Program List
La Grande Maison Tokyo SPECIAL
グランメゾン東京 スペシャル
Hayami became the first Asian female chef to earn a three-star Michelin rating within just a year of opening her restaurant. However, the spread of the new coronavirus caused a severe blow to her business. In a bid to survive, she returns to online sales of frozen dinners and recipes, which causes her dishes to focus more on appearance than taste, putting ‘Grand Maison Tokyo’ in danger of losing one of its Michelin stars. Meanwhile, the restaurant’s former top chef, Natsuki Obana, has disappeared somewhere in France. However, when Hayami visits a restaurant in Kyoto, rumored to soon be nominated as the world’s best French restaurant, she is convinced that Obana is there. Why has he mysteriously returned to Japan?!
하야미는 레스토랑 오픈 불과 1년만에 아시아인 여성 최초로 별 3개 레스토랑의 셰프가 되었지만 코로라 바이러스가 만연하여 큰 타격을 입는다.
살아남기 위해 통신판매용 냉동식품이나 레시피 사이트로 활로를 찾아보지만 보기에만 좋은 요리가 되어가고「그랑 메종 도쿄」가 미슐랭 별을 잃게 되는 위기적 상황에 처한다….
한편, 파리에 가 있어야 할 오바나는 자취를 감추고 연락이 두절되었다.
하야미와 쿠즈미는 세계 톱 레스토랑에 노미네이트된다고 소문이 난 프렌치 레스토랑을 찾아가고 그 가게에 오바나가 있을 것이라고 확신한다.
오바나가 일본으로 돌아온 목적은 무엇일까!?
為了繼續生存便開始進行冷凍食品網購、食譜網站等方式試圖找出活路,但卻因只能做出外表好看的餐點,讓「Grand Maison 東京」陷入了失去米其林星評價的危機中…。
AARO -All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office-
The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office solves both familiar modern incident and bizarre and incomprehensible cases that can’t be explained even with cutting-edge science in this orthodox mystery drama that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
One day, Koyume Amano, a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Band Color Guard, is suddenly ordered to go to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO for short. When she arrives at their headquarters, which resembles the office of a shrine from the outside, the deputy director, Miyabi Okitama is there. According to Okitama, the AARO is the oldest investigative agency in the world, dating back to the time of the Yamato Imperial Court. They report directly to the Cabinet Office, and investigate “unsolvable cases” such as paranormal phenomena. Koyume is surprised to learn that such an organization exists, and also wonders why she would have been assigned to it.
At this point, Okitama tells Koyume about the Spiriting Away Incidents that he is currently investigating. The first incident happened about half a year ago. The only things left at the scene were the victim’s clothing, their possessions, and copious amounts of blood. No body was found, as though it vanished on its own. Online, there was someone who claimed responsibility, saying, “This was a spiriting away,” and, “I am the god Hiruko.” The incident was followed by others like it, and Hiruko put out a statement each time. Gradually, people came to believe in, fear, and some even worship Hiruko.
Under the orders of AARO director Tamio Ukino, Okitama and Koyume go to the First Investigation Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police to take part in a joint investigation. There, they learn about a key figure named Rui Matsumiya. He was originally a member of an underground male idol group, but started making money by dating his fans after the group broke up. Out of eight disappearances that have happened so far, Matsumiya was the first to discover the scene in the three most recent, and the victims in all three cases were passionate fans who had repeatedly gone on dates with him. However, at the times of the crimes, Matsumiya was working in a shared office, and the security camera footage backs up his alibi. After the first incident, Matsumiya began to talk about being able to see Hiruko, which caused a stir online. Is this case really the work of the god Hiruko? Or is it someone else in the shadows? What answer will the Okitama and the others find?!
TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room - THE MOVIE
劇場版『TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~』
The 70th floor of a Yokohama skyscraper is ablaze with 193 lives trapped inside. MER rolls into action determined to save everyone.
Winning “Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022” and “Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards”, TV series “TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room" first aired in 2021 on TBS.
