Program List

Cast : Riisa Naka (仲里依紗)
5 Titles

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Extremely Inappropriate!


Ichiro is a PE teacher in 1986 feared by his students for a "tough love" approach, harsh tongue and frequently “inappropriate” behavior. He’s also a dad trying to raise a rebellious daughter after having lost his wife to illness. When he gets transported in time to 2024, he encounters modern sensibilities that teach him about empathy, but also gives people of today reason to rethink their own political correctness in this time traversing comedy about change.

1986년. 이치로는 “사랑의 매”라 불린 엄격한 지도를 하는 것이 당연시되던 쇼와시대의 체육교사. 거친 말투에 부적절한 언동을 되풀이하며 학생들로부터도 무서움의 대상이었다. 그런 이치로였지만 아내를 병으로 잃고 집에서는 외동딸의 비행에 애를 태우는 보통의 아버지이기도 하다. 어느 날, 이상하게도 1986년에서 2024년 현재로 타임 슬립해 버린다! 이치로의 극론이 법률 준수에 얽매어진 현시대의 사람들에게 생각할 계기를 주게 되는데…? 쇼와시대에서 레이와 시대로의 타임슬립으로 다시 한번 느끼는 사람들의 차이나 공감을 그린 타임슬립 코미디.




2021.7 -2021.9

TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room

TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~

Kota Kitami, a brilliant young ER doctor, has been handpicked by Mayor Azusa Akatsuka to head a new emergency response team dubbed TOKYO Mobile Emergency Room, or MER, outfitted with leading-edge medical technology and a large mobile operating theatre to respond to major accidents, natural disasters, and other emergencies. Their mission is simple: Save every life. Team member Nao Otowa, sent by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on a secret mission, ends up forming a close professional bond with Kota, and together the two men put their lives on the line every day to rescue others. But perhaps there’s more to Kota’s superhuman bravery and self-sacrifice than meets the eye...

경이적인 구명 기술을 가진 응급의사 기타미 코타는 도쿄지사의 명령으로 신설된 구명 응급팀 TOKYO MER의 리더.
최신 의료기기와 수술실을 탑재한 대형차량으로 재해와 사건 사고 현장으로 달려가 부상자를 치료한다.
“한 명도 사망자를 내지 않는 것”이 그들에게 내려진 미션이다.
의사 오토와 나오는「TOKYO MER」의 정식인가 거부를 위해 장관이 파견한 스파이였다. 하지만, 두 사람은 어느덧 의기투합하여 최고의 동료가 되어간다.
「기다리기만 한다면 생명은 구할 수 없다」라는 강한 신념으로 그 어떤 현장에서도 중상의 환자에게 달려가는 기타미. 그 장렬한 각오와 구명에 대한 집념의 이면에는 무엇이 있을까?

擁有驚人急救醫術的超級急救醫,喜多見幸太為東京都知事下令新設之專業急救團隊「TOKYO MER」的隊長。
團員之一的醫生・音羽尚為厚生勞動省的官員,因厚生勞動大臣之令加入團隊為的是阻止「TOKYO MER」被正式核准,也就是個間諜的身分,但和喜多見在工作上逐漸互相理解,而成為最佳合作拍檔。

  • Romance
2020.10 -
  • Romance

Mothers in Love


Ann Ishiwatari had a carefree and comfortable existence until the sudden disappearance of her husband turned her life upside down. Now she must make her way as a single mother with a son who has just entered an elite high school. In this new social environment, she meets Yuko Hayashi, a successful businesswoman and the glamorous Ms. Kanbara who is plagued by her husband’s extramarital affairs. Though outwardly happy, their lives hide troubling secrets that can’t be known. But fighting through pain, these three never-say-die moms parlay their struggles into unexpected new life directions, and perhaps even re-experience the magic of romance in this life-size love story.

이시와타리 안은 무엇 하나 부족함 없는 생활을 보내지만 어느 날 갑자기 남편의 실종으로 생활이 바뀌며 싱글맘이 된다.
유명 고등학교로 아들의 입학을 계기로 가족을 부양하는 커리어 우먼 하야시 유코와 완벽한 생활로 보이지만 남편의 외도로 고민 중인 간바라 마리와 만난다.
잠깐의 망설임이 생각지도 못한 방향으로 인생이 전개되는 세 명의 엄마들.
겉으로는 행복한 생활을 하는 것처럼 보이지만 누구에게도 말할 수 없는 비밀과 고민을 안고 있었다. 상처를 받으면서도 강하고 씩씩하게 열심히 살아가는 엄마들의 모습. 그리고 또다시 여성으로서 사랑에 빠지는 순간을 그린 리얼한 러브스토리.


  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking
2020.4 -
  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking

Gourmet Detective Goro Akechi

美食探偵 明智五郎

If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your last meal? A handsome gourmet detective gets to the heart of a serial killer in this poisonously romantic suspense drama!

Detective Goro Akechi has a passion for fine dining. Good-looking but incredibly quirky, he solves food-related crimes by using, well, food. He treats Ichigo Kobayashi like his assistant and drags her into all sorts of cases, even though she's perfectly happy just running her food truck.

The thorn in Goro's flesh is the beautiful and self-proclaimed "Maria Magdalena," who upon meeting him transforms into a killer. Their relationship is at the same time "detective vs murderer" and "opposites attract."

Indulge your senses in savvy investigations, dangerous romance, and exquisite cuisine in this ultimate gourmet entertainment!

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2019.4 -
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Tokyo Bachelors


Recent statistics show one out of four men never gets married before the age of fifty. Our three bachelors are devoted to their work, have great hobbies, are skilled in housekeeping and have good friends. In short, they lead a meaningful life and stay single by choice ---until a twist of fate make their conviction waver and make these three highly eligible men start to think about marriage.

The central figure Taro Ishibashi (38) works for a megabank. His analytical skill and keen observation power prevent him from getting into love relationships. His two bachelor buddies are Reiya Miyoshi (37), the owner of a dental clinic and a divorcee who enjoys his second single life, and Kazuhiko Iwakura (45), a top lawyer of a major law firm.

Good-looking with high credentials, they were happily pursuing the liberté de la vie…but life sometimes takes unexpected turns. When they started to think about marriage, they suddenly realize that getting married is actually a dauntingly difficult task.