Program List
When newspaper reporter Kanae Michiue suspects that a young politician hailed as a future prime minister is being manipulated, she looks into his past in an effort to find out by whom. His secretary? Or someone else? She discovers several mysterious deaths have occurred during the politician’s stellar political rise, including that of her own father. What is the “peculiar relationship” between the politician and his talented secretary? One newspaper reporter is determined to find out in this political drama laced with mystery and passion.
In the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, there is a secret team that takes care of certain crimes that could not be handled by police official. Their duty is to investigate the tricky cases and seek the truths that cannot be dealt openly.
This is a suspenseful socially aware drama that depicts three issues, which are kidnapping, disappearance and murder in a profound manner. The common theme throughout this drama is “Revenge, if it is right or wrong”.
There are two men playing as leading principles, Muto and Kaburaki. A girl who had been so special for both of these men was killed. For Muto, the girl was his younger sister whom he loved like his daughter after the death of their parents in their youth. The other man, Kaburaki, who had been a lonely man with no family , for him, the girl was the only one he had ever loved in his life.
In the “Season 1,” it focuses on Muto who suffers conflicting feelings, wishing to make a revenge for his sister, yet chooses not to go for revenge and tries to track down the crime pledging that no such victims shall be claimed again.
In the “Season 2 “, the main character changes into Kaburaki who is getting trapped with his desire to go for revenge that goes over the line. There is also another key person, Tamaki, the commander of this special mission who is cold-blooded. He is a kind of man who would do whatever in order to break the case.
The drama develops peculiar and absorbing cases such as kidnapping and murder with the three men as main roles of the story. It depicts in-depths the question of “ Is revenge justifiable or not” through the point of totally different types of men.
Muto and Kaburaki, who are tied with deep mutual attachment, struggle, suffer, get enraged and undergo emotional turmoils with the different answers they finally found against “revenge.” Eventually, tragedy awaits them..
This is the first joint drama production between “Otona no Do dra,” literally Saturaday drama for the matured viewers, and Japan’s number-one premium pay-TV broadcaster WOWOW’s “Drama W series,”.
Both drama slots that feature human stories with a unique world view comes as an entertaining drama for adults.
The drama is based on the trilogy novel by Tokuro Nukui that sold over 450,000 copies as a total.
The novel comes from the very first time as drama series with the unique fashion in which the principles are replaced per cours.
深い友情で結ばれている武藤と鏑木は、復讐を巡って互いの決意の違いに葛藤し、怒り、苦しみ、そして悲劇的な結末を迎えることに…。 「オトナの土ドラ」と「連続ドラマW」。共に、独自の世界観のある人間ドラマを目指すドラマ枠が、大人が楽しめるエンターテイメントドラマを初の共同製作。
In 48 B.C., Julius Caesar gave Cleopatra a diamond necklace as proof of his love for her. Over the centuries, this necklace became a legendary and highly-coveted treasure and symbol of ultimate beauty dubbed the Crimson Heart of Cleopatra (C.H.C). Inlaid with a ruby Red Diamond, the necklace was complete. But since ancient times, nobody has owned the two pieces together.
In possession of the Red Diamond is the Navarone Security Company, Asia’s largest security firm, under its shady CEO Pramuk. Meanwhile, the necklace is owned by Thomas Dawson, who rose to notoriety as former partner of the Lupin the Phantom Thief, Lupin III’s grandfather. After the death of Dawson, as inheritor of Dawson’s last will, Lupin III recruits Daisuke Jigen, Fujiko Mine and Goemon Ishikawa to help him penetrate the Arc of Navarone and steal back the treasure.
기원전48년. 유리우스 카에사르가 크레오파트라7세에게 사랑의 선물로 보낸 목걸이인 「미의 상징」으로 불리우는 역사적보물「크림존하트 오브 크레오파트라」. C・H・C 는 보물 레드다이아몬드와 이것을 끼워넣는 목걸이를 합치는 것으로 완성되지만 이 두개를 소유한 사람은 아직도 존재하지 않는다고 한다.
레드다이아몬드의 소유자는 아시아 최대의 경비회사 나바론 세큐리티사의 CEO이며 태국의 암흑사회를 뒤흔드는 거물해결사라는 두얼굴을 가진 미스터 프라묵.
목걸이의 소유자는 루팡3세의 할아버지인 괴도둑 루팡의 파트너로 이름이 익숙한 늙은 도적 토마스 도슨. 도슨이 죽은후 그의 뜻을 이은 루팡3세는 지겐 다이스케, 미네 후지코, 이시카와 고에몬과 함께 희귀한 보물을 되찾기 위해「방주」공략을 펼친다. 보물에 숨겨진 슬픈 숙명, 그리고 이들의 앞에 놓여진 비정한 덫은 과연?
紀元前48年凱撒向全世界宣言對埃及艷后克麗奧佩脫拉的示愛首飾,被譽為終極之美象徵的歷史秘寶「克麗奧佩脫拉之深紅之心」英文簡稱Crimson Heart Of Cleopatra C.H.C是以紅寶石和鑲嵌的首飾所組而成,但至今都沒有任何人看過兩者同時出現過。
門打算用方舟攻略將秘寶奪回。 纏繞在秘寶中的悲慘宿命,等待他們的到底是喜還是悲?