Program List

Cast : Taishi Nakagawa (中川大志)
9 Titles

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

Eye Love You

Eye Love You

An accident endows protagonist Yuri with the unwelcomed ability to see into people’s hears just by looking into their eyes. Such exposure to the true feelings of herself and others scares her into social reclusiveness. That is until the day she meets Teo, a Korean youth with a genuinely affable personality. Her telepathy being neutralized when with Teo, Yuri begins to harbor hopes of a romantic relationship she’d once thought impossible. But can this ray of sunshine melt the frozen wall that protects her?

주인공 유리는 어떤 사고를 계기로 눈을 보면 그 사람의 마음의 소리가 들리고 마는 “텔레패스” 능력을 가지고 있다.
“텔레패스” 능력을 가지게 되어 버린 유리는 타인의 본심이나 자신의 본심을 사람에게 보여주는 것도 두려워져 필요 이상으로 사람과의 관계를 멀리하게 된다.
그런 어느 날, 밝고 다정한 성격의 한국인 태오를 만난다.
마음의 소리를 알 수 없는 태오라면 포기했던 연애도 어쩌면 … 이라는 생각을 하게 되는데!
자신의 본심을 드러내지 못하는 유리의 닫힌 마음을 태양처럼 밝고 솔직한 태오의 존재가 어떻게 녹여갈 것인가!


  • Romance
  • Thriller

  • Romance
  • Thriller



Cha-Cha is an illustrator working at a design office. Her free-spirited behavior sometimes draws the ire of those around her, but she lives by the motto, "I don’t let me worry about what others think any more, just live the way I want”. One day, Cha-Cha meets Raku on the rooftop and she becomes interested in him. Although they are opposites in terms of their tastes, she gradually becomes attracted to Raku, thinking that "we two get along perfect”. What will happen to the unpredictable romance of a stray cat-like girl? A fashionable, tasteful and bizarre story.

  • Sports
2022.7 -2022.9
  • Sports

The Old Dog,New Tricks?


Ryotaro is a cheerful professional soccer player devoted to the game he loves. He has risen to national team member, and come through with decisive goals when it counts… until injury begins to plague him. Facing retirement at 37, he realizes it is a little late for him to enter normal working society. Enter a sports management company called “Victory” which offers him a new lease on life. Yet somewhere in his heart, Ryotaro has not quite accepted his retirement, and he will need to reconcile with new challenges as an old rookie.

한없이 밝고 축구에 인생을 걸어온 프로 축구선수 신마치.
일본 대표까지 되면서 결정적인 장면에서 골도 성공시켰지만 그 후에는 부상의 영향으로 실력이 저조하다.
그야말로“기록보다 기억에 남은 남자”였지만 37살에 갑자기 현역 은퇴를 한다.
사회인으로 데뷔하기에는 너무 늦은 신마치였다.
이 최악의 시기에 스포츠 매니지먼트 회사「빅토리」를 만나게 된다.
다만 마음속 어딘가에는“은퇴”를 아직 받아들이지 못하는 자신이 있어 현실과의 사이에서 흔들린다.
그리고, 37살 사회 초년생의 길은 간단하지 않고 일에서도 큰 벽에 직면한다.


  • Comedy
2020.8 -
  • Comedy

Daddy is My Classmate


"I love my daughter so much that I decided to go to the same college!"

Author Taro Obika is an obsessed single father who loves his daughter so much, he decides to go to the same college. Nicknamed Gataro, he was widowed when his wife died of an illness and has raised his only child Sakura all on his own.

Things are about to change drastically as Sakura prepares to enter a coeducational university after going to an all-girls school all her life. Worried sick, Gataro enrolls not only in the same school, but also in the same department, and the madness begins!

Unable to control his anxiety, he sticks his nose in her every business, from classes to extracurricular activities, parties, dating events, cultural festivals, part-time jobs, and everything else college kids do. But as the 40-year-old middle-aged dad gets involved in the youthful pursuits of Sakura and her colleagues, he finds himself enjoying life even more than them.

"Back to School Daddy" is about a father and a daughter whose bond strengthens after they wind up becoming schoolmates. In this time of nuclear families, witness unconventional parenting as Gataro assumes the role of father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, friend, and even classmate. Theirs is a heartwarming family love that is sure to put a smile on your face.






  • Romance
  • Music
2019.10 -
  • Romance
  • Music

You, Me and Bach


Yaeko Kogure’s marriage engagement is broken off by her fiancé just as she resigns from her job amid congratulations. Standing stunned in a shopping mall, she hears Bach’s “Air on the G String” playing nearby, and it moves her to overcome her setback by taking up the violin. She joins a class with a college student, Rihito Kase, and a homemaker, Yukie Kitagawa, and things are looking up again. But neither the violin nor human relations come smoothly. And she must get her priorities straight. Will it be romance? Love? Friendship? Discover with Yaeko how the trivial events of daily existence, when woven together, can produce a miraculous symphony of life.

고구레 야에코는 결혼을 앞두고 퇴사 직전에 약혼자로부터 파혼을 당한다.
멍한 상태로 들른 쇼핑몰에서「G선상의 아리아」의 라이브 연주를 듣게 된 것을 계기로 성인 바이올린 교실을 다니기 시작한다. 같은 클래스에서 만난 요즈음의 대학생 가세 리히토, 주부 기타가와 유키에, 인간관계도 바이올린도 그리 만만치 않은데…. 사랑일까, 애정일까, 아니면 우정일까? 일상에서 일어나는 아주 사소한 일들이 만들어내는 기적의 하모니.


