Program List

Cast : Tori Matsuzaka (松坂桃李)
9 Titles

  • NEW
  • Education
  • School Drama


  • NEW
  • Education
  • School Drama

Mr.Mikami's Classroom


Takashi Mikami joins Japan’s elite bureaucracy in the Ministry of Education hoping to strengthen critical thinking skills among students, but soon learns that his ministry is more interested in the goals of self-preservation. When Mikami gets “exiled” to a private high school on a ministry program, he represents both the bureaucrats who helped create the system and the teachers suffering from it. So Mikami leads a group of high school seniors to battle power and reform the education system.

미카미 타카시는 어느 일을 계기로「일본의 교육을 바꾸겠다」고 다짐하고 문부과학성 엘리트 관료가 된다.
하지만, 현실은 많은 차이가 있다는 것을 알게 되었다.
「사고 능력」을 익히기 위해서라는 교육개혁도 이름뿐이었으며 개혁은커녕 일본의 중추들은 자신들의 처신만을 생각하고 있었다.
그런 가운데 새롭게 설립된 관료 파견 제도에 의해 미카미는 사립 고교로의 파견을 명령받게 된다. 그것은 실질적으로는 좌천인사였다.
제도를 만드는 입장의 관료와 제도에 고통받는 교사의 양쪽을 겸하는 “관료 교사”가 18살 고등학생들을 지도하면서 권력과 맞서가는 대역전 교육재생 스토리!


  • Family
  • Family

Slow Train


Siblings Yoko, Miyako, and Ushio Shibuya from Kamakura are returning from a memorial service for their parents who died in a traffic accident 23 years ago when Miyako suddenly announces she’s moving to Korea. The revelation marks a turning point for the trio as they each try to move on from the happiness they had together to finding individual happiness. As the story shifts from Kamakura to Busan, this heartwarming family drama highlights timeless family values amidst the rapid changes of a new era.

가마쿠라에 사는 시부야 요코, 미야코, 우시오 삼남매는 교통사고로 부모님과 할머니를 한꺼번에 잃었다. 세월은 흘러 23주기 제사를 지내고 귀가하던 길.
미야코가 갑자기「한국에 갈게!」라며 요코와 우시오에게 말한다.
이 고백을 계기로 각인각색의 삼남매에게 “인생”이라는 여로의 분기점이 찾아온다. 지금까지의「세명이 함께하는 행복」에서「각자의 행복」과 맞서가는 요코, 미야코, 우시오.
그리고 이야기는 가마쿠라에서 부산으로!
변해가는 시대 속에서도 보편적으로 존재해가는「가족」을 통해 설렘과 통쾌함, 마지막 에는 한바탕 웃음 짓는 보석과 같은 신시대 홈드라마.


  • Comedy
  • Comedy

We're Millennials. Got a problem? The Movie

ゆとりですがなにか インターナショナル

The three friends Masakazu, Yamaji, and Maribu belong to “The Yutori”, a Japanese generation that is labeled as lacking in ambition, rivalry, and teamwork.

Masakazu runs a sake brewery with his wife, but their relationship is on the rocks. The brewery faces bankruptcy after their distributor is bought out by a Korean company, but Maribu comes up with a plan to save the arrangement.

Meanwhile, elementary school teacher Yamaji is still a virgin, but he realizes his tendency of being attracted to interns and transfer students' moms. However, this year’s intern is male, and the transfer students are from Thailand and America. He gets dragged into issues like helicopter parents and LGBT acceptance.

As the three friends deal with work, family, and love, their story takes an unpredictable turn!

  • Action
  • Adventure
2023.7 -2023.9

  • Action
  • Adventure



Yusuke Nogi of Marubishi Corp. is about to seal a solar energy plant deal when he is blamed for a remittance error that sends him to the central Asian republic of Balka to retrieve 13 billion yen or face dismissal. He then nearly dies in a terrorist explosion, but learns the local authorities are hunting him as the bomber suspect! He avoids capture with the help of a mysterious Japanese intelligence agent Nozaki and a female doctor Kaoru, but can Nogi get to safety and recover the money?

대기업 무역회사「마루비시 상사」에 근무하는 노기는 GFL사와 태양에너지 플랜트 사업의 계약을 본격적으로 진행하고 있었다.
그러나, 오송금이 일어나게 되면서 손실의 130억엔을 회수하기 위해 송금처인 발카공화국으로 향한다.
사내에서 노기는 오송금의 범인으로 의심받아 130억엔을 되찾지 못하면 징계해고될 위기에 처하고…!
그런 가운데 폭발에 연루된 노기는 폭파범으로 오인을 받고 발카경찰에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다.
현지에서 만난 공안 형사 노자키와 의사 카오루와 함께 노기는 발카공화국을 탈출하기 위해 동분서주한다….
과연 노기는 130억엔을 되찾을 수 있을까?


  • Comedy
2023.1 -
  • Comedy



A mundane woman about to redo her banal life.

Asami Kondo, age 33, is single, lives with her parents, and works at the local city hall. Suddenly, she has to start her life all over again. She finds herself lying on an Ob-Gyn bed. Next to her are her parents, both young. Asami’s second go at life has just begun. Brace yourselves for this time leap human comedy that depicts bizarre daily occurrences at a spectacular scale.

