Program List

Cast : Jun Kunimura (國村隼)
5 Titles

2021.10 -2021.12

JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope


Tokyo 2023. Japan’s prime minister announces a plan to store contaminated material in deep-sea strata while entrusting a team of young technocrats to protect Japan’s future. Meanwhile, the public is alarmed by sensational magazine articles predicting the sinking of the Kanto plain owing to the disappearance of an island off the Izu coast. With demonstrators in the streets, a young government official Amami tries to restore order just as a corruption scandal linking the government to a profitable eco-business firm erupts. When Amami and a government colleague escape for a scuba diving trip, they encounter an earth-shattering event.

2023년 도쿄. 히가시야마 총리는 세계 환경 회의에서 오염 물질을 액화해 해저 지층 틈에 저장하는 컴스의 추가 추진을 발표한다.
그 무렵 어느 주간지에 관동 침몰의 경종을 울리는 다도코로의 기사가 실린다.
이 기사로 일부 단체가 시위를 일으키고 아마미는 사태 수습을 위해 다도코로를 만난다. 하지만 그는 아마미의 말을 외면한 채「조만간 이즈 바다의 섬이 침몰된다. 이것은 내가 두려워하던 관동 침몰의 전조」라는 이상한 예언을 한다.
마침 기자 시이나는 환경 기업과 환경성의 놀라운 유착 의혹을 아마미에게 제시한다.
일말의 불안을 안고 스쿠버다이빙을 간 아마미는 그곳에서 충격적인 사건을 마주하게 되는데….


2021.5 -



After Shigeki Nagamine lost his wife, he cherished his only daughter Ema by himself until she became a high school girl. One night, however, Ema did not return home from hear part-time job, and her gruesome dead body was found afterward. A few days later, Shigeki receive a secret call giving the names and whereabouts of the criminals. After some indecision, he goes to the apartment he was informed of and rummages about the room. There he finds a video showing Ema being killed in such a cruel way. Shigeki accidentally kills Atsuya, one of the criminals who returned home, and moreover searches for a juvenile delinquent Kaiji, the chief culprit.

  • Action
  • Fantasy
2017 -2017
  • Action
  • Fantasy

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章

There’s something bizarre about this town...

Morioh, a picturesque seaside town.
In this deceptively peaceful-looking locale, strange deaths and other peculiar incidents begin occurring one after another...
Morioh is home to high school student Josuke Higashikata. Although he has the outward appearance of a delinquent, he is actually kind at heart. He possesses a special power called “Stand,” and his unique ability can heal the wounds of others and fix broken objects just by touching them. When he learns that the unsettling events happening around him are the handiwork of other stand users, Josuke rises up to protect his beloved town!

이 마을 뭔가 이상해
아름다운 해안가의 모리오마을.
평화롭게 보이는 이 마을에서 변사사건등 차츰 기묘한 사건이 일어나기 시작한다.
이 마을에 사는 고등학생 히가시카타 죠스케. 겉보기엔 불량스럽지만 마음씨 착한 성격의 소유자. 그는 스탠드라 불리는 특수능력을 가지고 있다. 죠스케의 스탠드는 만지기만 하면 타인의 상처나 부서진 것들을 고치는 것이다. 일련의 사건이 다른 스탠드를 사용하는 자들의 소행임을 알게 된 죠스케는 사랑하는 마을을 지키기 위해 일어선다.



2016 -2016

The Unbrokwn


WOWOW brings acclaimed author Toyoko Yamasaki's 1999 literary tour de force to life on the small screen for the very first time. Audiences have already received television adaptations of Yamasaki's other works – The Ivory Tower (白い巨塔), The Grand Family (華麗なる一族), The Waste Land (不毛地帯), A Son of the Good Earth (大地の子), and My Destiny (運命の人) – and can now add The Unbroken (沈まぬ太陽) to that list with this long-awaited production.
Features a star-studded cast and additional filming on location in Africa and the Middle East.


  • History
2015 -2015
  • History



Starring Kenichi Matsuyama & Directed by Yu Irie!
Based on the comic “FUTAGASHIRA” by Natsume Ono.
A ransackingly entertaining historical piece filled with the slick tricks and thrilling deceptions of a band of thieves.