小暮也映子は寿退社間近に婚約者から婚約破棄を告げられる。 放心状態で立ち寄ったショッピングモールで「G線上のアリア」の生演奏を耳にしたのをきっかけに、大人のバイオリン教室に通い始める。 教室で同じクラスになったのはイマドキの大学生・加瀬理人と主婦の北河幸恵。 人間関係もバイオリンも一筋縄ではいかない…。 恋か、愛か、はたまた友情か。 日常に起きるほんの些細な出来事が織りなす、奇跡のハーモニー。

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama
2018 -2018
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School Drama

Boys Over Flowers Season 2

花のち晴れ~花男 Next season~

The massive hit comic Boys Over Flowers returns with a brand new chapter and television drama Season 2. Ten years have passed since the legendary boy foursome, F4, graduated from the elite Eitoku Academy Senior High School. A new generation has risen including sophomore, Oto Edogawa, who has recently seen her life completely overturned by the bankruptcy of her father’s blue chip cosmetics company. She now lives in near poverty with her mother, but tries to hide it from her Eitoku Academy classmates. Meanwhile, big man on campus, Haruto Kaguragi, scion of the much-revered Kaguragi Holdings has formed the C5 group in a bid to emulate his hero, Domyoji of F4, but he’s on a mission to purge the school of “commoners” who can’t pay their school donations to leave the school as unfit to attend. Oto is engaged to marry Tenma Hase, a student of Eitoku’s rival school, Momono Academy. But Hase’s stepmother insists that Oto attend Eitoku until she turns 18, making her even more determined to hide the fact that she has been reduced to a “mere commoner” among society’s elite families in this spirited spring-of-youth fable.

대히트 코믹만화「꽃보다 남자」의 새장이 될「꽃보다 맑음 ~ 꽃남Next Season~」
전설의 F4졸업으로부터 10년후, 예전의 영광을 잃어가는 명문학교 에이토쿠학원의 고교2학년 에도가와 오토는 아버지가 경영하던 대기업화장품회사가 도산하면서 생활이 바뀐다. 어머니와 함께 어렵게 살면서 가난을 숨기고 학교를 다니고 있었다.
한편, 에토쿠학원에 카리스마로 숭배되고 있는 카구라키 홀딩스의 재벌2세・ 카구라기 하루토는 F4의 도묘지를 동경하여 C5를 결성하고「학원에 기부금을 내지 못하는 서 민은 에토쿠학원에 어울리지 않는다」며 학생을 퇴학시키는“서민사냥”을 실시한다.
오토는 에토쿠학원의 라이벌교인 모모노조노학원에 다니는 하세 텐마라는 약혼자가 있 었다. 텐마의 계모는「오토가 18살이 될때까지 에토쿠학원에 다닐것」을 결혼조건으로 내세우고, 오토는 무슨 수를 써서라도“숨겨진 서민”임을 절대 알려서는 안된다.
통쾌한 청춘러브스토리.

原作是大受歡迎的「流星花園」漫畫續集「花過天晴~花男Next Season~」。

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Education
  • School Drama

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Education
  • School Drama

Prison School


The drama “Prison School” is set in a draconian boarding-style girl’s academy- turned- coed. It centers around five boys including Kiyoshi the main character who, for the infraction of trying to peek into the girls’ bath, are caught by the “Secret Student Council” headed by three girls, and are locked up in a prison on the school grounds. With their youth at stake, the boys set out to free themselves. This drama is often silly with the boyish appeal of adolescence and is sure to have you in stitches, but it will also touch your heart.


2011.10 -

I'm Mita, Your Housekeeper.


Be cautious when telling her to do something.
She does ANYTHING you ask her.

Akari Mita (Nanako Matsushima) is a super housekeeper who perfectly completes everything she is asked to do. However, she never smiles or tries to gain someone's favor. She is always emotionless, and her mind is unreadable.
Mita is assigned to work for the Asuda family. Keiichi Asuda (Hiroki Hasegawa) has just lost his wife in an accident, and his four children, including the oldest daughter Yui (Shiori Kutsuna), are deeply shocked by their mother's death. The family is torn apart and the house was in utter chaos.
One day, Keiichi's sister-in-law Urara (Saki Aibu) plans a birthday party for Asuda's youngest child, Kii (Miyu Honda). Upon hearing Kii's birthday wish to meet her mother, Urara carelessly promises Kii that she will arrange a reunion with her mother. Kii is delighted, but only until her friend at kindergarten told her, "You can't meet a dead person. Your mom is in heaven now, so if you want to meet her, you have to die."
While Kii was walking home along the riverside where her mother drowned, she tells Mita, "Please come with me to meet my mother." Mita's only reply was ... "Certainly."

  • Comedy
  • Thriller
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Thriller
  • Romance

Hitman in Love


He’s a hitman, but he’s too much of a klutz to kill anyone.
Not only that, he also protects his target instead of killing them.
Furthermore, she turns out to be his first crush!?

A hitman who can never carry out his hits
falls in love with the person he’s supposed to kill?!
★A Thrilling Romantic Comedy ★

Shu doesn’t know that the person who raised him is a professional hitman. When somebody takes out his foster parent, however, Shu resolves to become a hitman himself! He’s dead set on getting revenge!

Impeccably prepared, he tries to close in on his target, Mitsuki Narumiya. However, despite his superb skills and strength, no matter how much he tries, he can’t kill her because he keeps messing up!

In fact, he even saves her from grave danger?!

He even starts to suspect that she might be his childhood crush! Can two people who must not fall in love (who should’ve never had the chance in the first place) actually do so?!

Furthermore, the girl with a target on her back has a secret she can’t tell anyone! What is Mitsuki’s true identity, and what is she after?

It’s a love story like Romeo and Juliet! Can their forbidden love come to fruition?! Can this bumbling assassin finish off his target?