  • History
  • History

Iwane: Sword of Serenity


This samurai has virtues that many of us have forgotten.
Iwane Sakazaki returns to his homeland and gets caught in the middle of an incident that results in the tragic death of two of his best friends from childhood. He decides to leave his domain, parting with his fiancée Nao who he was going to marry shortly after his return, and becomes a vagrant masterless samurai with nothing more to lose.
Iwane begins living in a row house in Edo, filleting eels during the day and working as a bodyguard at night for Imazuya, a reputable money exchanger.
He gradually wins the trust of the people around him - including his landlord Kinbe, who helped Iwane find work, and his daughter Okon, who starts to have feeling for him - because of his mellow nature, the chivalrous way he treats everyone with courtesy, and his skills of swords.
One day, he learns that Imazuya is being targeted in a conspiracy to sabotage a new monetary system implemented by the government. Though still trying to recover from the anguish he suffered back home, Iwane decides to protect the people who have given him support.


  • Family
  • History
2018 -2018
  • Family
  • History

In This Corner Of The World


Suzu Urano is an innocent young woman who loves to draw pictures and lives in the seaside town called Eba district of Hiroshima. At the height of World War II in the Pacific with all the men off at the front, she finds herself as eldest daughter assisting with the family business of seaweed to make ends meet when an offer of marriage arises. The suitor is Shusaku Hojo, a young stenographer at the military court-martial who had fallen in love with her at first sight, but Suzu doesn’t remember ever having met him. Though uncomfortable with the idea of betrothing a man she doesn’t know, she gets swept along by the people and circumstances around her until marriage becomes a foregone conclusion. She finds the task of winning acceptance by Shusaku’s family hard going despite all of her pure and earnest efforts in this touching story of family love and survival amid the crucible of war.

히로시마시 에바에 사는 스즈는 조용한 성격에 그림 그리는 것을 좋아하는 젊은 여성 이다. 태평양전쟁이 한창일때, 김농사로 생계를 꾸리는 우라노 집안의 장녀 스즈에게 어느날 혼담이 오간다. 상대는 쿠레시에서 군법회의 서기를 하고 있다는 청년 호죠 슈 사쿠. 예전 스즈를 보고 첫눈에 반했다고 하는데 스즈는 슈사쿠를 만난 기억이 없다. 전혀 모르는 남자와의 결혼이 전혀 실감이 나지 않지만 주변의 성화에 우왕좌왕하는 사이 혼례가 결정된다. 결혼후에도 스즈는 슈사쿠의 집안에 쉽게 받아들여지지 못하고 순진무구한 스즈는 애를 먹는다. 점차 격화되는 전쟁속에서 열심히 살아가는 가족의 사랑을 그린 이야기.


2017 -2017

Virtual Detective Tabito Higurashi


Sense of sound, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of touch… Tabito Higurashi has lost all four of these senses. What he has left is a heightened sense of sight. Follow Tabito as he uses the only sense he has to find people, things, and love in this human mystery that is sure to give you an experience like never before!
Tabito Higurashi has lost four out of his five senses--his sense of sound, smell, taste, and touch. The only sense he has is sight, which he relies on for his job as a detective who has to investigate and find various missing objects. He works at the detective agency with Yukiji, his buddy and manager, and Tei, his adopted daughter. No matter what it is, Tabito always finds the missing object. His investigative methods, however, are a little bizarre. His eyes seem to be able to see everything, including things that regular people can't see, like scents and emotions.

Without a single blood relative left in the world, the lonely Tabito pours his heart out on his job. Each case he solves brings him closer to Yukiji, Tei, and her daycare teacher Yoko, who all treat him like family. Wrapped in their warmth, his heart begins to melt.

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art
2014 -2014
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art

ALL ROUND APPRAISER Q - The Eyes of Mona Lisa -

万能鑑定士Q - モナ・リザの瞳 -

In 2014, after an absence of 40 years, the world’s greatest artistic treasure, the Mona Lisa, again pays a visit to Japan. Asahina, the museum’s Asia Director, is assigned the task of strengthening its guard against the constant threat that the famous painting will be stolen. He recommends the brilliant appraiser Riko Rinda for appointment as a curator. With magazine journalist Yuto Ogasawara in tow, Riko flies to Paris and easily passes the qualifying test. With Misa Ryusenji, who has also qualified, she sets to work studying her new field, but the more she learns about the Mona Lisa the less certain she becomes, and gradually her powers of judgment are affected. Ogasawara, trying to find out what is going on, learns something astonishing about how, 500 years ago, da Vinci painted a puzzle into the Mona Lisa’s eyes. Now a plot emerges around the painting, involving both France and Japan. Will Riko free herself from the Mona Lisa’s curse and bring the case to a happy end?

2014년, 40년만에 미술역사상 유일한 보물이라 불리는「모나리자」가 일본에 오게 된다.
루브르미술관 아시아권 대리인인 아시히나는「모나리자」의 일본도착에 앞서 어떤 사명을 루브르측으로부터 전달받는다. 그것은 끊임없이 노리는「모나리자」를 둘러싼 거대한 음모에 대한 경비강화였다. 아사히나는 천재감정사 린다 리코를 학예원후보로 추천한다. 잡지편집자 오가사와라 유토와 함께 파리로 향한 리코는 당당히 루브르미술관에서 열린 채용시험에 합격한다. 또 한명의 합격자가 된 류센지 미사와 함께 연수에 임하지만「모나리자」에 대해 알면 알수록 신체에 이변이 일어나고 점점 감정의 눈도 이상해지기 시작하는데…. 그 이유를 밝히려고 노력하는 유토는 500년전부터 다빈치가「모나리자」의 눈속에 숨겨놓은 놀라운 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 그 무렵, 일본과 프랑스에서는「모나리자」를 둘러싸고 거대한 음모가 모습을 드러낸다. 과연 린코는「모나리자」의 저주에서 벗어나 어려운 사건을 해쳐나갈 수 있을까?

2014年,翘首期盼的40年美術史上唯一至寶 「蒙娜麗莎」終於登陸日本。