Program List
Tsumeko Takano has a graceful movements and a calm voice. Despite exuding confidence, she carries herself with humility. She possesses the aura of a mid-level ace, appearing extremely capable. However, in reality, she is shockingly talentless!
On the other hand, Michito Hiwada, who joined the company at the same time as Takano, is actually competent at his job but looks like an inept and unfortunate office employee. Eventually, he gets stuck with the role of being Takano's partner, who has become the company's idle employee, thus beginning his unbelievably unlucky professional life. However, the seemingly "talented woman" and "talentless man" eventually will form an unbeatable duo and create miracles...?!
TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room - THE MOVIE
劇場版『TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~』
The 70th floor of a Yokohama skyscraper is ablaze with 193 lives trapped inside. MER rolls into action determined to save everyone.
Winning “Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022” and “Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards”, TV series “TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room" first aired in 2021 on TBS.
The protagonist is MER ("Mobile Emergency Room"), a team of emergency professionals on wheels formed by the Tokyo governor with one mission only: to prevent a single death. Tasked with rushing to the scene of major accidents, disasters, and crimes, MER is armed with state-of-the-art medical equipment, a mobile operating room, and an elite staff ready to risk all to save lives.
★Best Asian Drama for a Regional/Int’l Market at ContentAsia Awards 2022 (“TOKYO MER” TV series)
★Ryohei Suzuki / Best Actor for 4th Asia Contents Awards (“TOKYO MER” TV series)
Marriage is Difficult for a Ninja
Hotaru Kusakari is a pharmacist who usually works at just an ordinary pharmacy. However contrary to her everyday appearance, she’s a descendant of the Koga Ninja clan, taking on the long tradition that has continued since the ancient times. She acts in a calm and reserved manner, but this is only her outward mannerisms of meekness and stealth to prevent her identity from being discovered. In fact, she is feistier than others, a perfectionist who hates failure and defeat, and sometimes her real intentions burst out in ways of a sharp tongue. She also trains her physical prowess through stoic jogging sessions and training every morning and spends her days behaving secretly in a ninja-like manner. At the age of 28, she married Goro Kusakari an ordinary guy (or so she thinks). She is proud to be a member of the ‘Koga clan’ but after she met him, her longing for a normal household begins to come out…
TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room
TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~
Kota Kitami, a brilliant young ER doctor, has been handpicked by Mayor Azusa Akatsuka to head a new emergency response team dubbed TOKYO Mobile Emergency Room, or MER, outfitted with leading-edge medical technology and a large mobile operating theatre to respond to major accidents, natural disasters, and other emergencies. Their mission is simple: Save every life. Team member Nao Otowa, sent by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on a secret mission, ends up forming a close professional bond with Kota, and together the two men put their lives on the line every day to rescue others. But perhaps there’s more to Kota’s superhuman bravery and self-sacrifice than meets the eye...
경이적인 구명 기술을 가진 응급의사 기타미 코타는 도쿄지사의 명령으로 신설된 구명 응급팀 TOKYO MER의 리더.
최신 의료기기와 수술실을 탑재한 대형차량으로 재해와 사건 사고 현장으로 달려가 부상자를 치료한다.
“한 명도 사망자를 내지 않는 것”이 그들에게 내려진 미션이다.
의사 오토와 나오는「TOKYO MER」의 정식인가 거부를 위해 장관이 파견한 스파이였다. 하지만, 두 사람은 어느덧 의기투합하여 최고의 동료가 되어간다.
「기다리기만 한다면 생명은 구할 수 없다」라는 강한 신념으로 그 어떤 현장에서도 중상의 환자에게 달려가는 기타미. 그 장렬한 각오와 구명에 대한 집념의 이면에는 무엇이 있을까?
擁有驚人急救醫術的超級急救醫,喜多見幸太為東京都知事下令新設之專業急救團隊「TOKYO MER」的隊長。
團員之一的醫生・音羽尚為厚生勞動省的官員,因厚生勞動大臣之令加入團隊為的是阻止「TOKYO MER」被正式核准,也就是個間諜的身分,但和喜多見在工作上逐漸互相理解,而成為最佳合作拍檔。
Don’t miss this heartwarming, madcap romantic comedy!
