Program List
A genius meteorologist saves people from natural disasters!
Kiyohara is a researcher with the Japan Meteorological Agency Meteorological Research Institute. With his trademark good looks and refreshing smile, he even makes appearances on the weather program. However, there is another side to Kiyohara, one that you wouldn’t imagine from his outward appearance... He is fighting hard as a member of SDM (Special Disaster Management) to save people from natural disasters caused by the weather. With the abundance of such disasters in recent years, SDM was established as a team under the direct authority of the Cabinet Office with the goal of preventing the expansion of human losses that can result from a slow response. Their leader, Kiyohara, is a genius at meteorology. He is able to use his natural intelligence and his sense of the raw weather on the ground to analyze vast quantities of weather data from a multitude of angles. Even in tense situations where lives are at stake, he is able to stay one step ahead of things. However, his sharp tongue can sometimes earn him the enmity of those around him... Even so, Kiyohara’s passion for saving lives and his diligence eventually win over his teammates, and he builds the ultimate SDM team with those who sympathize with him. But there is also a mystery Kiyohara has been pursuing all this time... He was driven to save people using meteorology because of the death of the one he loved most. Therein lies the story’s greatest mystery, and it will be unveiled over the course of the series!
A mysterious disease that infects surrounding organisms, nefarious genetic manipulation, an unknown pathogen from overseas. With technology advancing at such a breakneck pace, unanticipated and incomprehensible accidents are bound to occur.
Arriving to confront the many new challenges of modern science and medicine is a brilliant, introverted and eccentric scientist with a robotic prosthetic hand, his empathic assistant fueled by a passion for justice, and a coolly-competent and beautiful bureaucrat.
Outwardly, the trio could hardly be more different in appearance and personality, but together, they employ brilliant methods to solve baffling mysteries in each episode and save many from untold suffering.
Savor the satisfaction of a puzzle-solving drama filled with plenty of life-affirming inspiration, and highlighted by a compelling mystery. It is an incisive foray into the whirlpool of modern desire and ambition combining science, medicine and mystery for a wholly new style of whodunit entertainment.
친숙한 생물로부터 감염되는 수수께끼의 병, 유전자 조작, 해외에서 온 미지의 병원체…. 기술의 발달은 상상이상으로 눈부시다. 그런 현대이기에 일어나는 불가사의한 사건.
최신 과학과 의료에 얽힌 어려운 문제에 도전하는 로봇 의수를 가진 히키코모리에 괴짜인 천재 과학자, 사람 좋고 정의감 강한 열혈 조수, 쿨하고 영리한 미인 관료.
외모도 성격도 전혀 다른 세명이 매회 예상을 뛰어넘는 방법으로 선명하게 사건을 해결하고 고통받는 사람들을 구한다.
1회 완결의 가슴이 후련한 사건 해결과 감동을 그렸지만 모든 스토리에 이어진 수수께끼도 볼거리이다.
욕망이 소용돌이치는 현대사회에 묻는 과학×의학×추리의 전혀 새로운 미스터리 엔터테인먼트!
“Where in this world will I find the woman I’m destined to be with? Many people might laugh if I tell them I believe in such things, so I never talk about it. But…”
I'd like you to think about it for a moment.
If Beethoven's parents didn't meet, he, much less his famous fifth symphony "Destiny," would have never existed.
If the parents of Edison, Einstein, or Bill Gates didn't fall in love, what would the world today be like?
Yes, in reality, there is certainly that special someone you must absolutely fall in love with--the person of your destiny.
A strange man who claims to be "god" suddenly reveals himself to 29-year-old lead character Makoto Masaki and declares, "You haven't realized it yet, but only a wall separates you from the one you must fall in love with, no matter what. The woman you're destined to be with works in the office next door."
"Sounds like something out of a creepy dream. But..," wonders Makoto. Skeptical at first, he eventually decides to believe the prediction and just go for it.
"Please don't be shocked. I'm your destiny," he tells fellow 29-year-old Haruko Kogetsu.
"What?" she replies, before flat-out rejecting him. And that's where their love story begins.
Whether it's the beach they went to as children, their college entrance exam building, or the shrine where they offered prayers last New Year's, it's a miracle how the two have actually crossed paths countless times since they were little. Yet they don't know each other's name nor recognize each other's face. The greatest "destiny" story kicks off on the worst possible note.