The protagonist is MER ("Mobile Emergency Room"), a team of emergency professionals on wheels formed by the Tokyo governor with one mission only: to prevent a single death. Tasked with rushing to the scene of major accidents, disasters, and crimes, MER is armed with state-of-the-art medical equipment, a mobile operating room, and an elite staff ready to risk all to save lives.
★Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022 (“TOKYO MER” TV series)
★Ryohei Suzuki / Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards (“TOKYO MER” TV series)
The Last Man: The Blind Profiler
Hiromi Minami is a US FBI agent on temporary loan to Japan. He’s blind but dubbed “the last man" for his ability to crack tough cases with keen analysis and honed senses. Shintaro Godo is a field cop with a top arrest record who shuns his pedigree as police commissioner’s son. The two make for a highly mismatched pair, but there’s more to their partnership than meets the eye. A police conspiracy? A link to a mysterious past? Strap in for a suspenseful adventure by this odd pair of detectives.
미국에서 교환학생으로 일본으로 오게 된 FBI 특별 수사관 미나미.
과거 한 사고로 인해 시력을 잃었지만 날카로운 분석력, 후각, 촉각으로 사건을 반드시 끝내버리는 최후의 히든카드라는 의미로 FBI에서는 “라스트 맨”으로 불리고 있다.
그런 미나미의 보좌를 맡게 된 것은 악을 절대로 용서할 수 없다는 “남다른 정의감”을 가진 경찰청 인재교류기획실 실장, 고도.
낙천적이고 타인을 신뢰하며 스스럼없이 주위에 도움을 청하는 미나미, 타인을 의심하며 오로지 자신만을 믿고 혼자서 살아온 고도라는 정반대의 불균형 콤비가 한 팀을 이루어 어려운 사건에 도전해간다.
雖因事故而導致雙眼失明,但敏銳的分析力、嗅覺、觸覺總是能讓事件邁向終點,在FBI被稱作「Last Man」,亦即「最後的王牌」。
Haruto is a young businessman whose game company struck it rich, giving him a fancy suburban home, a beautiful wife, Michiru, and a grade school daughter. But when the daughter is taken in a serial kidnapping, Haruto reassesses his priorities. Confronted with a series of challenges and revelations about people, he and Michiru fight to get their daughter back the only way they can: by themselves, in this non-stop thriller about family bonds under the most trying of circumstances.
창업한 회사가 크게 성공하여 부와 명예를 손에 넣은 게임회사 사장 하루토.
가마쿠라에 집을 짓고 아내 미치루, 초등학생 딸과 사생활도 행복하다.
그런 어느 날, 딸이 연속 유과 사건에 휘말리게 된다.
소중한 것을 잃으면서 직면하는 수많은 시련, 그리고 밝혀지는 다양한 인간 군상들.
사랑하는 딸을 되찾기 위한 유일한 방법은 경찰을 배제하고 아내와 힘을 모아 유괴범과 싸워가는 것. 인생 최악의 사태에 휩쓸린 가족의 사랑이 시험에 놓이는 논스톱 패밀리 엔터테인먼트!
Based on a masterpiece Keigo Higashino mystery novel, Hakuro Teshima is a bachelor veterinarian with a strong sense of justice and incapable of telling a lie. One day a mysterious woman, Kaede Yagami, appears at his door, claiming to be his younger brother’s wife and informing him of her husband’s sudden disappearance. The two then go in search of the missing brother and husband, but get embroiled in a wealthy family inheritance battle of some 3 billion yen. Expect the unexpected and a jaw-dropping finish as the curtain rises on an epic mystery swirling in human desire.
히가시노 게이고의 걸작 미스터리 소설을 드라마화.
정의감 강하고 거짓말을 모르는 독신 수의사 데지마 하쿠로는 어느 날 갑자기「동생의 처」라 자칭하는 수수께끼의 미녀 야가미 카에데로부터 동생이 실종되었다는 소식을 듣게 된다.
하쿠로는 카에데와 함께 실종된 동생의 행방을 찾아 나선다.
그리고, 30억엔의 유산이 얽힌 어느 명가의 분쟁에 휘말려 간다.
