Program List

Cast : Ryusei Yokohama (横浜流星)
7 Titles

  • Mystery
  • Mystery



The protagonist is an 18-year-old innocent death-row prisoner.
The man who was unable to trust others gradually begins to trust others and open his heart by finding true friendship and love in various places he hides out.
A human drama depicting a long runaway after escaping from a prison to reveal one's true identity.

Japan Release: 2024.11.29

  • Action
2022.1 -
  • Action

DCU: Deep Crime Unit


DCU is a detective series of a team of elite divers boldly solving crimes where no investigation has gone before. The darkest secrets, however, might not be hiding in the oceans’ depths but are buried in their own pasts. And they must be confronted before they throw the entire world into deadly chaos.

「DCU」是Deep Crime Unit(潛水特殊搜查隊)的簡稱,為日本海上保安廳新設作為搜查水中事件及意外的專門團隊。

「DCU」는Deep Crime Unit(잠수 특수 수사대)의 약칭으로 해상보안청에 신설된 수중 사건과 사고를 수사하는 스페셜리스트 집단.
“수중 미해결 사건을 해명하는 것” 이 그들의 미션이다.
「DCU」의 대장 니이나는 규칙을 무시하고서라도 진실을 파고드는 포기를 모르는 남자. 니이나가 이런 성격이 된 것은 한 팀이었던 친구의 죽음이 관계되어 있다.
다양한 수중 사건과 구조, 외부로부터의 침입 대책 등 어려운 사건에 맞서며 물속에 있는 의문과 사건을 해명해가는 수중 엔터테인먼트 미스터리!

  • Romance
2021.4 -2021.6
  • Romance

Why I Dress Up for Love


Fashionista Kurumi Mashiba works as a publicist for a popular online home décor company. When she launches a social media account to promote the company, she ends up amassing 100,000 followers and becomes a fashion influencer in her own right. But she’s so wrapped up in work that she forgets to renew the lease on her apartment and finds herself thrown out onto the street! Help comes in the form of Kouko Saotome, an older female friend and successful food stylist who lives in a luxury apartment in the heart of trendy Omotesando. Kouko invites Kurumi to move in with her, but it turns out she doesn’t live alone. And so, the stylish Kurumi finds herself living with an eclectic group of men and women very different from her. Don’t miss this heartwarming series packed full of love in all its many forms!

“꾸미는 여자”마시바 쿠루미는 인터넷 통신판매에서 젊은 층으로부터 지지를 받는 인테리어 회사 홍보직원이다.
선전을 겸해 시작한 SNS에서 10만 명 이상의 팔로워를 가진 인플루언서로서 활약 중이다.
매일 업무에 쫓겨 맨션 계약 갱신을 잊은 탓에 살던 집에서 나오게 되고 언니로 따르던 인기 푸드스타일리스트 사오토메 코우코의 도움을 받는다.
코우코의 주선으로 오모테산도의 고급 주택지에 세워진 그녀의 맨션에서 나이도 직업도 제각각인 남녀 5명의 생활이 시작된다.
예쁘게 차려입는 것으로 자신의 안식처를 얻어 온 주인공이 가치관이 다른 사람들과 한 지붕 아래에서 다양한 사랑을 펼치는“하우스 심쿵♡”러브스토리!

這時胡桃一直非常崇拜的“大姐姐”, 人氣食物造型師早乙女香子,向她伸出了援手。

  • Romance
2020.8 -
  • Romance

Cursed in Love


A few words he uttered 15 years ago took away everything I had.

Nao spent her formative years living at Kogetsuan, a well-established Japanese confectionery shop, where her single mother worked as a pastry chef. She is the same age as Tsubaki, heir to the store, and they become each other's first love.

One morning, Tsubaki's father and head of Kogetsuan is stabbed and found covered in blood. Nao's mother is arrested based on the six-year-old Tsubaki's testimony and the little girl is kicked out of the shop.

Nao's mother died while the investigation was going on, preventing the truth to emerge. Fifteen years later, the case is still shrouded in mystery. Is she really the culprit?

Nao and Tsubaki have a chance encounter at a Japanese sweets contest. Drawn to Nao's creations, Tsubaki approaches her without discovering who she actually is and proposes right then and there. Nao decides to hide her true identity and marry him so she can become a Kogetsuan insider and prove her mother's innocence. Little does she know that a slew of adversities are coming her way.

Sure, they are each other's first love, but they are also "the suspect's daughter" and "the victim's son." Just when will Nao's identity be revealed? How will Tsubaki react when he finds out? Although their bond continues to grow, will they be able to overcome fate's cruel games?

Who murdered Tsubaki's father and what is the truth behind his death 15 years ago? This summer, the same crew that brought you "Your Turn to Kill" brings you "Cursed in Love"--a thrilling love mystery that follows a couple who get closer as the days pass, even though they should be despising each other.