Nami is an ordinary small-town girl with no special dreams or ambitions, someone who goes along to get along and wants nothing from life but a modicum of happiness. Then she moves to the big city to pursue her childhood crush. In Tokyo she by chance lands a job at a major fashion magazine where she meets the glamorous but intimidating Reiko, the youngest editor-in-chief in the magazine’s history, and Junnosuke, a dashing and loveable young photographer. Nami soon finds herself trying to satisfy the demands of her domineering, workaholic new boss while navigating the pitfalls of workplace romance. Along the way she discovers her values, her ambition, and a sense of purpose.
스즈키 나미는「일도 사랑도 적당히, 보통의 행복이 좋아.」라는 현시대의 안정지향주의자.
지방의 시골마을에서 태어나고 자란 나미는 꿈도 하고 싶은 것도 딱히 없는 평범한 여성이다.
도쿄에 사는 짝사랑 중인 고향 친구를 따라 대기업 출판사의 패션잡지 편집부로 취직을 하지만 그곳에서 만난 것은 최연소 편집장인 호우라이 레이코였다.
레이코는「초민완」「독설・냉철」한 귀신 상사였다! 무서운 여성 상사에 맞서고 또 꽃미남 재벌 후계자와 고난의 사랑을 이뤄가면서“내게 정말 소중한 것”을 찾아 꿈을 가지고 미래를 향해 살아가는 모습을 그린 우당탕 심쿵 러브 코미디!!
8x54’ 7 ladies working as secretary for the dignitaries, who are the top of bank, Metropolitan
Government and National Police Agency, are trying to help the weak in the society by
moving the dignitaries stealthily. They have a lot of confidential information and
network, so they work in the shadow to help people who are suffering from unfair
Concept of this drama: Leaderless time, Swelling unemployment, there is no promising
future, so we have to move our leaders as much as we can do.
Bodyguards who protect people unarmed. An intense drama where the thoughts and emotions of people interweave.
A bodyguard in a civilian security company, Akira Shimazaki, had quit his job due to one incident in the past and was working as a guard for a construction site for a while. He starts working in the personal bodyguard section of a security company, and like Akira, the people working there have past incidents of their own. For the bodyguards, the request of the clients are absolute and even in a life or death situation, civilian bodyguards have to deal with the situation unarmed putting their own fate in peril---
In the new season, the story centers on Akira, who starts off as a freelance bodyguard. Takuya Kimura, an extremely popular actor in Japan, and Yumiko Inoue, a scriptwriter who has written many hit dramas will collaborate in a passionate and inspiring drama.
Mikoto Hanamaki is a paramedic with a special psychic ability: he can see the moment at which a person’s life ends. But the talent is a curse because despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to change that fate. Living with his sister-in-law, Sara, in an exceedingly pure yet somewhat taboo romance, Mikoto grows frantic when he sees precisely how her life will end in just a year’s time! Can this empathic paramedic, fighting on the front lines of life and death, find a way to alter the immovable hand of fate and save the one he loves?
구급 구명사로 일하는 하나마키 미코토에게는「사람의 마지막 순간이 보이는」특수한 능력이 있다. 하지만 모든 수단을 다 써도 그 운명을 바꿀 수는 없다. 그런 그가 사랑하는 사람은 함께 사는 의붓누나 사라이다. 사실 미코토는 사라가 1년 후에 이 세상을 떠날 운명임을 보고 만다. 사랑하는 사람을 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까? 구급 구명사가“바꿀 수 없는 운명”에 맞선다! 「생」과「사」에 맞서는 구급사와 슬픈 운명을 짊어진 의붓누나와의 순수한 금단의 러브스토리.
救急救命士として働く花巻みことには「人の最期の瞬間が視える」という特殊能力がある。しかし、どれだけ手を尽くそうともその運命を変えることはできない。 そんな彼の愛する人は同居する義姉・沙羅。実はみことは沙羅が1年後にこの世を去るという運命を視てしまう。愛する人のために何ができるのか? 救急救命士が、“変えられない運命”に立ち向かう! 「生」と「死」と向き合う救命士と、悲しい運命を背負う義姉の純粋すぎる禁断のラブストーリー。
A mysterious disease that infects surrounding organisms, nefarious genetic manipulation, an unknown pathogen from overseas. With technology advancing at such a breakneck pace, unanticipated and incomprehensible accidents are bound to occur.
Arriving to confront the many new challenges of modern science and medicine is a brilliant, introverted and eccentric scientist with a robotic prosthetic hand, his empathic assistant fueled by a passion for justice, and a coolly-competent and beautiful bureaucrat.
