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Parliamentary secretary Toru Washizu has devoted 20 years of his life to Kosuke Inukai, a member of parliament and cabinet minister. Toru works behind the scenes as Inukai's "shadow," deftly handling the petitions of Inukai's supporters and crushing any hint of scandal. Cool and collected, Toru rarely betrays emotion and would humble himself to anyone to get what Inukai needs.
But then a shocking event changes everything. Toru's only son, Taiki, is gravely injured in an accident that leaves him close to death. Toru is stricken with worry and fear for his son, but Inukai orders him to conduct a cover-up. Feeling betrayed, Toru, who once would have done anything for Inukai, begins to question everything.
Toru gets an idea: to set a reminder to the powerful, those who use their power to get whatever they want, no matter how unreasonable. A reminder of just how fragile the power they wield really is.
Using the knowledge, connections and information cultivated during his long career in politics, Toru pursues the truth behind the accident that left his son in critical condition. And for the politicians who have used their influence to cover it up, he concocts a spectacular revenge...
草彅やすともの うさぎとかめ
Are you a slow-learner or fast-learner? This is an educative, informative and encouraging light entertainment format that two guests examine two different approaches to improve their skills. The Tortoise is given one week, but only try fishy information from online; the Hare has one hour training with an expert. Which will do better?