  • Action
  • Mystery
2020 -2020

  • Action
  • Mystery

PANDA Judges the World


Boldly expose hidden dark truths!

The streets are swamped with malicious sexual and power harassment, corporate fraud, and corrupt authorities… Amidst the slew of tabloid stories, internet rumors and speculations about these crimes, the truth often remains gray, disappearing into the darkness.
But someone dares to break through the unseen barrier protecting these crimes, and boldly expose the truth hidden beneath… This is the story of Miss Panda, a mysterious woman with astonishing physical abilities, and the young mentalist who controls her. Receiving orders from the cryptic man, “Mr. No Compliance,” they will turn these gray matters the law can’t touch into Black and White.

  • Romance
2019.10 -
  • Romance

marigold in 4 minutes


Mikoto Hanamaki is a paramedic with a special psychic ability: he can see the moment at which a person’s life ends. But the talent is a curse because despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to change that fate. Living with his sister-in-law, Sara, in an exceedingly pure yet somewhat taboo romance, Mikoto grows frantic when he sees precisely how her life will end in just a year’s time! Can this empathic paramedic, fighting on the front lines of life and death, find a way to alter the immovable hand of fate and save the one he loves?

구급 구명사로 일하는 하나마키 미코토에게는「사람의 마지막 순간이 보이는」특수한 능력이 있다. 하지만 모든 수단을 다 써도 그 운명을 바꿀 수는 없다. 그런 그가 사랑하는 사람은 함께 사는 의붓누나 사라이다. 사실 미코토는 사라가 1년 후에 이 세상을 떠날 운명임을 보고 만다. 사랑하는 사람을 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까? 구급 구명사가“바꿀 수 없는 운명”에 맞선다! 「생」과「사」에 맞서는 구급사와 슬픈 운명을 짊어진 의붓누나와의 순수한 금단의 러브스토리.


救急救命士として働く花巻みことには「人の最期の瞬間が視える」という特殊能力がある。しかし、どれだけ手を尽くそうともその運命を変えることはできない。 そんな彼の愛する人は同居する義姉・沙羅。実はみことは沙羅が1年後にこの世を去るという運命を視てしまう。愛する人のために何ができるのか? 救急救命士が、“変えられない運命”に立ち向かう! 「生」と「死」と向き合う救命士と、悲しい運命を背負う義姉の純粋すぎる禁断のラブストーリー。

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2019 -2019
  • Comedy
  • Romance

A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love


After being a star student in high school, Junko Harumi finds herself in her early thirties having failed at love, college entrance exams and good employment. Working at a cram school as a tutor bereft of hope and motivation, she spends her days believing she’ll be fired at any moment. Then one day, a knuckle-headed, delinquent teen named Kyohei Yuri appears before her. “I want you to get me into the University of Tokyo,” he says. Having herself failed to get into the country’s most prestigious university, Junko refuses thinking it beyond her abilities, but then is overpowered by Kyohei’s strong will and desire, and finally relents. In the process, she is surprised when her handsome cousin, Masashi Yakumo, an elite trade company man, returns from working overseas and suddenly proposes marriage to her. With her life suddenly taking a turn for the better, can Junko get Kyohei into the University of Tokyo from a bottom-feeder high school? And is she destined to find the love to set her life on a new path?

고등학생까지 우등생이었지만 지금은 사랑도 수험도 취직에도 실패한 30대 전반의 하루미 준코는 근무처인 입시학원에서 희망도 의욕도 없이 잘리기 직전이다. 어느 날 그런 그녀 앞에 삼류불량학교에 다니는 유리 쿄헤이가「나를 도쿄대에 입학시켜달라」
며 찾아온다.
자기 자신도 도쿄대학 입시에 실패했기에 다른 사람을 합격시킬 수 없을 것이라며 거절하지만 쿄헤이의 기세에 눌려 결국 승낙하게 된다. 그러던 중 명석한 두뇌에 엘리트인 이종사촌 야쿠모 마사시가 해외 부임에서 돌아오더니 준코에게 갑자기 프러포즈를 한다!?
삼류고교에서 도쿄대 합격이라는 무모한 도전을 준코와 쿄헤이는 달성할 수 있을까? 준코는 운명의 사랑과 만날 수 있을까?

有一天,一個低能學校的不良高中生由利匡平來對她説“請讓我考上東京大學”。 雖然因爲自己的入學考試也是不及格,所以覺得不可能而拒絕的順子,但被充滿干勁的匡平迫得最終還是接受這個工作。
順子到底能不能完成讓匡平從底層高中考上東京大學這個欠斟酌的挑戰? 順子是否能遇到命運的戀愛?