Program List

Cast : Tsubasa Honda (本田翼)
5 Titles

  • Music
  • Romance
2022.10 -2022.12
  • Music
  • Romance

I Will Be Your Bloom


Asuka had once realized her goal to become a teacher, but after a gutting failure, she gives up her dream profession and becomes extremely withdrawn. After a series of events, she finds herself becoming a live-in housemother for a dorm... where the boy band septet 8LOOM live together!
At the dorm, she is reunited with her former student Dan—as a teacher, Asuka used to encourage him to go for his dreams. Inspired by Dan’s leadership in the band and his passion for making his dream come true, Asuka, too, regains the passion she had in her teaching days and comes to terms with her own failure.
Don’t miss this adorable story about a woman’s journey to new heights in work, friendship, and romance!

교사가 되는 꿈을 이루지만 상처를 입고 마음의 문을 닫아버린 전직 고등학교 교사 아스카.
어떤 이유로 7명의 보이그룹 8LOOM이 공동생활을 하는 기숙사 사감으로 일하게 된다. 그곳에서 교사로서 꿈을 응원했었던 제자 단과 재회를 하게 되는데!
그룹의 리더로 꿈을 향해 열심히 도전하는 단의 모습에 아스카는 크게 감동하고, 어느덧 교사 시절의 정열을 되찾아 자신의 좌절과도 마주하게 된다.
사랑과 일, 우정도 새로운 무대로 향해가는 여성의 성장 & 심쿵 스토리.


  • Comedy
  • Family
2021.10 -2021.12

  • Comedy
  • Family

Radiation House Ⅱ


The hit series starring Masataka Kubota makes a return for the second season!
Iori Igarashi is a medical radiographer, who is also known as a "hero behind the scences," uses unconventional methods and breaks the mold of academia to find the cause of illnesses and diagnose "invisible diseases" with X-rays and CT.
And joining Iori once again, is An Amakasu, the daughter of the former director of 'Amakasu General Hospital' who secretly has feelings for Iori...

  • Crime & Investigation
2020.1 -2020.3
  • Crime & Investigation

Absolute Zero 4


This is the story of a special mission squad that obstructs crime before it happens.

The squad infiltrates, pursues, and investigates “future criminals”, who were deduced by analyzing all kinds of big data?security camera videos, emails, phone calls, text messages on social media, and more.
In this title, the story begins several months from now, right at the moment when a large-scale terrorist attack is about to occur. Odagiri, in the midst of her search for the explosives, enters a room to find a man armed with a handgun and standing as still as a statue. In front of him is a woman on the ground, shot to death. The man, who is standing rigidly with tears in his eyes, was no other than Izawa. Shocked, Odagiri is unable to say a word. Izawa, a detective who usually resents criminals, has crossed the line and killed a woman?! Who exactly is the female victim?! And, what’s the meaning behind Izawa’s tears?!

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2017 -2017
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Swimming in the Dark


With a title inspired by “Stomiiformes”, an order of deep-sea ray-finned fish called, this story follows Tomioka, a late-night security guard at a supermarket who laments his drab and solitary life. Feeling it unnatural to exist alone, he wishes upon a shooting star one night for a true friend. Soon, a mysterious woman appears in his life. She is Azusa, a next door neighbor who instantly falls in love with him. But as the kind of social awkwardness, Tomioka is obtusely unaware of her feelings for him. Can love bloom between these two? Especially when compounded by the sudden emergence of a homeless guy, who calls himself a “life wanderer”, and then an enigmatic death threat in the form of a letter that reads: “You will lose your mind within a year and die”. Life is suddenly turned upside down.

심야 마트에서 경비원으로 일하는 도미오카는 일상생활에 의문과 불안을 느끼며 고독은 죄라고 자각한다. 어느날, 친구가 생기길 바라며 별똥별에 소원을 빌었보지만 그에게 나타난것은 도미오카를 보고 첫눈에 반한 수수께끼의 이웃여성 하다였다.
그녀의 마음을 전혀 눈치채지 못하는“최강으로 최약한 남자”도미오카. 과연 두사람의 사랑은 시작될 수 있을까? 더욱이 인생방랑자로 불리는 거지아저씨의 출현과 「너는 1년이내에 미쳐서 죽을것」이라는 이상한 협박편지에 의해 도미오카의 인생은 변해간다.


  • Romance
2016 -2016
  • Romance

Pretty Proofreader


proofread verb
definition: to read (copy or proof) for purposes of finding errors and marking corrections.
Twenty-eight-year-old Etsuko Kono is the ultimate fashionista. Overflowing with curiosity, she's constantly asking "why?" and "how?"

Etsuko's lifelong dream is to become an editor for a fashion magazine. She's applied numerous times while taking on part-time jobs to make ends meet, but to no avail. Then finally, she bags an offer from a large publishing house, only to find out that she's been assigned to the least glamorous department in the company--the Proofreading Department! Not easily discouraged, Etsuko dons a flashy ensemble and heads off to her proofreading job.

Etsuko is the type of woman who isn't satisfied unless she meticulously investigates every single issue, and it reflects on her unique proofreading style, which is so bold and daring that is leads to one trouble after another! Whether it's forcing her way into uncharted places that are difficult to enter, or infiltrating a crime scene that's being investigated by a tabloid so she can get the facts herself, Etsuko goes all-out to take proofreading to new dimensions!

"If your dreams don't come true, is your life a failure?"
"But as long as you put all your heart into it, any job can be a blast!"
"Long live unglamorous jobs!"

This fall, NIPPON TV pays homage to all working women with "Pretty Proofreader," the ultimate workplace entertainment drama!