Program List

Cast : Yuri Nakamura (中村ゆり)
5 Titles

  • Mystery
2022.10 -
  • Mystery

The Black Swindler (2022)


The stage is set in Japan in the year 2022.
In a time where fraud is an imminent threat, societal issues give rise to a slew of elaborate scams. Kurosaki is a man who lost his family to a “white swindler,” which is a professional swindler who scams people out of their money. In order to exact revenge, Kurosaki becomes a “black swindler,” a swindler who tricks other swindlers. He swears to scam every white swindler in the world and takes on foe after foe, but can he find his ultimate enemy who robbed him of his family? This riveting revenge drama exposes the very emotions that scams exploit.

2022년 일본.
사기가 일상의 위협이 되고 있는 현대, 사회의 부작용으로 인해 끊임없이 사기는 탄생하고 수법도 교묘해져간다. 사람을 속여 금전을 빼앗는 프로 사기꾼 「시로 사기」에 의해 가족을 잃은 쿠로자키는 「사기꾼을 속이는 사기꾼・쿠로 사기」가 되어 사기꾼에게 복수를 결심한다.
그는 「이 세상의 시로 사기를 모두 없애버리겠다」고 마음먹고 자신의 인생을 바꿔버린 사기꾼들에게 맞서가지만 가족을 빼앗아간 최대의 숙적을 만날 수 있을까...
통쾌한 복수극 속에서 사람의 「마음」을 이용한 사기이기에 만나게 되는 인간 드라마.


  • Thriller

  • Thriller

All but divorced


A man and a woman. After seven years of marriage and painfully failed attempts to have a boby, love has faded away. No conversation, no sex. They are married because they have not divorced yet.
The husband has been sleeping with a teenager whom he forces to have an abortion. Cornered by his wife over his betrayal, long-lost passion is reignited inside the husband who breaks down in tears and begs for forgiveness. He sends his lover a text to say it's all over.
The wife soon gets pregnant. Things seem to have gone back to normal, until one evening the young mistress knocks on the door. Infuriated by the sight of the wife's belly, the kid grabs a knife. The desperate couple strangles her to death.
Now they are inseparable, bonded by their feelings of guilt and their desire to protect their future family.
Then the husband receives another visitor.
"My girlfriend is missing. I know you were having an affair with her."

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller
2021.1 -2021.3
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller

Heaven and Hell: Soul Exchange


This drama about what happens when fate and love collide is non-stop entertainment!
Ayako is a gung-ho young detective in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s violent crimes unit who’s eager to make her name. One day she gets her big break: the chance to arrest a murder suspect single-handed. But before she can slap on the cuffs their souls are switched! She finds herself in the body of Haruto, a brilliant and successful young entrepreneur with his own startup who’s secretly a psychopathic serial killer—and he in hers. This bizarre exchange of souls sets the stage for a thrilling story that turns everything you thought you knew about men and women and good and evil on its head. As Ayako and Haruto are drawn closer together, these two natural enemies stumble onto an unexpected truth.

모치즈키 아야코는 경시청에서 살인과 강도 등 흉악범죄를 담당하는 수사 1과 형사.
어느 날 살인사건의 용의자인 남자를 자신의 손으로 체포할 큰 기회를 눈앞에 두고 불운하게도 그 용의자와 영혼이 뒤바뀌어 버린다.
아야코와 영혼이 뒤바뀐 살인범 히다카 하루토는 겉으로는 벤처기업의 젊은 경영자이지만 진짜 모습은 유례없는 두뇌와 지식을 구사한 사이코패스 살인마였다.
「형사와 살인마」라는 상반된 두 사람의 영혼이 바뀌는 것을 시작으로「선과 악」「여자와 남자」가 복잡하게 교차하는 스토리는 흥미롭게 전개된다.
그리고 영혼이 뒤바뀐 두 사람에게는 예상치 못한 진실과“궁극의 사랑”이 기다리고 있었다.


  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
2020.4 -
  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation

Detective Novice

未満警察 ミッドナイトランナー

What happens when a nerd and a jock become buddy cops at a police academy? An action-packed crime suspense that shatters all expectations!

Totally inexperienced, all they have to fall back on are their youth, passion, and the lessons they're learning in class--and yet the two are already getting dragged into a string of complex cases. But thanks to the help of classmates and full-fledged detectives, they begin to solve one crime after another.

Polar opposites end up complementing each other's shortcomings as they combine action with deductive reasoning in this comical yet serious police drama so fast-paced, it'll leave you breathless.

  • Family
2012 -2012
  • Family

Yurichika e, Mama kara no Dengon


This heartwarming and touching drama is based on the true story of Ms. Terenin Akiko.
「It’s fun to fall in love!」Akiko attempts to give her daughter love advice in this book as if talking to her future daughter. That’s because when writing this book she is diagnosed as having terminal cancer with little time left to live. While fighting cancer, Akiko finds herself creating a book about love, friends, studying, money, fashion, sex and other life lessons for her daughter Yuria, who is only 2 years old. She leaves her book for Yuria with a wish when passing away and moving on to heaven.
Despite the subject matter of a women and her struggle with cancer, this story is not gloomy and depressing. It is in fact a heartwarming story of the mother-daughter relationship (spanning three generations) told through the upbeat character of an active heroine whom any can relate to, and her strong-willed mother.




ベストセラー「ゆりちかへ ママからの伝言」の著者・テレニン晃子さんの強い生き方、実話を元にした感動の物語です。「どっきどきの恋は楽しいよ」そんな書き出しで、晃子さんは恋をする年頃になった未来の娘に向かって語りかけるように、母からの恋のアドバイスを『ゆりちかへ』の本の中で綴っています。