예상도 할 수 없었던 놀라운 결말! 인간의 욕망이 소용돌이치는 장대한 미스터리가 막을 연다!
Unsung Cinderella: Midori, The Hospital Pharmacist
“A new medical drama that focuses on pharmacists, the unsung heroes who never get the spotlight.”
Midori is a pharmacist who works at the Yorozu General Hospital. When Midori was in middle school, her little sister had cancer. Midori stayed by her sister’s side in place of her mother, but Midori slowly became exhausted mentally and physically. That’s when a female pharmacist came to her rescue. The pharmacist believed that “in hospitals, pharmacists are the ones who can have the warmest conversations with patients.” At that time, Midori decided to be a pharmacist, just like her.
Midori is incredibly sensitive to others’ feelings, and can tell if someone is worried or struggling simply by taking glances at their faces. Because of this part to her, she often spends too much time on each patient, even though she wants to “save as many people as possible.” However, there’s sometimes certain information that only she can pull out, bringing out clues that can save the patient’s life.
Natsuki Obana is a charismatic Japanese chef running a 2-star restaurant in Paris. Despite an extreme pride and confidence, he can’t seem to earn the 3 stars he covets. Feeling the pressure of a career slipping away, Obana’s troubles are compounded when his restaurant is caught in a scandal that forces its closure and the departure of his staff. Amid his despair, a glimmer of hope arrives when he encounters a female chef with whom he is encouraged to start anew. Assembling a staff of talented chefs, he launches his restaurant but is constantly clashing with personnel. Can a middle-aged man once knocked down recover the verve of youth necessary to achieve a lifelong dream?
요리에 인생을 걸고 파리에 자신의 가게를 가진 미슐랭 2스타를 획득한 카리스마 셰프. 자신감이 자만심으로 변하는 한편, 아무리 애써도 3스타를 가지지 못한 채 중압감에 괴로워하며 한계를 느낀다. 그러던 중 가게에서 중대한 사건이 일어나고 가게와 동료들을 모두 잃게 된다. 밑바닥으로 전락한 그는 어느 여성 셰프를 만나면서 다시 한번 셰프로서 살아갈 것을 결심하고 주위와 충돌하면서도 동료를 모아 기울어진 레스토랑의 재건을 위해 분투한다. 인생의 고난에 맞닥트려진 남자가 다시 한번 꿈을 향해 노력하는“어른의 청춘”을 그린 휴먼스토리.
Hiyori Makino is a rookie detective whose dream comes true when she is assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. One day, the precinct police see an anonymously-posted clip on the Internet that shows a person being burned to death. The police treat it as a possible copycat crime of a burning homicide that occurred five years ago. Hoping to consult Soichiro Natsume, the retried detective who headed the original investigation, Hiyori arrives at an antiquated, western style house in an upscale residential district where she finds Natsume sharing the house with four other elderly ex-cops, all quite eccentric like himself. Hiyori commences the meeting and quickly realizes that despite their aging vision, back pain and high blood pressure, these gentlemen still possess razor sharp sleuthing skills. Together, they set about cracking tough cases each week in this new detective drama.
신입 형사 마키노 히요리는 그토록 바라던 형사과에 배속되었다. 어느 날 관할내에 사람이 불타는 동영상이 투고사이트에 올라오는 사건이 발생한다. 수사본부는 5년 전에 일어난 소살사건의 모방범으로 보고 수사를 개시한다. 히요리는 사건의 단서를 찾기 위해 5년 전 사건을 담당했던 전직 형사 나쓰메 소이치로의 이야기를 들으러 고급주택가의 낡은 양옥집을 찾아간다.
그곳에는 전직 경찰관 할아버지 5명이 공동생활을 하는 쉐어하우스였다. 히요리와 개성 넘치는 할아버지들의 수상한 수사 회의가 시작된다. 노안, 요통, 고혈압이지만 수사 실력만큼은 초일류의 범상치 않은 할아버지들과 함께 히요리는 사건을 추격해 간다. 1회 완결형 형사 드라마.