Program List
Fourteen years after his incredible debut, Hiroto Yanagisawa remains a slugger for the Dragons. However, between injuries and slumps, he has spent much of his time out of the limelight. This year, during the off-season, he received notice that his contract would not be renewed. Still wanting to play baseball, Hiroto decided to participate in a tryout with his junior colleague. Just then, Hiroto received a surprising call—from Seiichiro Sakurada, the CEO of Inning Nine Group—inviting him to help employees who are struggling at the company, like a batter bunting to help the runners advance to the next base. Will Hiroto be able to shine in his new role as a “buntman”?
Akiha extols the virtues of the single life and has no desire for marriage. But then she encounters a sudden proposal from Shu, a handsome company man whom she just met. Shu has an urgent need to be officially designated as “married” when he floats the fake marriage proposal. For her part, Akiha is hurting for the money to care for her sick grandmother and keep her family business afloat. So a bargain is struck. Shu agrees to take over her debts if she will marry him. After a rocky start, however, Akiha gradually finds herself drawn to Shu’s kind and gentle nature. But then she learns the true reason behind their marriage in this disarmingly poignant romantic comedy about love built on a lie.
결혼할 생각이 전혀 없이 독신을 즐기는 오오카도 아키하.
어느 날 처음 만난 잘생긴 회사원 모모세 슈로부터 갑자기 프러포즈를 받는다.
모모세는 어떤 이유로 “기혼자”라는 타이틀을 손에 넣기 위해 위장결혼을 하고 싶다고 말한다.
할머니의 병과 집안의 가게를 지키기 위해 무슨 일이 있어도 돈이 필요한 아키하는 모모세로부터 돈을 빌리는 조건으로 위장결혼을 하게 된다!
공동생활이 시작되고 처음에는 충돌하는 두 사람이지만 아키하는 모모세가 보이는 따뜻함에 마음이 끌리게 되고….
하지만 모모세가 위장결혼을 한 진짜 이유가 조금씩 밝혀지게 되는데…?
즉석에서 위장결혼을 한 부부가 만들어내는 뜻밖의 심쿵 러브 코미디
Don’t miss this heartwarming, madcap romantic comedy!
Nami is an ordinary small-town girl with no special dreams or ambitions, someone who goes along to get along and wants nothing from life but a modicum of happiness. Then she moves to the big city to pursue her childhood crush. In Tokyo she by chance lands a job at a major fashion magazine where she meets the glamorous but intimidating Reiko, the youngest editor-in-chief in the magazine’s history, and Junnosuke, a dashing and loveable young photographer. Nami soon finds herself trying to satisfy the demands of her domineering, workaholic new boss while navigating the pitfalls of workplace romance. Along the way she discovers her values, her ambition, and a sense of purpose.
스즈키 나미는「일도 사랑도 적당히, 보통의 행복이 좋아.」라는 현시대의 안정지향주의자.
지방의 시골마을에서 태어나고 자란 나미는 꿈도 하고 싶은 것도 딱히 없는 평범한 여성이다.
도쿄에 사는 짝사랑 중인 고향 친구를 따라 대기업 출판사의 패션잡지 편집부로 취직을 하지만 그곳에서 만난 것은 최연소 편집장인 호우라이 레이코였다.
레이코는「초민완」「독설・냉철」한 귀신 상사였다! 무서운 여성 상사에 맞서고 또 꽃미남 재벌 후계자와 고난의 사랑을 이뤄가면서“내게 정말 소중한 것”을 찾아 꿈을 가지고 미래를 향해 살아가는 모습을 그린 우당탕 심쿵 러브 코미디!!
They have the same gene information, but one is a criminal and the other is a detective.
The twins used to have a strong bond with each other, but reunite as a criminal and a detective…
Keigo and Yugo play together in a park near their home. Their face exactly look same but they are called “Mirror Twins” because Keigo is a right-hander while Yugo is a left-hander, and their personality is absolutely opposite. At sunset, Keigo offers Yugo to come home together but Yugo says “No.” Yugo doesn’t want to come home as he always feels unconfortable there to be compared with Keigo who’s always a good boy to everyoen. Finaly, Keigo leaves Yugo at the park, and it’s the last time for Yugo to see Keigo… Yugo is kidnapped and his family is demanded a ransom. Unfortunaly, the kidnappers rob the ransom and disappear without letting Yugo go. Keigo feels remorse for what he did in the park. 20 years later, Keigo keeps paying for his crime to work hard as a detective.
An incident comes up suddenly. It starts from a live TV show to search for missing people. Eichi and Harue ask viewers for information about Yugo, and right after that, Eichi dies in an accident and Tajima who gives himself up to the show with information about Yugo is assaulted by someone and goes into a coma. Keigo is appointed to be in charge of these cases. When Tajima recovers consciousness, he finds Keigo and shouts “He is the one who has assaulted me!” At the same time, Keigo’s gene information is found at the scene of the incident… it makes Keigo to feel certain that Yugo is still alive and begins his revenge.
One of the seven detectives dispatched to MPD Div-12 is the infamous Yu Amagi. He is very frank to the point of possible rudeness, has little teamwork spirit but means well, seems very quiet but can be extremely talkative, and is in all a mysterious figure. No one can tell what is in his mind, but his skill as a detective is outstanding.
A traumatic experience has made him a time-line fetish. “Time lines of the perpetrator and the victim” based on the estimated time of death, time of the crime, time of the alibi, and given time-limits lead him to “the critical blank” that solves his cases.
Six other detectives are also lone wolves with excep- tional skills and unique personalities.
She loves to eat, but is hopeless at keeping house. Due to a job transfer, Hana’s beloved husband, Goro, is away from home. As a result, this housewife has grown a bit lazy. She’s hungry and looks in the pantry, but in her favorite words, the rice “is nigh(tingale) gone.” And the room is a mess. Hana is repentant and decides to turn over a new leaf, daydreaming of what life will be like. But she comes down to earth in time, realizing that she still has bread! The salmon toast she concocts is so delicious, it boosts her confidence to do her best.
Here is a new genre of drama which ends with a quick-and-easy cooking lesson after each episode.
This is the story of a woman who responds to an abused girl's silent cries of help. Nao, an aloof 30-something woman who works reluctantly as an elementary school teacher, notices the unmistakable bruises on her first grade pupil Rena. Initially, like everyone else, Nao looks the other way. But Rena's wretched desperation soon awakens a passion and determination in Nao. Together they skip town and embark on a risky journey pretending to be mother and child. "Mother" is the story of the transformation of a once disenchanted woman who suddenly takes on the role of a parent to a child who is starved for maternal love. The drama probes into the meaning of motherhood in modern society.