Outwardly, the trio could hardly be more different in appearance and personality, but together, they employ brilliant methods to solve baffling mysteries in each episode and save many from untold suffering.
Savor the satisfaction of a puzzle-solving drama filled with plenty of life-affirming inspiration, and highlighted by a compelling mystery. It is an incisive foray into the whirlpool of modern desire and ambition combining science, medicine and mystery for a wholly new style of whodunit entertainment.
친숙한 생물로부터 감염되는 수수께끼의 병, 유전자 조작, 해외에서 온 미지의 병원체…. 기술의 발달은 상상이상으로 눈부시다. 그런 현대이기에 일어나는 불가사의한 사건.
최신 과학과 의료에 얽힌 어려운 문제에 도전하는 로봇 의수를 가진 히키코모리에 괴짜인 천재 과학자, 사람 좋고 정의감 강한 열혈 조수, 쿨하고 영리한 미인 관료.
외모도 성격도 전혀 다른 세명이 매회 예상을 뛰어넘는 방법으로 선명하게 사건을 해결하고 고통받는 사람들을 구한다.
1회 완결의 가슴이 후련한 사건 해결과 감동을 그렸지만 모든 스토리에 이어진 수수께끼도 볼거리이다.
욕망이 소용돌이치는 현대사회에 묻는 과학×의학×추리의 전혀 새로운 미스터리 엔터테인먼트!
Missデビル 人事の悪魔・椿眞子
"You have the right to quit this company."
An unconventional human resources consultant is about to expose the darkness of the company! No evil can escape this beautiful-but-ruthless dark heroine in red stilettos.
Human resources consultant Mako Tsubaki has been dubbed the "devil of human resources" for her iron-fisted ways. She struts her way into a well-established firm and tackles sexual harassment, power harassment, bitter rivalries between factions, and monstrous employees, all of which are issues that can strike any company, with her extreme methods. Mako is like a devil who solves problems with her bold tactics. This is a refreshingly zany office drama for children and adults alike!
Legal V Ex-lawyer Shoko Takanashi
リーガルV 元弁護士・小鳥遊翔子
A legal drama featuring a scandalous female ex-attorney, Shoko, whose license has been taken away since she was disbarred for the reason yet to be revealed. She launches a law firm by employing rather incompetent lawyers and paralegals with criminal records, and herself working as its custodian. Her aim is to make the firm so popular that clients will cue for their turns and her motto “No license is required to save people.”
Shoko cannot say a word as an attorney at a court, but she controls her lawyers and dares to do anything within her ability to win a case. The attorneys and paralegals manipulated by Shoko show awesome performances as the third rated firm succeeds in winning their cases against top major firms one after another.
Her ever open-mindedness and determination for the victory at court are the driving forces of the drama that reveals entangled intricate cases to a victorious closure. Each episode is self-conclusive, but an underlining story of her past and her identity runs throughout the series. A Mind refreshing legal drama of justice and tears with a dash of humorous grins will surely capture your hearts.
“Where in this world will I find the woman I’m destined to be with? Many people might laugh if I tell them I believe in such things, so I never talk about it. But…”
I'd like you to think about it for a moment.
If Beethoven's parents didn't meet, he, much less his famous fifth symphony "Destiny," would have never existed.
If the parents of Edison, Einstein, or Bill Gates didn't fall in love, what would the world today be like?
Yes, in reality, there is certainly that special someone you must absolutely fall in love with--the person of your destiny.
A strange man who claims to be "god" suddenly reveals himself to 29-year-old lead character Makoto Masaki and declares, "You haven't realized it yet, but only a wall separates you from the one you must fall in love with, no matter what. The woman you're destined to be with works in the office next door."
"Sounds like something out of a creepy dream. But..," wonders Makoto. Skeptical at first, he eventually decides to believe the prediction and just go for it.
"Please don't be shocked. I'm your destiny," he tells fellow 29-year-old Haruko Kogetsu.
"What?" she replies, before flat-out rejecting him. And that's where their love story begins.
Whether it's the beach they went to as children, their college entrance exam building, or the shrine where they offered prayers last New Year's, it's a miracle how the two have actually crossed paths countless times since they were little. Yet they don't know each other's name nor recognize each other's face. The greatest "destiny" story kicks off on the worst possible note.
Starring Kenichi Matsuyama & Directed by Yu Irie!
Based on the comic “FUTAGASHIRA” by Natsume Ono.
A ransackingly entertaining historical piece filled with the slick tricks and thrilling deceptions of a band of thieves.