their toddler son, Akira. Wanting to protect him from the truth behind her death, Yasu decides to hide that fact from Akira. And despite being a clumsy, short-tempered parent, with the support of his friends, Yasu dedicates his life to raising his son.