Program List

Cast : Yuki Sakurai (桜井ユキ)
5 Titles

  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • School Drama
2021.3 -

  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • School Drama


Summer when I was 17 years old, I loved someone till my heart is torn off.
Umi is a high school girl who is grew up without parental love. Mysterious phone calls lead her to a naughty student Harukawa, and they rapidly fall in love.
When the truth of the calls is revealed, Umi and Harukawa’s love came to a shocking end.

親からの愛情を知らずに育った女子高校生・有海は、“過去からかかってくる謎の電話” に導かれ、同じ境遇の不良少年・春川と出会い、急速に惹かれあう。
幼児虐待、親族殺し、若者の恋愛離れ、愛の形が見えにくい現代社会に“ 本当の愛“ を問いかける青春恋愛ミステリー

  • Health&Wellbeing
2020.7 -2020.9
  • Health&Wellbeing

Unsung Cinderella: Midori, The Hospital Pharmacist


“A new medical drama that focuses on pharmacists, the unsung heroes who never get the spotlight.”
Midori is a pharmacist who works at the Yorozu General Hospital. When Midori was in middle school, her little sister had cancer. Midori stayed by her sister’s side in place of her mother, but Midori slowly became exhausted mentally and physically. That’s when a female pharmacist came to her rescue. The pharmacist believed that “in hospitals, pharmacists are the ones who can have the warmest conversations with patients.” At that time, Midori decided to be a pharmacist, just like her.
Midori is incredibly sensitive to others’ feelings, and can tell if someone is worried or struggling simply by taking glances at their faces. Because of this part to her, she often spends too much time on each patient, even though she wants to “save as many people as possible.” However, there’s sometimes certain information that only she can pull out, bringing out clues that can save the patient’s life.

  • Romance
  • Music
2019.10 -
  • Romance
  • Music

You, Me and Bach


Yaeko Kogure’s marriage engagement is broken off by her fiancé just as she resigns from her job amid congratulations. Standing stunned in a shopping mall, she hears Bach’s “Air on the G String” playing nearby, and it moves her to overcome her setback by taking up the violin. She joins a class with a college student, Rihito Kase, and a homemaker, Yukie Kitagawa, and things are looking up again. But neither the violin nor human relations come smoothly. And she must get her priorities straight. Will it be romance? Love? Friendship? Discover with Yaeko how the trivial events of daily existence, when woven together, can produce a miraculous symphony of life.

고구레 야에코는 결혼을 앞두고 퇴사 직전에 약혼자로부터 파혼을 당한다.
멍한 상태로 들른 쇼핑몰에서「G선상의 아리아」의 라이브 연주를 듣게 된 것을 계기로 성인 바이올린 교실을 다니기 시작한다. 같은 클래스에서 만난 요즈음의 대학생 가세 리히토, 주부 기타가와 유키에, 인간관계도 바이올린도 그리 만만치 않은데…. 사랑일까, 애정일까, 아니면 우정일까? 일상에서 일어나는 아주 사소한 일들이 만들어내는 기적의 하모니.


小暮也映子は寿退社間近に婚約者から婚約破棄を告げられる。 放心状態で立ち寄ったショッピングモールで「G線上のアリア」の生演奏を耳にしたのをきっかけに、大人のバイオリン教室に通い始める。 教室で同じクラスになったのはイマドキの大学生・加瀬理人と主婦の北河幸恵。 人間関係もバイオリンも一筋縄ではいかない…。 恋か、愛か、はたまた友情か。 日常に起きるほんの些細な出来事が織りなす、奇跡のハーモニー。

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2019.4 -
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Tokyo Bachelors


Recent statistics show one out of four men never gets married before the age of fifty. Our three bachelors are devoted to their work, have great hobbies, are skilled in housekeeping and have good friends. In short, they lead a meaningful life and stay single by choice ---until a twist of fate make their conviction waver and make these three highly eligible men start to think about marriage.

The central figure Taro Ishibashi (38) works for a megabank. His analytical skill and keen observation power prevent him from getting into love relationships. His two bachelor buddies are Reiya Miyoshi (37), the owner of a dental clinic and a divorcee who enjoys his second single life, and Kazuhiko Iwakura (45), a top lawyer of a major law firm.

Good-looking with high credentials, they were happily pursuing the liberté de la vie…but life sometimes takes unexpected turns. When they started to think about marriage, they suddenly realize that getting married is actually a dauntingly difficult task.

2019.2 -

Justice Monster


Is anything permissible so long as it is in the name of justice? In this psychotic, suspense-filled horror show, the main character attempts to dish out her own brand of mad, evil justice upon her four friends.

Noriko always does the right thing 100% of the time. Because of an incident in her past, she refuses to allow any mistakes or offences which goes against the law.
One day, Noriko meets up with four old friends from high school.
Yumiko has been trying to juggle a part-time job whilst raising her child ever since her husband got laid off due to his company’s downsizing.
Riho runs an international school along with her non-Japanese husband and the two of them are trying for a baby.
Reika, a former child-star, has now graduated to a full-blown actor, and has been having an affair with a married man despite her being single herself.
And finally, Kazuki just recently left her job at a major publishing firm with an itching desire to become a non-fiction writer herself.
But as soon as these girls reunite with their old classmate Noriko, their lives start coming apart at the seams, plunging them deeper and deeper desperately towards a complete meltdown. What is the reason behind Noriko’s twisted take on justice…? And what will her friends do in response…?

そんな時代のゆがみが生み出した、かつてない正義のヒロインは、救いの天使か・・・ すべてを壊す悪魔なのか・・


