Program List

Cast : Tetsushi Tanaka (田中哲司)
6 Titles

2020.10 -

A Girl of 35


A daughter returns 25 years later, but as a 10-year-old girl.

Set in 1995 and 2020, this story makes us ponder how we have changed over the last 25 years.

A freak accident suddenly puts the main character in a vegetative state as a 10-year-old girl. Everyone in her family, which broke apart from the resulting regret and guilt, and her now fully-grown first love, all currently live a lonesome existence. Only her mother continued to keep a watchful eye on her, hopeful that she would miraculously regain consciousness.

After 25 long years, the "girl" with a 35-year-old body but a 10-year-old mind wakes up! Trying to fill every void, she rushes to accumulate over two decades' worth of experiences and matures as she goes through pains and heartbreaks. The 10-year-old at heart goes to middle school, high school, and eventually blossoms into a woman--one that appears to embody what we all have witnessed over the last 25 years.

When her mind catches up to her real age, just how will she see the world she lives in? During these 25 years, what did we gain and what did we lose?

In this story of awakening and soul cleansing, a girl arrives from the past and moves us, who seemingly have spent the last 25 years sleeping, to ponder just how we really should be moving forward.

  • Thriller
  • Mystery

  • Thriller
  • Mystery

Stolen Identity 2

스마트폰을 떨어뜨렸을 뿐인데:붙잡힌 살인귀

In the first movie, Stolen Identity, the loss of a smartphone by a lover leads to the horror of a heroine’s life being targeted, followed by the exposure of a hidden past for a double mystery that resonated deeply with the smartphone generation. Depicting an ever-present danger that could befall anyone in contemporary society, the movie depicts the potential horrors of our social media age where a small detail in our networked society can potentially wreak havoc with people’s daily lives. This sequel ups the ante over its predecessor in scale as it sets the police on a massive cybercriminal hunt.StoryIt’s been several months since the police closed the case on a serial killer who preyed on women with long jet black hair. But then a new unidentified body is discovered at the same crime scene. Police detective Manabu Kagaya hurries to interrogate Yoshiharu Urano, a serial murderer whom he had caught. “Did you do it?” he queries. But the imprisoned Urano will only reveal the existence of a “M”, a dark web mystery man whom he refers to as his master. Meanwhile, Kagaya’s lover, Minori, is being targeted by a mystery man, and Kagaya must make a tough decision to recruit Urano’s assistance.

전작 『스마트폰을 떨어뜨렸을 뿐인데』 는 애인이 떨어뜨린 스마트폰을 계기로 머지않아 목숨이 위태로워진 여주인공의 공포와 숨겨진 과거가 파헤쳐진다는 몇 가지 의문이 겹쳐진 미스터리 작품으로 「스마트폰 세대」 를 중심으로 많은 공감을 불러일으켰다. “누구에게나 일어날 만한 가까이에 있는 공포”를 그려 바로 SNS시대를 대표하는 한편의 영화가 되었다. 사소한 일로 일상이 무너져가는 인터넷 사회의 공포와 함께 속편에서는 경찰 조직과 연루된 사이버범죄가 전작 이상의 스케일로 그려진다.줄거리검은 긴 머리 여성만을 노린 연속 살인사건이 막을 내린 후 몇 개월이 지났다. 같은 사건 현장에서 새로운 신원불명의 사체가 발견된다. 사건을 수사하기 위해 형사 가가야는 예전 자신이 체포한 연속 살인마 우라노를 찾아 형무소를 찾아간다. 「네가 죽였어…?」 라고 묻는 가가야에게 우라노가 밝힌 것은 자신이 스승으로 받든다는 「M」 이라는 다크 웹상에 존재하는 수수께끼 인물의 존재였다. 한편 같을 무렵, 가가야의 애인 미노리를 노리는 수수께끼의 남자가 나타난다. 가가야는 고심 끝에 우라노에게 사건의 수사 협력을 의뢰하기로 결심하게 되는데…


2019.4 -

Emergency Interrogation Room


Yukiko Makabe was a senior officer on the Special Investigations Team, but was reassigned after she took responsibility for a failed bus hijacking case. She was transferred to the Department of Grill Room Investigation. Since the department is specialized in conducting important investigations, only the best made it into the group. Surrounded by veteran investigators with unique personalities, Yukiko starts her new career. Her job will be to uncover the hidden truths by interrogating suspects that are far from ordinary. This is a new police drama that focuses on the battlefront behind closed doors.

  • Romance
2018 -2018
  • Romance

Never Be Yours


A rich and intriguing love suspense drama of a fierce battle between a wife and a lover based on an award winning novel “Kakuregikuku” by Mikihiko Renjyo.

Kayoko is a homey housewife keeping a happy family for 20 years married to Junpei, a son of a prestigious Japanese Restaurant working as its head chef. But her normality crushes as a woman named Tae appears out of the blue telling her she has been Junpei’s lover for the past six years and makes her outrageous statement,

“I’m here to take your husband.”

She shows her the divorce paper with Junpei’s signature and tells her his restaurant is at a verge of bankruptcy. Faced with the daunting reality, she falls into an abyss of her life. But with her unyielding positive spirit, she comes out with a surprising proposal. She asks Tae to buy the divorce paper for 60,000,000 yen, so she can become the proprietress of the restaurant to get it back on business. A rich and intriguing love suspense led by bewitching quadrilateral relationships of the men and women in their forties.

  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation
2017 -2017
  • Action
  • Crime & Investigation


CRISIS 公安機動捜査隊特捜班

Based on award-winning writer Kazuki Kaneshiro's story,"Crisis" focuses on Inami and Tamaru, two members of a secret team of specialists working directly under the jurisdiction of the Security Bureau of the National Police Agency.

In an age when the nation is under the threat of unimaginable crimes, everyone is their enemy: terrorists plotting to assassinate a politician, new religious movements, military spies, drug cartels, and sometimes even politicians who ought to be protecting the citizens. In the face of national crises where reckless evil and political ambitions intertwine, these extraordinary men rise up!

Every self-contained episode of incredible incidents is created with Kaneshiro's signature attention to detail and information bringing a whole new concept to police drama.

  • Romance
  • Romance

Yuria’s Red String of Fate


Yuria Izawa is married to a kind-hearted, unsuccessful novelist. She spends her days peacefully, teaching an embroidery class. One day, her husband falls down unconscious at a hotel, and is transported to a hospital. When she rushes to a hospital, she finds her husband with a beautiful young man who claims to be his "lover". In addition, two girls who call him "Dad" and his girlfriend also appear. Yuria makes a bizarre suggestion that they all take care of her husband, and she invites them into her house to begin a strange communal life. Yuria continues to hold out amidst the whirlpool of her bizarre life, and eventually "a premonition of her new romance" arrives, which she thought she would never have again...