Program List

ScenarioWriter : Teppei Fukuda (福田哲平)
4 Titles


Sibling Intrusion

潜入兄妹 特殊詐欺特命捜査官

“Start infiltrating. Don’t get caught, no matter what.”
Genju is Japan’s largest fraud ring.

A man and his younger sister vow to go against it to seek revenge against their father’s murderer.

They hide their identity and infiltrate the crime organization in a bid to destroy it from within.

If they get caught, it’s instantly The End for them.

Brace yourselves for this brand-new suspense drama.

  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Thriller



With a conviction rate from criminal trials said to be 99.9%, Japanese lawyers are not saviors in search of potential evidence hidden in the remaining 0.1% that may save their clients’ lives. But if there were one capable of acquitting even a murderer facing 100% evidence against him, you could dub him a dark and dangerous “anti-lawyer”. His name is Akizumi. "I don’t care if you killed or not. I'll find you innocent,” goes the mantra of this anti-hero who will turn common sense on its head. An all-new and paradoxical entertainment begins!

일본 형사재판에서의 유죄율은 99.9%라고 한다.
변호사는 남은 0.1%에 숨겨진「무죄의 증거」를 찾아 의뢰인을 구하는 구세주와 같은 인간이 아니다.
설령 범죄자인 증거가 100% 일치해도 무죄를 쟁취하는「살인범까지도 무죄로 만들어 버리는」“안티” 변호사・아키즈미.
히어로라고는 말하기 어려운 한없이 어둡고 위험한 인물이다.
「살인 여부는 관계없습니다. 제가 무죄로 만들어 드리겠습니다. 」
새로운 히어로가 당신의 상식을 뒤집는다.
전대미문의 역전 패러독스 엔터테인먼트의 막이 열린다!

這位 “英雄”將顛覆你的常識,史無前例的逆轉悖論娛樂劇集,始動!!

2023.1 -

Captured Hospital


An armed group wearing demon masks seize a major hospital renowned in Japan.

Saburo Musashi, a detective currently on leave of absence, tackles the case as doctors and employees are taken hostage. Among those held captive is his wife. What do the perpetrators really want? As breathtaking physical and intellectual battles unfold, the reason for the siege gradually comes to light. Brace yourselves for nonstop suspense as a brilliant detective and hospital staff stand up against their armed occupiers.

  • Mystery
  • Science
2019.4 -
  • Mystery
  • Science

In Hand


A mysterious disease that infects surrounding organisms, nefarious genetic manipulation, an unknown pathogen from overseas. With technology advancing at such a breakneck pace, unanticipated and incomprehensible accidents are bound to occur.
Arriving to confront the many new challenges of modern science and medicine is a brilliant, introverted and eccentric scientist with a robotic prosthetic hand, his empathic assistant fueled by a passion for justice, and a coolly-competent and beautiful bureaucrat.
Outwardly, the trio could hardly be more different in appearance and personality, but together, they employ brilliant methods to solve baffling mysteries in each episode and save many from untold suffering.
Savor the satisfaction of a puzzle-solving drama filled with plenty of life-affirming inspiration, and highlighted by a compelling mystery. It is an incisive foray into the whirlpool of modern desire and ambition combining science, medicine and mystery for a wholly new style of whodunit entertainment.

친숙한 생물로부터 감염되는 수수께끼의 병, 유전자 조작, 해외에서 온 미지의 병원체…. 기술의 발달은 상상이상으로 눈부시다. 그런 현대이기에 일어나는 불가사의한 사건.
최신 과학과 의료에 얽힌 어려운 문제에 도전하는 로봇 의수를 가진 히키코모리에 괴짜인 천재 과학자, 사람 좋고 정의감 강한 열혈 조수, 쿨하고 영리한 미인 관료.
외모도 성격도 전혀 다른 세명이 매회 예상을 뛰어넘는 방법으로 선명하게 사건을 해결하고 고통받는 사람들을 구한다.
1회 완결의 가슴이 후련한 사건 해결과 감동을 그렸지만 모든 스토리에 이어진 수수께끼도 볼거리이다.
욕망이 소용돌이치는 현대사회에 묻는 과학×의학×추리의 전혀 새로운 미스터리 엔터테인먼트!
