Program List

ScenarioWriter : Yoshihiro Izumi (いずみ吉紘)
3 Titles



ACMA:GAME アクマゲーム

Status, wealth, honor, and life…

A devil’s game that allows you to take everything away from your opponent.
The death game for humans consumed by desire is about to begin!
It is said that if one manages to obtain 99 of the devil’s keys, one can have the world and everything in it.

The devil’s key holds mysterious powers. Insert it…

The “game” conducted by the devil game master begins. Players have no choice but to join, and losers cannot refuse any demand.
Protagonist Teruasa Oda, together with the humans whose desires have been stimulated and are at the mercy of the devil’s key, risk their lives to play ACMA:GAME. They seek to unravel the mystery behind the devil’s key.
Follow them along the intense tests of their skills as they take on the ultimate mind battle and extreme psychological warfare.

Brace yourselves—the devil’s game that uses humans is about to begin.

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller
2022.4 -2022.6
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Thriller



A mystery figure dubbed “Invisible” conspires with criminals as an underworld “crime coordinator.”
Once thought of as just an urban legend, Invisible hijacks the airwaves and warns of a bombing.
Nobody imagined it would be a woman by the name “Kiriko.”
“I’ll give you my information,” she says, “but I want Detective Takafumi back in the First Crime Division.” But why him? One by one, the mysteries peel away in this rollercoaster drama will hold you in captive suspense.

범죄자나 어두운 사회의 사람들과의 거래에 협력하여
「범죄 코디네이터」라 불리는 수수께끼의 인물, 속칭 인비저블.
도시 전설이라 불리던 인물이 갑자기 전파를 점령하여 폭파 예고를 한다.
그의 모습은 누구도 상상하지 못했던 키리코라고 밝히는 아름다운 여성이었다…!!
그녀는「소중한 정보를 주는 조건으로 수사 1과에서 좌천된 형사 타가후미를 담당하게 하라」고 요청한다!
일면식도 없는 두 사람… 왜?

끊임없이 이어지는 의문의 인간드라마 & 한번 보기 시작하면 멈출 수 없다.
중독성 강한 제트코스터 서스펜스.


2019.4 -

Everyone's Demoted!!


“If you don’t make your quotas, you’re all fired!”
Desperate bankers battle a colossal organization
In a fight song for the masses.

Hiroshi Kataoka is a banker who knows things aren’t right, but endures it anyway. “It’s for the good of the company,” he tells himself. And Hiroshi is true and proper Japanese “salaried man.” But he’s also a man of passion who can’t help but be moved by the hard work of his subordinates and colleagues. So right before his 50th birthday, when he gets news that he will be promoted to manager of the Kamata branch that has been earmarked for eventual closure, he is conflicted. “Don’t kill yourself working for a branch that’s closing,” his bosses advise him. “You’ll get good treatment when you return to headquarters afterwards.” But no one under Hiroshi has any knowledge that their jobs are doomed.

「책임량을 달성하지 못하면 모두 해고! 나도 해고다!」
궁지에 몰린 은행원들이 거대한 조직의 불합리에 맞서 싸우는
포기하지 않는 모든 이들에게 보내는 응원가

은행원 가타오카 히로시는 불합리한 일일지라도 참고 견디며「회사에서 살아남기 위해서」라고 생각하는 샐러리맨.
하지만, 부하와 동료들의 노력에 끌려다니는 뜨거운 정을 가진 남자이기도 하다.
50세를 눈앞에 두고 지점장으로 승진 인사명령을 받지만 부임처는 폐점이 결정되어있는 카마타지점이었다.「폐점이 결정되었으니 노력하지 않아도 된다. 폐점 후에는 본부로 복귀 우대된다」라는 말을 듣는다. 폐점이 될 것을 모르고 일하는 직원들 사이에서 가타오카는 갈등한다.

