Program List
Takashi Mikami joins Japan’s elite bureaucracy in the Ministry of Education hoping to strengthen critical thinking skills among students, but soon learns that his ministry is more interested in the goals of self-preservation. When Mikami gets “exiled” to a private high school on a ministry program, he represents both the bureaucrats who helped create the system and the teachers suffering from it. So Mikami leads a group of high school seniors to battle power and reform the education system.
미카미 타카시는 어느 일을 계기로「일본의 교육을 바꾸겠다」고 다짐하고 문부과학성 엘리트 관료가 된다.
하지만, 현실은 많은 차이가 있다는 것을 알게 되었다.
「사고 능력」을 익히기 위해서라는 교육개혁도 이름뿐이었으며 개혁은커녕 일본의 중추들은 자신들의 처신만을 생각하고 있었다.
그런 가운데 새롭게 설립된 관료 파견 제도에 의해 미카미는 사립 고교로의 파견을 명령받게 된다. 그것은 실질적으로는 좌천인사였다.
제도를 만드는 입장의 관료와 제도에 고통받는 교사의 양쪽을 겸하는 “관료 교사”가 18살 고등학생들을 지도하면서 권력과 맞서가는 대역전 교육재생 스토리!
Heaven and Hell: Soul Exchange
This drama about what happens when fate and love collide is non-stop entertainment!
Ayako is a gung-ho young detective in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s violent crimes unit who’s eager to make her name. One day she gets her big break: the chance to arrest a murder suspect single-handed. But before she can slap on the cuffs their souls are switched! She finds herself in the body of Haruto, a brilliant and successful young entrepreneur with his own startup who’s secretly a psychopathic serial killer—and he in hers. This bizarre exchange of souls sets the stage for a thrilling story that turns everything you thought you knew about men and women and good and evil on its head. As Ayako and Haruto are drawn closer together, these two natural enemies stumble onto an unexpected truth.
모치즈키 아야코는 경시청에서 살인과 강도 등 흉악범죄를 담당하는 수사 1과 형사.
어느 날 살인사건의 용의자인 남자를 자신의 손으로 체포할 큰 기회를 눈앞에 두고 불운하게도 그 용의자와 영혼이 뒤바뀌어 버린다.
아야코와 영혼이 뒤바뀐 살인범 히다카 하루토는 겉으로는 벤처기업의 젊은 경영자이지만 진짜 모습은 유례없는 두뇌와 지식을 구사한 사이코패스 살인마였다.
「형사와 살인마」라는 상반된 두 사람의 영혼이 바뀌는 것을 시작으로「선과 악」「여자와 남자」가 복잡하게 교차하는 스토리는 흥미롭게 전개된다.
그리고 영혼이 뒤바뀐 두 사람에게는 예상치 못한 진실과“궁극의 사랑”이 기다리고 있었다.
“If you don’t make your quotas, you’re all fired!”
Desperate bankers battle a colossal organization
In a fight song for the masses.
Hiroshi Kataoka is a banker who knows things aren’t right, but endures it anyway. “It’s for the good of the company,” he tells himself. And Hiroshi is true and proper Japanese “salaried man.” But he’s also a man of passion who can’t help but be moved by the hard work of his subordinates and colleagues. So right before his 50th birthday, when he gets news that he will be promoted to manager of the Kamata branch that has been earmarked for eventual closure, he is conflicted. “Don’t kill yourself working for a branch that’s closing,” his bosses advise him. “You’ll get good treatment when you return to headquarters afterwards.” But no one under Hiroshi has any knowledge that their jobs are doomed.
「책임량을 달성하지 못하면 모두 해고! 나도 해고다!」
궁지에 몰린 은행원들이 거대한 조직의 불합리에 맞서 싸우는
포기하지 않는 모든 이들에게 보내는 응원가
은행원 가타오카 히로시는 불합리한 일일지라도 참고 견디며「회사에서 살아남기 위해서」라고 생각하는 샐러리맨.
하지만, 부하와 동료들의 노력에 끌려다니는 뜨거운 정을 가진 남자이기도 하다.
50세를 눈앞에 두고 지점장으로 승진 인사명령을 받지만 부임처는 폐점이 결정되어있는 카마타지점이었다.「폐점이 결정되었으니 노력하지 않아도 된다. 폐점 후에는 본부로 복귀 우대된다」라는 말을 듣는다. 폐점이 될 것을 모르고 일하는 직원들 사이에서 가타오카는 갈등한다.
The obsessive love of one elderly man for his granddaughter and fear of impending death have made him fixated on his apartment.
There was a time when Japan’s housing projects, or “danchi,” were the dream homes of the masses. They produced a culture of residency unique to Japan, but today, these towers and their residents have aged. It is human nature to wish to deny the present and idealize the past the more one grows older. The man dedicates what life he has left to restoring the past, and chases after his ideal family and danchi. However, like a river, time can never go backwards. Aiming to bring back the danchi of the past for the sake of his granddaughter's future, the man's passion for his contradictory ideal gradually descends into madness.
"People aren’t afraid of fire until sparks fall on them."
A quiet residential area in Tokyo.
Retired judge Isao Kajima and his family have a peaceful life until Shingo Takeuchi, an acquitted suspect in a murder trial that the judge once presided over, moves next door. Takeuchi smiles amiably, gives thoughtful presents, and even helps care for the elderly. He wins the Kajima family’s hearts with his exuberant good will. However, mysterious things keep happening around the Kajima house…
Original author Shusuke Shizukui is a mystery writer who has won a number of awards. Several of his works have been made into feature films and TV dramas, such as the suspenseful, deep Closed Note and Partners by Blood. The theme of “familial love” can also be found in many of his works.