Program List

Cast : Wakana Sakai (酒井若菜)
2 Titles



This is the story of a woman who responds to an abused girl's silent cries of help. Nao, an aloof 30-something woman who works reluctantly as an elementary school teacher, notices the unmistakable bruises on her first grade pupil Rena. Initially, like everyone else, Nao looks the other way. But Rena's wretched desperation soon awakens a passion and determination in Nao. Together they skip town and embark on a risky journey pretending to be mother and child. "Mother" is the story of the transformation of a once disenchanted woman who suddenly takes on the role of a parent to a child who is starved for maternal love. The drama probes into the meaning of motherhood in modern society.

  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music

  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking
  • Music

Cooking for My Imaginary Girlfriends


Rising Star Mahiro Takasugi Cooks Popular Japanses Foods for 12 Ideal Girls

Masao works for a subsidiary of an electronics manufacturer, and on weekends he plays the bass guitar. He is serious and clumsy in his relationships. He is not popular with girls and has been without a girlfriend for 3000 days. Masao's daily routine is to cook delicious meals. He stands in the kitchen, preparing ingredients. As he cooks, he enjoys a conversation with his imaginary girlfriend.
Twelve beautiful women and secret recipes will appear throughout the 12 episodes!
This drama received one of the most prestigious awards in Japan.