Program List

Cast : Takumi Kitamura (北村匠海)
6 Titles

  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Thriller



With a conviction rate from criminal trials said to be 99.9%, Japanese lawyers are not saviors in search of potential evidence hidden in the remaining 0.1% that may save their clients’ lives. But if there were one capable of acquitting even a murderer facing 100% evidence against him, you could dub him a dark and dangerous “anti-lawyer”. His name is Akizumi. "I don’t care if you killed or not. I'll find you innocent,” goes the mantra of this anti-hero who will turn common sense on its head. An all-new and paradoxical entertainment begins!

일본 형사재판에서의 유죄율은 99.9%라고 한다.
변호사는 남은 0.1%에 숨겨진「무죄의 증거」를 찾아 의뢰인을 구하는 구세주와 같은 인간이 아니다.
설령 범죄자인 증거가 100% 일치해도 무죄를 쟁취하는「살인범까지도 무죄로 만들어 버리는」“안티” 변호사・아키즈미.
히어로라고는 말하기 어려운 한없이 어둡고 위험한 인물이다.
「살인 여부는 관계없습니다. 제가 무죄로 만들어 드리겠습니다. 」
새로운 히어로가 당신의 상식을 뒤집는다.
전대미문의 역전 패러독스 엔터테인먼트의 막이 열린다!

這位 “英雄”將顛覆你的常識,史無前例的逆轉悖論娛樂劇集,始動!!

  • Romance

  • Romance

On a Starry Night


A seemingly mismatch couple of great difference in social status, career, upbringing, age and ‘means of communication’, meet by chance at a camp venue under a clear starry night.
After a romantic yet clumsy kiss,a deaf boy Issei who has no hesitation about his handicap, innocently approaches Suzu. On the other hand, Suzu, the gynecologist who used to work at a renowned hospital, hurt and traumatized by losing her former patient due to an accident during a delivery of a newborn, gradually opens-up to Issei’s pureness and positivity. However, the genuine love story didn’t last long. Shoichiro, the husband of the lost pregnant mother finds Suzu who now works at a rural clinic, tries to take revenge and blame Suzu for his great loss and misfortune. Can Issei who has silently struggled and survived all his life with undeniable obstacles and difficulties, save Suzu’s ultimate crisis?

  • Health&Wellbeing
2021.6 -2021.9
  • Health&Wellbeing

Night Doctor


The main character Mitsuki Asakura, is a doctor with a strong belief that she will ‘absolutely accept any patients at any time.’ When she finds out that a hospital is looking for an emergency physician who can specialize in night shifts, she immediately applies since she’s certain that it’s going to be the place where she could make her beliefs become a reality. So she decides to work as a night doctor. Living in a dormitory near the hospital, she begins to work with great enthusiasm, but the harsh reality that awaits her is far from the ideal she had originally envisioned. Mitsuki’s competitive, dynamic, and outspoken personality sometimes confuses those around, but she also has a sense of kindness that allows her to be close to the hearts of others. She is highly ambitious and more passionate about saving lives than anyone else, but because of her strong feelings, she sometimes lacks composure and becomes emotional…

  • Family
  • Nature
  • Health&Wellbeing
2021.1 -
  • Family
  • Nature
  • Health&Wellbeing

NIZI Village Clinic


Doctors are also human. That's why they can face life and death.

Full of dream and pride, Masora was working in the emergency department of a large hospital in Tokyo, when one day she is diagnosed with a complicated disease. Even though she is a doctor, she has no savings and wants to continue working...
Masora is hired as a physician in a small village clinic deep in the mountains, hiding her illness. What awaits her in "Niji-no-mura" (Rainbow Village) is a life in a shared house with two wildly strange men, who are a surgeon and a nurse!
She meets villagers with rich personalities, and while spending time laughing, crying, and sometimes fighting, she works with passion and grows as a person.

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2020.9 -2020.10
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Love begins when the money ends


Owing to a certain incident in her past, Reiko Kuki knows the value of money better than anyone. Thrifty with her spending, this poor, “around-thirty company woman meets Keita Saruwatari, the moronic president’s son and profligate spendthrift with no memory at all of how he spends his dough. When these two polar opposites spend a summer learning about money management with a bunch of other financially-quirky people, personalities and values clash to produce some unexpected comedy and romance.


구키 레이코는 어떤 과거의 원인으로 누구보다도 돈의 가치를 감사히 여기고 소중히 사용하는 서른즈음의“청빈녀”이다. 그녀가 근무하는 회사의 멍청한 사장 아들 사루와타리 케이타는 돈을 쓰는 것에 아무런 망설임이 없고 자신이 얼마나 지출하고 있는지도 파악하지 않는“낭비남”이다. 금전 감각이 전혀 다른 두 사람이 만나 한 여름 동안의 금전 수행을 펼친다. 돈을 쓰는 것에 버릇?이 있는 다양한 남녀가 가치관이 다른 상대와 예측불능의 사랑 이야기를 펼치는 러브 코미디!


  • Mystery
2019.1 -
  • Mystery

12 Suicidal Teens


12 teenagers show up at an abandoned hospital. As prescribed, they enter the building, open safe containing, take one of numbered tags from 1 to 12, and head to a "designated place". None of them have ever met before, but all of them in despair with their lives and come up with one common goal: to euthanize themselves. But upon arrival in the room, they find that one young man is already occupying on one of the 12 prepared beds.

Who is he? Was it a suicide? Was it murder? Should they proceed anyway? And is there a murderer amongst them?

According to the preset rules of the gathering, the members must take a vote and unanimously agree to proceed. But the unexpected turn of events compels them to hold a discussion and assess each other to solve the mystery before they can go ahead with their original plan.

In the process, however, the reasons for each of them choosing to die come to light, leading to a final decision. The question is: What is the real purpose of the gathering?
