Program List

Cast : Hiroshi Tamaki (玉木宏)
5 Titles

  • Family
2022.4 -2022.6
  • Family

My Family


Haruto is a young businessman whose game company struck it rich, giving him a fancy suburban home, a beautiful wife, Michiru, and a grade school daughter. But when the daughter is taken in a serial kidnapping, Haruto reassesses his priorities. Confronted with a series of challenges and revelations about people, he and Michiru fight to get their daughter back the only way they can: by themselves, in this non-stop thriller about family bonds under the most trying of circumstances.

창업한 회사가 크게 성공하여 부와 명예를 손에 넣은 게임회사 사장 하루토.
가마쿠라에 집을 짓고 아내 미치루, 초등학생 딸과 사생활도 행복하다.
그런 어느 날, 딸이 연속 유과 사건에 휘말리게 된다.
소중한 것을 잃으면서 직면하는 수많은 시련, 그리고 밝혀지는 다양한 인간 군상들.
사랑하는 딸을 되찾기 위한 유일한 방법은 경찰을 배제하고 아내와 힘을 모아 유괴범과 싸워가는 것. 인생 최악의 사태에 휩쓸린 가족의 사랑이 시험에 놓이는 논스톱 패밀리 엔터테인먼트!


  • Comedy
2020.10 -2020.12

  • Comedy

The Way of the Househusband


An infamous yakuza sets out to master the Way of the Househusband!“The Immortal Dragon”—an infamous and feared yakuza who has left behind countless legends in the underworld—has decided to wash his hands of his dark past and become...a “househusband”! Under the watchful eye of the neighborhood, the yakuza, and the police, witness this gangster-turned-husband’s style of “justice and family love.” A thrilling slapstick drama where the ultimate househusband faces struggles from every side! Can Tatsu protect his beloved family and neighborhood when they are caught up in an incident?

2020.4 -

Path of the Dragons


“We’ve always had each other, haven’t we brother? Together we crawled from the gutter, and we both know where our path now leads…”
Two brothers, a Yakuza mobster, and a high ranking civil servant - their lives may be different but they share their thirst for revenge. In this suspenseful thriller we follow two powerful men focussed on wreaking vengeance on the corporation that destroyed their family. Years of carefully laid plans are close to fruition when their little step-sister begins digging into her tragic past. Will the brothers fulfil their destiny or will they be unwittingly exposed by the innocent sister they swore to protect?

  • Family
  • Romance
2018 -2018
  • Family
  • Romance

You’ve Got Someone to Come Home To


A realistic portrayal of the daily struggles, pent-up frustrations and miscommunication of marital life that people everywhere can relate to, centered around the marriage of two couples. Mayumi Sato and her husband Hideaki are into their 13th year of marriage and have a teenage daughter. With childrearing nearly finished and family finances tight, Mayumi decides to return to work after more than a decade away to help with their daughter’s tuition at a private middle school. But she finds Hideaki to be uncooperative and fumes at her husband’s backward attitude. Meanwhile, the Nasuda family of Taro, wife Ayako, son Shingo and Taro’s parents forms the picture of a traditional Japanese household. Taro is uncontested master of the house, and Ayako dutifully attends to her husband’s every need without question. Then one day, the couple visit a model home showroom where Hideaki works. Hideaki is smitten by Ayako, who seems the polar opposite of his own wife, and a forbidden affair ensues.


어느 두부부를 중심으로 일상에 숨겨진 불만과 엇갈림등 누구나가 공감할 수 있는 고민과 갈등을 리얼하게 그린 성인드라마.
결혼13년차 주부・사토 마유미는 남편・히데아키, 딸과 함께 살고 있다. 사립중학교에 입학한 딸의 학비로 생활이 빠듯해지자 마유미는 십몇년만에 직장에 나가게 된다. 하지만, 히데아키는 그런 아내에게 비협조적이고 마유미는 남편의 태도에 불만을 느낀다.
한편, 나스다 타로와 아내 아야코는 외아들 신고, 타로의 부모님과 함께 살고 있다. 타로는 믿을 수 없을 만큼 가부장적인 남편이지만 아야코는 항상 조용히 남편에게 순종한다. 그런 어느날, 히데아키가 근무하는 주택회사 모델하우스에 타로와 아야코가 고객으로 찾아온다. 히데아키는 마유미와는 대조적인 타입의 아야코에게 마음이 끌리고 이윽고 해서는 안될 사랑에 빠지게 된다.


  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Action


極主夫道 ザ・シネマ

The most(notorious)househusband in history appears!!
The sinister Yakuza who left behind many legends in the underworld, “The Immortal Dragon”
He washed his hands of the Yakuza lifestyle, and the new path he chose...was “househusband”!
Up to now, in Japan ‘househusbands’ were a rare breed, but they have been increasing, and now there are over 130,000 men who work as househusbands. Especially in the younger generation, it’s a job that over one third of them have chosen-the path of ‘stay-at-home’ husband!
In the drama, Tatsu handled many things such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, childcare and more. Among all that, the small things known as「Unnamed Housework」became a hot topic.
In the never-before-seen narrative, ‘Tacchan’ charmed living rooms everywhere.
And now the “ultimate spokesman for [housewives(and househusbands)] everywhere”, the Yakuza Househusband, returns!