Program List

Cast : Mana Ashida (芦田愛菜)
3 Titles

  • Family
  • Music
  • Family
  • Music

Sayonara, Maestro!


Ever since gifted conductor Natsume’s wife and daughter left him five years ago, he has isolated himself from the music scene. Then one day, he decides to return to Japan for the first time in decades to conduct a small town orchestra and return to his estranged daughter, Hibiki, who loathes him and his music. Now he must try to thaw a relationship with his daughter frozen in time for five years, and learn to be a father.

천재 지휘자 나쓰메였지만 5년 전에 일어난 “어떤 사건”을 계기로 가족과 음악도 잃었다….
나쓰메는 음악업계를 떠나있었지만 일본의 지방 오케스트라에서 지휘를 하기 위해 수십 년 만에 귀국한다.
그런 아버지를 거절하고 음악을 싫어하는 딸 히비키는 아버지의 갑작스러운 귀국에 의해 어색한 동거 생활이 시작되는데…
세계적 천재 지휘자인 그가 어째서 사랑하는 음악 세계를 떠나게 된 것일까?
천재이기 때문에 딸의 마음을 알지 못하는 나쓰메가 아버지로서 다시 한번 딸과 마주하면서 5년 전부터 시간이 멈춰진 “딸의 인생”을 조금씩 움직여간다.


  • School Drama
  • School Drama

The Greatest Teacher

最高の教師 1年後、私は生徒に■された

Passionate teachers who will do anything for their students have gone extinct. Unless their life is at stake.
With the spread of social media, it has become impossible to track what students are doing in their private lives. People are sensitive to gender and LGBTQ issues, and denounce all forms of harassment and abuse. It is absurd to think that teachers and students can have a close relationship. Both parties are simply not interested.

“One of the students in front of me will kill me a year from now. There will be 30 suspects.”

After the ceremony on graduation day, teacher Rina Kujo is pushed off the 4th floor. The last things she sees is the sleeve of someone’s uniform.

“Why?! No! Who would do this to me?! I don’t want to die!” Just as these thoughts flash through her mind, she finds herself back at the assembly on the first day of school one year ago.

In this school drama for the new era, Rina faces her students squarely to unveil the truth.



This is the story of a woman who responds to an abused girl's silent cries of help. Nao, an aloof 30-something woman who works reluctantly as an elementary school teacher, notices the unmistakable bruises on her first grade pupil Rena. Initially, like everyone else, Nao looks the other way. But Rena's wretched desperation soon awakens a passion and determination in Nao. Together they skip town and embark on a risky journey pretending to be mother and child. "Mother" is the story of the transformation of a once disenchanted woman who suddenly takes on the role of a parent to a child who is starved for maternal love. The drama probes into the meaning of motherhood in modern society.